Yeah, she's equal to both Luneth and Lightning right now without Dual Wield and more powerful than either if you have it as far as I can tell. That's for single targets anyway. Lightning would have her versatility advantage and Luneth still has an AOE attack making him a little more useful if you need to take a bunch down.
She'd probably be low-90s, maybe sub-80s in JP right now though. lol
She's got some easily identifiable (likely intentional) areas of improvement.
-- Lack of Dual Wield
-- Lack of any special effects/buffs/debuffs on her LB.
No clue what standard 7* unit buffs would be (greater auto refresh?).
-- Does multiple forms of LB haste stack?
Elza is odd (at least on Global), as her exclusive materia grants High Tide, and her best skill grants Hyper. Would they stack? Seems like they should by design. The Hyper buff icon does show up in battle when Madness Rush is used on her.