chilly, my lapis are with you buddy (just literally...) youll get your shine, now or in the next batch, dont give up, we are with you.
Now speaking of the next batch (im sure is FFV, because the other 2 possible batches are FFXIII and part 1 of FFZero and both are mog king grind... And i dont think Global will get the Secret of Mana batch) what can we expect of the 3 new units?
-Full Break User
-Provoke user, so she can sorta tank? (she cant equip heavy armor and heavy shield though...)
-Has EVO MAG+10 and EVO MAG+20
-However, he cant equip staffs...?
-But she can equip swords, so could be a good experiment to test evo damage with 4 ingus TMs?
-Her TM is so niche (materia, 50% more damage to Aquans & Dragons)
So, having a full break user and if you are not Lyrian, this unit is kinda useless...
-Pirate girl, everybody loves pirate girls (FARIS IS A PRINCESS NOT A PIRATE, SHE LEFT HER CREW TO DIE OF STARVATION)
-146 base ATK at 6star. Same value as Luneth/Elza and 1 more than Lightning
- Can equip daggers, swords, Axes and Hammers.
- Cant equip Shields (so she must be a dual weild / Doublehanded user)
- Innate barrage
- Axe Mastery (+50% atk with axes)
- Her most powerfull attack is a cut through with reduction of water resistance instead of DEF.
- +20% ATK +20% HP
- TM is a 125 ATK water Axe, the most powerful weapon in global at that moment.
Good unit in Vanilla form, Monster unit with TMs.
-149 base ATK, highest value in global at that moment.
- Can equip all weapons. ALL
- Cant equip hats and shirts, so no black cowl or brave suit (!!!!!)
- Jump, High Jump
- +20% ATK
- AOE 180% damage with 50% def ignore
- AOE 200% wind damage
- Weapon collector. (+40% ATK with katanas, +30% ATK with swords, +20% ATK with great swords)
- 3x100% hits to one enemy (not random like barrage or elza's)
- His TM is Genji Glove (accesory, +10% ATK/MAG, Dual Weild), better than dual weild because you can use that materia slot on other things.
The best unit of global, and a total monster. Weapon Collector can make you get a +140% ATK (40% Katana + 50% blade mastery + 30% Swords + 20% innate ATK)
To make a highlight of how much ATK can have gilgamesh right now:
149 Base
98 Sakurafubuki
120 Excalibur
30 ATK+20
89 Weapon Collector (40 katana + 20 great sword)
75 Blade Mastery
14 Dark Helm
60 2xBracers
60 2xATK+20 Materias (fencer or karl)
51 Ifrit
Total: 746 ATK
However, a 590 ATK cloud of darkness still do more damage to humans than Gilgamesh, take note of that.
Also, upgrade of bartz and exdeath
Gilgamesh right now isnt a big upgrade of Luneth or Elza, but with newer equipment and materias, gilgamesh with outclass lightning and luneth in a blink, if we talk about raw damage.
Conclussion of this batch: its Exvius Christmas!