I feel bad for her :/

Added you. Enjoy clearing all the contenta without effort.
If you want to beat Champion Ablaze with only my unit:
Equip a unit with siren (must have attack song unlocked)
Equip a unit with ifrit that has barfire
You can equip a unit with an esper that has deprotect, but its optional.
First fight: bladeblitz with my elza
Second fight: attack song, bladeblitz
Third fight: attack song, barfire targeting elza, madness Rush with Elza.
Vargas Will kill all but elza.
Madness Rush again. Youre done.
Half daily pull, I see a rainbow crystal. I'm thinking, please Elza.....
I couldn't believe I got her. Wow!
Two Tiliths and one Elza from this banner so far.
I'm going to guess something related to numbers and probability. Just a wild guess!
As someone who majored in mathematics I appreciated this lol.
Maxwell's TM feels like it's way above the kind of power we should be having right now. Still, I'm looking forward to having it, as well as the unit. And hopefully it's a somewhat challenging fight. Feel like the game has been a bit too easy for some time now (in before this fight is ridiculous lol).
Farming for karma is taking forever (I'm only running the 8NRG since I get destroyed on the higher level), but I'm determined to grab both Destroyer's Authority and Guardian's Authority, a few summon tickets and both weapons.
I don't have her so no, rate is garbage.So many Elzas in GAF
Awesome man!
Seems like her rate is pretty good dont you think?
Hopefully the Maxwell fight isn't too difficult. If I can get her early I should be able to finish the Karma event up early. I really need that 5% trust moogle too. My 1st Zidane just hit 95% today so it looks like my first TMR is well within my grasp now.
Due to my insomnia I was up most of the night and ended up playing and leveling up. My arena squad is now comfortably in the 1100-1200 range and I'm close to finishing my second arena board. After my original 92 win streak being killed by a connection error I'm back up to 65.
I guess I'll skip the banner unless someone is really worth it. I have 16k lapis and 37 tickets, but I feel like better units are around the corner.
Updated Vargas stats - 149 kills / 32 metal gods
I see Cactuar Dunes is coming this weekend. Is that more or less NRG efficient than farming 100 karma until I get all 100?
Can Maxwell go to 6* or is she stuck at 5*?
I'm full and every single one of the friends is a gaffer =(
amazon coins is still cheaper. $100 for 80, and you get some credit back too.
Gafgarion is really worth it for his TM.
Garland is really worth it because he will get very powerful with enhancements.
DKC is really worth it because he will be top tier with enhancements.
To me this banner is trash because I already have everyone, but if you don't, PULL.
amazon coins is still cheaper. $100 for 80, and you get some credit back too.
So, I haven't played in about 2 months, and have only been doing daily pulls every day since. My old team that's maxed at 5* is mediocre, but I've since pulled Luneth, White Witch Fina, Cecil, and Elza, which all work together very well, and I'd like to use them, but damn, unlike Brave Frontier, or.. well, any other of the many gacha games I juggle, getting them to maxed out 6* seems like distant a pipe dream.
Any advice on how to make the task ahead seem less daunting?
This morning was a pleasant change. Used my daily pull. Got a blue crystal and sighed thinking hopefully this isn't a crap unit as that's all I've pulled lately. Crystal turns yellow! Thinking hey that's a change maybe I'll get Tilith. Breaks and turns rainbow and out pops Elza. First 5* base unit and definitely useful for my team as I haven't pulled anyone physical.
This morning was a pleasant change. Used my daily pull. Got a blue crystal and sighed thinking hopefully this isn't a crap unit as that's all I've pulled lately. Crystal turns yellow! Thinking hey that's a change maybe I'll get Tilith. Breaks and turns rainbow and out pops Elza. First 5* base unit and definitely useful for my team as I haven't pulled anyone physical.
Can't decide if should do more pulls for refia because already i already did 33 pulls
Here whats I pulled tthat are worthly
1x 3* Ingus
1x 4*Garnet
2x 3* Arc
1x 3* CoD
2x 3 and 4* Mustadio
1x 3* Locke
1x 4* WoL
1x 5* Ramza
1x5* Luneth (lol I need Refia)
Is it worth to pull again for her or should i switch to pulling Titlth for future proof.
I'd say you absolutely should get either Refia or Tilith for end game purposes. Refia has a higher rate to be pulled so...Can't decide if should do more pulls for refia because already i already did 33 pulls
Here whats I pulled tthat are worthly
1x 3* Ingus
1x 4*Garnet
2x 3* Arc
1x 3* CoD
2x 3 and 4* Mustadio
1x 3* Locke
1x 4* WoL
1x 5* Ramza
1x5* Luneth (lol I need Refia)
Is it worth to pull again for her or should i switch to pulling Titlth for future proof.
Can't decide if should do more pulls for refia because already i already did 33 pulls
Here whats I pulled tthat are worthly
1x 3* Ingus
1x 4*Garnet
2x 3* Arc
1x 3* CoD
2x 3 and 4* Mustadio
1x 3* Locke
1x 4* WoL
1x 5* Ramza
1x5* Luneth (lol I need Refia)
Is it worth to pull again for her or should i switch to pulling Titlth for future proof.
amazon coins is still cheaper. $100 for 80, and you get some credit back too.
Are ANY of the current Mog King Materia worth it?
It's been a while. Best place for Sarced Crystals?
Uhhh yea
All of it
Except the last one. The HP+15% isnt really super worth it but if you have nothing better to chase..
Finally pulled a 2nd BE unit (Karl), but as I'm looking to make room for him in my karma farming party, I realize it (along with Seria) is pretty terrible for a 4* base. Can't even equip any bar- spell. Basically just deadweights. Too bad I haven't been lucky enough to get the other two more useful units![]()
Finally at a comfortable spot where I will not be pulling for a very long time or I should say until the Thunder God is released.
6* Breaker Unit/dps in Elza w dual wield
6* phys/elemental dps in Lightning w/ Deathbringer/Excal, Blade Mastery, and Chiri (no Myuki /sad face)
6* phys dps in DKC with barrage whom will be replaced by Orlandu
6* Tank/off healer in Cecil
6* healer if Refia w/ dual cast and soon* to be 6* healer in Tilith.
Other misc 6* of note are Ramza, CoD, and Demon Rain. Outside of Orlandu I'm set with units. I've been TM grinding for 1.5 months and have progressed quite far but have so much further to go. Brave Suit, Infernal Amulet, Letters and Arms for Ramza, Lordly Robes, and so on and so on.
Finally at a comfortable spot where I will not be pulling for a very long time or I should say until the Thunder God is released.
6* Breaker Unit/dps in Elza w dual wield
6* phys/elemental dps in Lightning w/ Deathbringer/Excal, Blade Mastery, and Chiri (no Myuki /sad face)
6* phys dps in DKC with barrage whom will be replaced by Orlandu
6* Tank/off healer in Cecil
6* healer if Refia w/ dual cast and soon* to be 6* healer in Tilith.
Other misc 6* of note are Ramza, CoD, and Demon Rain. Outside of Orlandu I'm set with units. I've been TM grinding for 1.5 months and have progressed quite far but have so much further to go. Brave Suit, Infernal Amulet, Letters and Arms for Ramza, Lordly Robes, and so on and so on.
So I have Refia and I have Tilith. Pretty much the main goal for these banners, are any of the other pulls necessary to have right now? Bear in mind I have a 6-star CoD that just needs levels to hit 100 and I have a max-level Lightning.
I'm just wondering what else is necessary or must have right now.