TM overnight was successful. Finally
All those changes did the trick
TM overnight was successful. Finally
All those changes did the trick
I prefer the suspense of seeing it after you beat the first wave.That feeling when you press Menu and immediately see this...
Whew! Daily pull got me a blue crystal, which burst into a yellow, then a rainbow. Hello, Elza! <3
She's going to pair nicely with White Which Fina and Cecil for fully comprehensive sustainability!
Whew! Daily pull got me a blue crystal, which burst into a yellow, then a rainbow. Hello, Elza! <3
She's going to pair nicely with White Which Fina and Cecil for fully comprehensive sustainability!
Mine crashed, what changes did you make?Yeeeeessss
TM overnight was successful. Finally
All those changes did the trick
Mine crashed, what changes did you make?
Ahh Nox... Damn I don't want to use it but there's no other way. I'll let it running, let's see what happens on it.Using Nox
Updated Video card
Went into Nox setting and turned it to high performance and Direct X rendering
Went overnight no problem
My macro did get a bit tripped up but not too bad
Japan BE gacha laws now:
* [B]All base 3* have an equal chance of appearing regardless if their max rarirty[/B].
* Gold crystal will give a guaranteed 4 base
* Rainbow will give guaranteed 5base.
Whenever / if (hopefully someday) gacha change comes to Global BE.
Code:Japan BE gacha laws now: * [B]All base 3* have an equal chance of appearing regardless if their max rarirty[/B]. * Gold crystal will give a guaranteed 4 base * Rainbow will give guaranteed 5base.
Few words, it may be good to grab few (now) common units and dont fuse them:
- Keep few Penelos if you intend to grab 3* Abel and grind 3* Abel TM
->82 ATK Dagger, Skills: Wield Two Weapons
- Keep few Lanis for Equip Axe TM
-> I did read here in GAF about future Axe -> Someone could confirm that we get Trial / Event in future that has nice Axe?
- Few Edgars for Chaining Chainsaw + finishing skill / spell
-> Not sure if Edgars are more abudant in the future than now
- Shantotto's will be more rare after possible gacha change
Are there other units that are too easy to grab and need to keep multiple copies?
Luna and... I don't know.
Accidentally took Ludmille TM team in to face Vargas, WHOOPS.
Elza solo'd it.
That feeling when you press Menu and immediately see this...
I just want to say, that i love your Elza because of bladeblitz!The rarity equal comes in the ff6 batch, we are like 4-5 months away from it.
I just want to say, that i love your Elza because of bladeblitz!
That feeling when you press Menu and immediately see this...
It's probably been discussed here before, but how useful is Demonic Life? Does it stack with Cheer and such buffs? It's 40% boost below 50%, so pretty notable.
I don't understand why we have to wait for updates not related to content.
''Hey guys, we listened to your complaints and now auto-battle remains active from fight to fight!! Oh, you guys on global complained about it too? Just wait 6 months and we will solve your problems too!!''
''Our gacha system is fucked up right? So many complaints, lets fix that shit!! Oh you guys on global have a problem with it too? No problem, a year from now we will do the same for you!''
Fixes should not be treated as content upgrade, huh.
Daily pull: Clyne. That's not Tilith Gumi.
Time to spend my last three event tickets:
Kefka No.4
Shantotto No.15
Galuf (TM 75%)
I was discussing with Lyrian earlier. The strongest buffs are the only one applied to your unit. And it doesn't stack.
It's ok Chilly, one day you will get goddessVivi and that axe bitch Lani today for me![]()
Yeah but is it an applied buff or an activated passive?
Cuz passive bonuses most definitley stack
Someone should test with Dark Knight Cecil
I was discussing with Lyrian earlier. The strongest buffs are the only one applied to your unit. And it doesn't stack.
Ah, I probably won't bother getting any then.
Kinda shame, nothing really worth getting in this event outside the Trust Moogle and tickets. The weapons are "ok", but nothing spectacular.
Daily pull....Rainbow(I was half having lunch and didn't realise it was a rainbow as it's been so long since I saw one, had to do a double take)
(Never pulled him before! Now I'm gutted as I wish I got his ability from the shop)
And now I just ran into Metal Gods straight after, lucky day...
Daily pull....Rainbow(I was half having lunch and didn't realise it was a rainbow as it's been so long since I saw one, had to do a double take)
(Never pulled him before! Now I'm gutted as I wish I got his ability from the shop)
And now I just ran into Metal Gods straight after, lucky day...
Congrats Jeffrey, she's awesome!
Congrats Xion! I'd love to have another 5* base character