This is the rates for the more recent FFT currency event.
Knight Delita and Mercenary Ramza are .25%
Meliadoul, Orran, Agrias, Gafgarion are 1.1875%
Alma is 20%
Every other unit available is sub-1%. These rates have been pretty standard as of late, even before the base crystal change.
So if you're looking to farm it, you can usually just get like 2-3 Almas then go in with your most powerful units and you would be good. as the bonus rate even on the low tier bonus unit is either 50% or 65%. I got about 1100~ with Meliadoul, Agrias x3, Gafgarion, and a friend for 13 EN. It does help they increased my EN pool for free recently lol
Knight Delita and Mercenary Ramza are .25%
Meliadoul, Orran, Agrias, Gafgarion are 1.1875%
Alma is 20%
Every other unit available is sub-1%. These rates have been pretty standard as of late, even before the base crystal change.
So if you're looking to farm it, you can usually just get like 2-3 Almas then go in with your most powerful units and you would be good. as the bonus rate even on the low tier bonus unit is either 50% or 65%. I got about 1100~ with Meliadoul, Agrias x3, Gafgarion, and a friend for 13 EN. It does help they increased my EN pool for free recently lol