With one more base 5*, it's going to be a little worse.are the rates on the 2nd tilith banner also this garbage? I feel bad for all of you who pulled a fuckton and got nothing
With one more base 5*, it's going to be a little worse.are the rates on the 2nd tilith banner also this garbage? I feel bad for all of you who pulled a fuckton and got nothing
With one more base 5*, it's going to be a little worse.
With one more base 5*, it's going to be a little worse.
With one more base 5*, it's going to be a little worse.
Yeah fuck this event, time is better spent doing missions. I am SO fucking pissed.
My FL is already full of with gaf peeps, cant delete anyone and im too broke on lapis to buy more slots ;_; when I spend money ill add you all
damn, I thought she was gonna get a banner on her own for her 6*... thats disappointing
If you can't get Refia or Tilith, you'll probably have to pull for Luka.
Is it worth switching my Lightning leader to Tilith just so people can get bonus...?
Good luck!If I cant get Tilith I'm deleting this game lol
Only if they have a strong enough party to defeat Vargas. If so, yes.
Argh...what is it with the wait x amount of time to post again...grml.
Use raise and be over with it.I just want to say that all of you guys with dual wield CoD in arena casting barrage can go to hell. Takes like 5 minutes for her to finish, God damn.
Got a lucky triple metal god spawn and only had Karl
Got 10k karma
So yeah you gamble but its not a bad random haul here and there. Event is definitely doable with one bonus unit
Decided to burn 3 tickets while I'm at work, and 10+1 pull when I get home, all on the BF banner. First was a blue->Yellow Refia...weird, second was a Lani, and third was a Bedile.
Well I'm glad I got those pulls out of the way.
Man after playing around with friend unit Elzas....she is just crazy crazy powerful.
I'm really torn with how much I want to grind this event with all the new content out right now. On one hand, i at least want the sword and tickets, on the other hand I really want to finish up a few close TMs.
So what makes elza so good?
High stats
Good abilities
Synergy between her strongest attack and he Multi Hit limit break
Shes quite good even without TMs
Also, her improved Barrage skill is insane, albeit a bit high in MP use.
"Three physical damage (4.2x) to random enemies and increase LB gauge fill rate (100%) for 3 turns to self" Pretty sure it doubles with Dual Wield too.
Rob, which dungeon were you running when you hit the 10k karma? INT or ADV?
My god. Elza.....
I picked her as my friend unit for attempt #2 at the 13NRG event dungeon...holy shit! I realize I had a whale friend that had her maxed already with dual wield and probably dual gugnirs, but holy shit! That 4x140% attack was hitting about 70k per hit on holy knight vargas. Between her and my CoD, I killed Vargas in a single round. With the right setup and against humans, Elza is just impossibly strong.
I think I'll do ONE 11 pull on this banner. She's just too nuts. I haven't seen a jump in character quality like that since Lightning was released.
Yeah the spawn rate seems to be similar to the thieves from the Demon Heart event
This is probably the least generous event yet but not the WORST we have had
That belongs to the afformentioned Demon Heart event
Ehhh..... maybe in the most technical sense of "Worst", but only marginally better because of bonus units.
The whole crux of the event is hoping that a cutpurse... errr.... metal god spawns on a run while using at least one friend unit. Otherwise, karma gain might as well be zero.
The level of "feast or famine" based on a bad RNG roll I would argue is worst than Demons Unleashed. At least there, the boss guaranteed a demon heart drop on ADV. Here, players have to pray for the rare invade on every run for any significant event currency accumulation.
Use raise and be over with it.
I went through over 200 NRG to only face metal gods once, ain't that some shit
I've burned about 200 NRG as well I think and haven't even seen what the metal gods look like.