I am now leaning more towards leveling CoD and sticking with Lenna for my healer, with Artemios as my other Damage.
So it will be Leanna, CoD, Artemios, Luneth, and Cecil for this fight. Even though I have crap items for CoD right now, I can stick Dual Wield on him and purchase two Mirthil Maces. Far less damage on the weapons, but with Man Eater Bonus, Diablos, and Dark Damage. Should easily make up for it. 50% + 75% + 50% + 100%, with -25% Damage with COTV
Artemios... I do think it maybe better to attempt to raise Tilith too. But his ATK won't be has high as buttz, but I think he'll make up for it with the Dark Damage and Man Eater, though I could give Buttz the bow instead.