Yay Memu crashed again when i left it for a few hours today
Crashes frequently for me too, even prior to the update. What sort of works for me is to reboot the whole computer.
Yay Memu crashed again when i left it for a few hours today
I have killed Vargas 36 times and I have killed 3 Metal Gods (all in one run).
Menu> Guides> Monster then scroll down to #428 to tell you how many runs, then either 443 or 444...
Ok bought more tix with Karma, made 2 pulls.
1. Tix Ludmille \o/
2. Tix Karl
This went nicely. Got my first CoD to 100 Swapping Cecil from event party and putting CoD there + 2nd Karl to replace someone.
Lets go:
About TEH CoD:
Tested with Friend CoD targeting my CoD with dark atk, didnt heal, got the resist resist...
Ha, my largest whale kicked me back when I swapped to Kefka.Someone send me a friend request:Thanks @Raika \o/
Some kicked me from friends cause changed leader to Karl. Well its his problem.
Another failed Overnight Memu run
I guess its permanently broken? Seems to guaranteed crash overnight
I would just bring a strong melee unit. If they have a song aor LB attack even better. Attach an angel ring on your weak unit to keep their health regenerating. If they can heal even betterSo you know how we can clear maranda with one 350+ mag thundara unit as long as it has 220+ mp? Anyone know the setup to farm mystic woods (for unit exp)?
God I cannot stand Cecil in PVP, and every fucker has one.
Encounter someone with a Refia, Cecil and Lightning and you are fucked no matter what you do
God I cannot stand Cecil in PVP, and every fucker has one.
Encounter someone with a Refia, Cecil and Lightning and you are fucked no matter what you do
Ha, my largest whale kicked me back when I swapped to Kefka.
I keep having this issue too latelySo much lost time.
So an update
Uninstalled Memu, restarted computer, fresh install memu
Seems to be working ok for now but i wont know for sure until it runs for a few hours without crashing
The long journey. It begins...
I already have one DW completed and another 4 Ludmilles. Be nice to have a mage team that can all fire two shots at once.
Cool, let me know how it goes for you. I assume you didn't touch any of the files? Just simply uninstalled and reinstalled?
You people are supposed to stop me from 11 pulling damnit!!
The long journey. It begins...
I already have one DW completed and another 4 Ludmilles. Be nice to have a mage team that can all fire two shots at once.
You start that journey girl!!
-- After pulling my first Tilith earlier (!!!) I just pulled my 2nd Luna (I'll take the easier barrage tyvm) and a Roselia (???).
-- and OH HELL YES, c-murph! After staring at this same trust team (3 cecils, a lumille, and a locke) for 3 weeks I'm kinda excited to see a screen like that. WOOOOO
You start that journey girl!!
-- After pulling my first Tilith earlier (!!!) I just pulled my 2nd Luna (I'll take the easier barrage tyvm) and a Roselia (???).
-- and OH HELL YES, c-murph! After staring at this same trust team (3 cecils, a lumille, and a locke) for 3 weeks I'm kinda excited to see a screen like that. WOOOOO
I could give two deep fried shits about that silly waifu girl, I need my Tilith!!
I could give two deep fried shits about that silly waifu girl, I need my Tilith!!
You people are supposed to stop me from 11 pulling damnit!!
So I realize I don't have anyone on GAF on my friends list yet despite sitting here regaling you all with my troll rainbow. So yeah, add me if you have space, I could use some stronger bodies. CoD current lead until I finish maxing luneth or one of the BF units.
We could try and you still would>_>
Main acc: 936,875,612
Running cap 6* Luneth.
Alt acc: 984,103,344
Run Delita 6*. 88 currently but getting up there as I am just exp running now.
Congrats man. That is a very worthy pull for sure, and definitely worth your 5k Lapis!So I said fuck it and decided to burn through Lapis to get enough Lapis to 5k pull from Missions, because I hadn't pulled a single BF unit yet.
So. Worth it.
Edit: Was also my first Rainbow crystal since like my first couple weeks of playing back in late August.
Thanks.Gratz, I'm so glad for you!
Sometime it feels so good to YOLO and get amazing results.
I really hate Galuf. Everything about him bothers me. His stance, his name,. everything. And he KEEPS showing up. I'll have him at 100% TM without him seeing a single battle. I'm sorry for your loss. :/Did another 10+1 and of course it was full of shadow and galuf.
Congrats! It might be one of the lesser-discussed TM, but it's definitely useful (especially when paired with CoD, as you did). Nice work!Iam happy for this. Prolly not so many have grinded it, since its not highest tier TM.
If you meet 3 Metal Gods, you get nice xp too:
I have low level 4* Karl in party and I can choose random Elza from the list and kill Vargas.
Power of Dual Cast and I just get Exdeath LB read for Vargas, guarantees Paralyze and other nice status ailments.
Congrats on the Tilith/Karl/Seria! Three separate banner characters in the same multi-pull, that's some incredible luck.Did my 10 pull to spend the lapis I had on my Google Play account (since I play on my phone on Amazon now), and got Tilith(!), Karl and Seria, all in the same pull. Hell yea!
Now on my 8 NRG runs, I'm getting about 400 Karma if I have a BF friend unit.
I'm completely done on this banner now, though I'd have loved to get an Elza.
Can't believe I got 3 4* banner units on a single pull, pretty nuts.
Stuck my weak ass Tilith as my friend unit, just for the bonus. When this event is done, I have a decent Luneth to put up there.
Also got another Lenna in that pull, which was enough to max her TM, so now Refia has a sweet 70 SPR rod.
Sorry.Daily pull Cecil
Thanks. I guess these things really do balance themselves out eventually, haha.Congrats!!! You are MORE than due that kind of luck.
Yay! Chrono finally snagged a healer!!
Thanks!Got Arc from the daily summon, confused little boy! And Rydia with ticket... this BF banner is not kind to me.
Grats on the Tilith and Firion chrono, maybe your luck is starting to turn!
Thanks, man.Oh fuck I missed this \o/ \o/ \o/
Grats grats grats \o/ \o/ \o/
Yeah, I am entirely okay with the usage of 500 Lapis instead of that ticket I was originally going to spend. It's a mistake I would happily make again.Best accidental use of 500 Lapis!! Congrats!!!!
I added the three folks that sent requests. Had to delete the two folks that hadn't been on ages. I had one slot left after that. I went ahead and bought another 5 slots in case.
Thanks!Congrats on the pull Chrono. It might not be the healer you wanted, but I hope it lifted some of the stress you were feeling.
Has anyone else noticed in the arena if you kill a unit while it's defending another unit you can't damage the unit it's defending even after it dies? It's been happening quite often now since everyone uses Cecil
Also, thanks to everyone on my list who pulled some of the banner events and are sharing them. It makes the event somewhat doable right now. I tried 2 tickets and got a Russel and Anzelm. I'll just wait for Orlandu...
No joke, I forgot this guy was even in-game.
Congrats! You got Elza too? If so, here. Have my seething jealousy.Daily pull......Tilith!!!!
Got every brave frontier units now.
Don't have to pull anymore unless I want Luneth...
What a terrible night to have a curse. And it was a terrible night.Has the Chronobcurse finally been lifted?!?!? Yes it has, congrats!
Tilith! \o/!!Thanks guys, it was pretty unpleasant. I mean, I knew I'd have terrible luck this banner, but that's just cruel. It touched a nerve something fierce, which made me end up doing something ill-advised in buying lapis to do an 11 pull, which ended up like this:
Okay, I feel a little better now. I guess rage pull works?
I'm not sure if I congratulated you on your Tilith or not (if you posted earlier about getting her). So many have been having luck on that end, the names kind of blur together.-- After pulling my first Tilith earlier (!!!) I just pulled my 2nd Luna (I'll take the easier barrage tyvm) and a Roselia (???).
-- and OH HELL YES, c-murph! After staring at this same trust team (3 cecils, a lumille, and a locke) for 3 weeks I'm kinda excited to see a screen like that. WOOOOO
She's useful, and one of the more rare characters. Congrats!Gold crystal!
Garnet :/
\o/!After a string of really unlucky pulls I got Tilith from a daily today. <3
Safe travels, my friend.The long journey. It begins...
I already have one DW completed and another 4 Ludmilles. Be nice to have a mage team that can all fire two shots at once.
Stop you? You're in the wrong place, we only encourage people here. Speaking of, you should absolutely do a 10+1 pull. You know you want to.You people are supposed to stop me from 11 pulling damnit!!
Elza is so damn tempting right now.
I might cave and do an 11 pull myself soon just to give myself a shot at her
In a bit of a pickle and looking for some advice.
I have Refia & Tilith at 4* max and can only awaken one of them. Which should I awaken?
Is Tilith getting her 6* soon? This is the one thing keeping me from choosing.
In a bit of a pickle and looking for some advice.
I have Refia & Tilith at 4* max and can only awaken one of them. Which should I awaken?
Is Tilith getting her 6* soon? This is the one thing keeping me from choosing.
In a bit of a pickle and looking for some advice.
I have Refia & Tilith at 4* max and can only awaken one of them. Which should I awaken?
Is Tilith getting her 6* soon? This is the one thing keeping me from choosing.
Listen to the fine folk above me. Awaken/level Refia first, as she's immediately useful. Tilith is only truly great when she gets her 6* awakening, which is likely a couple months away on Global. You'll have more than enough time to level her gradually over time.In a bit of a pickle and looking for some advice.
I have Refia & Tilith at 4* max and can only awaken one of them. Which should I awaken?
Is Tilith getting her 6* soon? This is the one thing keeping me from choosing.
So what does the "rank" mean in the arena?
You know what's broken about Elza?
Not her skillset, her LB, or those crazy debuffs alone.
It's that exclusive materia/ability "Tablet of Ruin". THAT is frigging broken.
20% ATK buff is indeed nice, but also giving her High Tide?
LOL, she's practically what I envisioned the Rydia system to be. If her LB is up (which becomes trivially easy to fill), and there are at least 3 opponents in the encounter, then her AoE LB generates enough crystals to FULLY REFILL HER LB BAR COMPLETELY. So, she can do that over and over and over again, for ZERO MP.
THAT is frigging broken.
Tillith 6* is a long, long way away on Global.
If you finish in the first 3000 weekly you got goodies.
If you finish in the first 3000 in the monthly rank you get 2 trust moogles.
are you FUCKING kidding me, this stupid game crashed and i lost my streak in the arena