So, when is maintenance suppose to hit?
Wha!? Game is supposed to be down for maintenance, haha.Wonder if I should use lapis to refill nrg to fight Maxwell since it is up now for me.
Haha, that's great. Go for Maxwell!Yeah, I'm not sure what is happening but I'm still in the game and can do quests
Yeah, I'm not sure what is happening but I'm still in the game and can do quests
Oh, good call. Yeah, might want to be careful, could even end up having your account banned (probably not, but you never know...).Good luck with that. You might lose some data if you're not careful.
Well did the fight and yeah, there is no way anyone will be able to do that foght unless you're a whale. Team was Garland, Refia, Tellah, black Cat Lid, Cecil, and friend Elza. Went all out first turn and took off 1/5 of her health. She then proceeds to do Genesis 3 times and wipes everyone but Cecil and Elza. Next turn she does a 5 to 6 turn single unit barrage but luckly Cecil took it all. Next turn she does some aoe holy attack that kills Elza and then proceeds to do anothee barrage that was double the power of the first barrage to finish up Cecil. Never stopd a chance
I was using Valentus Elza. She barely made a small dent. She was the only one that made a dentShe has 1m HP and 100% weakness to Dark. Valentus'/udca's Elza should do the trick easily enough I guess.
It's possible the encounter is bugged/unfinished now, since she's not supposed to be released yet.I was using Valentus Elza. She barely made a small dent. She was the only one that made a dent
Yeah that is my guess right now. I got a taste of unchanged Maxwell and it sure made me cry hahahaIt's possible the encounter is bugged/unfinished now, since she's not supposed to be released yet.
Were you able to hit her limit break while her defense was broken? Did her defense even get broken?I was using Valentus Elza. She barely made a small dent. She was the only one that made a dent
There is probably a way to her but I don't want to risk playing cause of data corruption possibility
It should be only 2 hour maintenance so you should lose only 24 nrg.
I did debuffs and no, they didn't stick. Didn't try Full Break cause I didn't take someome with it. None of BCL's debuff stuck from hex with the exception of that one that has a weird looking Virus symbolWere you able to hit her limit break while her defense was broken? Did her defense even get broken?
I can see this would be a problem if she is immune to debuffs.
I did debuffs and no, they didn't stick. Didn't try Full Break cause I didn't take someome with it. None of BCL's debuff stuck from hex with the exception of that one that has a weird looking Virus symbol
Also wasn't able to pull of any limit breaks since none of their lb meters got enough to fill at all.
What does disease even do?Looking those pics, it seems disease would work. Was it only 1 floor fight?
Yeah, you automatically start off fighting her. No extra floors and it's No Continue as well
15 nrg to fight her.
Disease lowers base stats by 10%. Stacks with Break abilities.What does disease even do?
This is starting to sound like an infomercial.Oh yeah, i forgot to mention that Genesis casts debuffs on everyone.
This is starting to sound like an infomercial.
What CAN'T Maxwell do!?
Does she resist breaks?
No she does not but it doesn't matter she is rolling my very capable team easily. I don'tknow if this is achieveable outside of a full COD team
I had to look it up on the wiki, but it lowers Base stats by 10% and stacks with breaksWhat does disease even do?
Guarantee base 5* pullsThis is starting to sound like an infomercial.
What CAN'T Maxwell do!?
We're doomed. All doomed.From Reddit:
...But I want a base 5* pull...Guarantee base 5* pulls
Anyways, I'm going to head off to bed now and be haunted by what I just experienced in my dreams. Night y'all.
To get her, one of the units has to equip Diablos, that pretty much guarantees this unit won't last long (it will be weak to her light attacks).
She is also weak to magic it seems, so double casters with 400+ MAG might be the best bet to finish her of quickly.
Reddit said:* MereCrazyJoker
She wasn't that bad. I beat her with this team.
Garnet and Refia have dual cast, Elza is stacked, Ramza is pretty much naked, Cecil has random gear.
* Lord__Abaddon
I think I should of researched her a bit seems like 50% she needs to be dispelled due to self buffing and going apeshit on my team the main problem is she generally kills my team the turn she buffs. going to have to defend on all and have 1 unit push her.
Reading more that Reddit thread:
Defend, Dispel dispel dispel. My Garnet is 4* :/ Just wondering how to get enough Esper orbs.
Yup and then to keep Diabolos unit aliveI assume 1 million HP is enough to evoke 1 esper.
BE is up, my Special collaboration reward is empty, maybe fills later or if I restart game.
Maxwell Starts Friday 11/18 00:00 PST