Do like me and hoard them as much as possible, don't this look good
You and me both baby!
Just got my PSPro!! The future is now!
Do like me and hoard them as much as possible, don't this look good
Edit: Also, what's the deal with the Tough Pots etc? Is there a limit to use or anything? Would be silly if you could give Cecil 20K+ HP.
So exviuswiki updates the mog King rewards a d now they put metal gigantuar?
Still no lb pots :sadface:
You can see the max amounts you can give to some units on exviuswiki or reddit one.
Here's what it looks like for Cecil :
It also add them to the base stats, meaning any % increase ability will be even more effective.
You can see the max amounts you can give to some units on exviuswiki or reddit one.
Here's what it looks like for Cecil :
It also add them to the base stats, meaning any % increase ability will be even more effective.
Is there a way to keep track? Or is it more: oh, can't fuse any more guess I maxed.
When you select a pot to fuse to your units, it show how much you already gave it.
In a future UI update, we'll be able to direct see that without needing to fuse, like this (far right column) :
and all these damn 5 star physical attackers, only got CoD.Thinking the strat is to use the corresponding pot with the best unit in that category, right?
So DEF pots for Cecil, MAG pots for Arc/Kefka, ATK pots for Luneth/Lightning, etc.
shorter: specialization is the key.
(speaking of -- everyone saw wiki split support rankings into buff and debuff? great reminder that i have N E I T H E R lololo)
Refia 60/80, already have everything to awake her
CoD 80/80, missing a few mats for her awakening
Cecil 82/100
Yep, I'll need a hefty amount of Gigantuars.
Damn I love the Arena so much!
CoD 96 now, so close. Refia or Arc next hmm...I think Refia as I'm quite fond of Kefka and his Hyperdrive!
How do we obtain more arena tickets?
2 Barrages is ideal, there is absolutely no situation where you will need more than 2.
Between CoD 6* and the Halloween event gear Arena's been a breeze. Since I don't have Luneth maxed out yet, 1st turn AoE atk down + silence from CoD followed by the Halloween mask damage + paralyze skill pretty much completely shuts down enemy teams. The only danger so far comes from enemy CoDs.
Can PvP be cheesed by closing the game like the Colosseum?
214, 192, 270. Looking for a few new friends after clearing out the inactives. Dual Cast Ultima Ramza at the moment as leader.
Oh wow, I almost crashed in a battle (it crashed right after in the results), I gotta need that 100 consecutive wins trophy ASAP just to be sure.The game crashed on me during a battle. I reopened it and it said I lost. Fuck. Ruin my winning steak.
Oh wow, I almost crashed in a battle (it crashed right after in the results), I gotta need that 100 consecutive wins trophy ASAP just to be sure.
Oh wow, I almost crashed in a battle (it crashed right after in the results), I gotta need that 100 consecutive wins trophy ASAP just to be sure.
Pick the lowest rank 100 times?
I got a second Exdeath while trying to get Refia, I think I'll be fine with double dual cast meteor when he gets his 6*Pick the lowest rank 100 times?
That's what I was working on. Didn't get too too far but still...annoying. The game crashes way too often.
I got a second Exdeath while trying to get Refia, I think I'll be fine with double dual cast meteor when he gets his 6*![]()
4 levels to 100 with Refia.
Damn, hit the claim all by accident, and now I have 200 NRG to burn. Scripting TMR, and let it run..
Damn, damn, damn
You got to quote the OP. It's should be there.Anyone have the link to the GAF FF:BE Google Docs page?
Osmose drains all the mp of a unit. Without mp a unit in arena is just like a Dead unit
Osmose drains all the mp of a unit. Without mp a unit in arena is just like a Dead unit
Osmose drains all the mp of a unit. Without mp a unit in arena is just like a Dead unit
Do like me and hoard them as much as possible, don't this look good
hmm, you made me wonder, is it actually possible to get a huge/amazing success from tm moogles?
Using 5 of them and getting an amazing success would be insane
Osmose drains all the mp of a unit. Without mp a unit in arena is just like a Dead unit
-- what is everyone's biggest arena ranking points win? 122 is my max, going up against a 1.06.