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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT2| All your Shadows Belong To Us

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Uuuhhhhh. Team of lightning, luneth, Refia, CoD, Cecil and a friend's elza. All lvl 100. Boss destroys me. Soooooo..... Is this a whale only fight? Because I can't see stacking enough damage. Around turn 4 or 5 it starts healing itself and stuff. This is nuts.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Something doesnt add up - got my Esper bar to like 80% and then it didnt move for like 4-5 rounds....wtf. They really dont want people to get the 5* Maxwell reward lol.


Omg, right when I was about to give up on this game because I think the power creep is too much after fighting Maxwell 6x and losing, I decided to do a yolo 10+1 pull. First crystal rainbow....Elza!


Woot, first try. Got both the Evoke Diabolos and LB kill trophies on the first go at that (though not the no KOs one).

Cecil (Golem), WoL (Ramuh), Refia (level 99 lol, Shiva), Garnet (Ifrit), CoD (Diabolos) and someone's Luneth.

Was pretty easy. She really couldn't do shit to me as long as I kept buffs and debuffs up.


Beating Maxwell is the easy part. Evoking Diabolos is hard af.

Garnet or Rydia is almost a requirement. Just max her LB and you can summon Diabolos immediately.


did you guys tried using "hyper" to fill the LB gauge quicker? seems like a good way to get rydias LB off as fast as possible...
haven't tried the Trial myself yet (still leveling rydia) but that is how will try it later..


Beating Maxwell is the easy part. Evoking Diabolos is hard af.

Garnet or Rydia is almost a requirement. Just max her LB and you can summon Diabolos immediately.

Is it, though? Because I brought my whale friends and they got knocked the fuck out.
Best I could do was get her to 5-10% health before I couldn't keep up the damage and healing anymore... I think I can either kill her or evoke Diabolos with a little luck but definitely not both. Do I really want to level Rydia from 4* min to 5* max for this? That's a lot of Cactuars for a (currently) 5* max unit.
I seriously want to know what people are using who are calling this easy. Because this is by far the most difficult thing we've ever faced in the game.

About to go in with a full breaker (WoL replacing my CoD). Will report back.


did you guys tried using "hyper" to fill the LB gauge quicker? seems like a good way to get rydias LB off as fast as possible...
haven't tried the Trial myself yet (still leveling rydia) but that is how will try it later..

Is one hyper enough. I havent done the Earth Key quest yet :D


Jeeze, that Rune move is just disgusting... According to the wiki she also has 2 heal moves 10k and 12k, but healed nearly 200k in 1 round on me. >.>; Guess CoD and a friend Elza wasn't enough...
Maxwell fight wasn't too bad. Took Elza, Lightning, Cecil, Garnet and Tilith with a friend CoD. Kept Tilith's buffs up so Maxwell didn't do much damage until turn 4 or 5 where everyone went below 1000 hp to the boss's big attack. Was able to get Garnet's limit break in time by having her attack the boss a couple of times. Didn't get the limit break on kill star for the extra karma but it shouldn't be too bad after subbing out garnet for someone else and not having to auto attack 2 turns to build meter.


So if I bring an OP Lightning friend, my Lightning, and some Hyper to fill Garnet's gauge sounds doable.

Might try it in a minute with my current team


Annnd easily 3 turned it with 0 KO's with Valentus' Elza. Two goes, every trophy done, yay.

Cecil, Refia, WoL, Elza, CoD for my units and I have a whole 0 premium TMs, btw.

Embolden, Focus, Full Break, Ravaging, Omni-Veil, and then just blew her up.

When I did the LB/Diabolos run I had the units a couple posts above, same setup except swapped Elza for Garnet and had a friend Luneth.

Same buffs, cept no Ravaging. When you've got Omni-Veil, Embolden, and Focus up and Full Break on her she really doesn't do much damage. After I buffed up the first turn I just did regular attacks until my LB gauges were full and then used Garnet's LB to fill the summon gauge and evoke Diabolos.

After that I just kept buffs up, kept her dispelled from when she put buffs up, kept Full Break on her, and just burned her down.
Full breaker, got close to winning. But still got destroyed.

Wtf am I doing wrong here??????

What buffs and debuffs work???

I use embolden but still see attack down on my units?

This is really pissing me off


Yeah. No chance for me. How many moves does she do each turn? 6? I saw Genesis 3 times in one turn and at least two more normal attacks. Full HP 6* Cecil, Refia, Luneth and Ramza ate it that turn.
Get the fuck out of here Gumi. Seriously.



Well, looks like i need to work on stalling for the esper gauge. But everything is fine. Glad this isn't as bad as people said.

Wait what? What on earth or whatever this world is called happened!?
I really don't get it. Are people just getting lucky that it isn't using killer moves against them?

I've tried the fight 6 times now. Is it buffing itself at a certain point ? And how do I remove it? Dispel??


The majority of the teams I've been seeing, either have 6* Cecil or a 6* Lightning/Elza/Luneth, accompanied with a Lightning/Elza/Luneth friend. I should be okay on healing, and tanking the damage for 4+ rounds (unless RNG hates me), but I'm going to find it difficult to do the damage needed with just a CoD and a strong friend. Chizuru just isn't cutting it, especially since she doesn't have Dual Wield or Blade Mastery. I literally took off maybe...10-15% of her health, with Maxwell being Full Break'd, party buffed with Tilith, CoD using Barrage and Elza using Madness Rush. I need another strong DPS, which I don't have, and she kills me before I can manage to kill her. I do have Cecil, but again he's only 4* now and would like to use WoL (if possible), just so I have a tank + Full Break user. If only this event came later, after WoL and Tilith received their 6* evolutions, but then I'd still be suffering on the DPS side-of-things.



Well, looks like i need to work on stalling for the esper gauge. But everything is fine. Glad this isn't as bad as people said.

Wait what? What on earth or whatever this world is called happened!?

So she wiped your entire party in one turn and from full health too? My my...

Edit: Cecil survived.. but still crazy


Well, looks like i need to work on stalling for the esper gauge. But everything is fine. Glad this isn't as bad as people said.

Wait what? What on earth or whatever this world is called happened!?


I was so close to Diabolos like 85%. So I was stalling and game over for me.

Without dualcast it's kinda impossible for me. Cuz she keeps killing every other unit but Cecil and Refia.


I wonder if someone can help me out.

I'm in Kolobos Marsh - Exploration and there's a treasure chest. #1 on this map. When I try to open it the game makes this really weird sound and it doesn't open. I think it's glitched or something. Has this ever happened to anyone?

Is the chest you are referring to the silver chest? Those require magic keys in order to open

Decided to do a daily pull since everyone seems to recommend pull for the banner units. #3 CoD. Should I even bother trying a 10+1 pull at this point? It seems like the game is just fucking with me right now.
Got utterly destroyed, even using all the buffs/debuffs in my arsenal. I did manage to get her to around half health, but I went from full health to dead in one round, even Cecil. And my evoke meter had barely moved. And since I don't have Rydia or Garnet, I'm guessing it won't be possible for me. Bummer.

I did 9 pulls today, hoping to get CoD or DKC. Here's the results:
Galuf (troll gold)

What a bizarre mix. Leo and Duane are new to me, but not terribly exciting. I now have 3 Bartz, which I guess is noteworthy. But I still don't have a solid physical unit, damnit!

I have just over 5,000 lapis right now. Is this banner worth an 11 pull if the only thing I'm really looking for is a DPS unit? Or should I hold out for a future banner?


Oh my, grats & sucks. If Iam correct yours is already 6* and maxed?

Ill try event later today, need to get Rydia to max 5* and my 2nd CoD from 71 to 100.
Ready to burn some Lapis :p

She wasn't bedile. But I was hoping it was a base 5* not my 5th Refia :(


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I dont think its possible to get Maxwell without Rydia/Garnet unless you have a full decked 6* Top Tier team,

Leveling my Rydia right now...lol.
Can people claiming an "easy time" please post their units.

Here's what I'm working with, using and not coming close to winning.

Lightning - enhancer, shining splendor Crushing Blow every round.
Luneth - blood sword, shining splendor Cut through every round
Cecil - Focus, then curaja all the time
Refia - embolden , curaja all the time
WoL - full break, item usage
CoD - omni veil, protectga , then call of the void for damage.

Friend unit, elza, and her most damaging stuff.

Can't win with this. It's insane to me because I'm my eyes besides TM farming this is as good as it gets. Yet some in this topic claim "easy".


2 tries to beat her with all objectives completed, I didn't use Rydia nor Garnet nor Valentus (somehow didn't pop up for me).

I used Chizuru + Lightning + CoD + Cecil and Refia ... all are maxed. Friend = Luneth with Diablos...

What I did was to barrage with Chiz + Lightning + CoD .. with a little luck you will have your bar filled by the 2-3 turn.
Well i can beat her if im using a good whale and she doesn't buff herself, i just can't get diabolos, this is ridiculous, I simply get utterly crushed(whale unit included) once she goes HAM after the buff/rune combo.

in other news, I got a Tilith on the daily, after not getting on the BF banner i somehow got her on a daily. That's the first good unit i've ever gotten off a daily.


Going to try with the following

Garnet to Hyper, and auto attack to fill gauge
Cecil to Focus, then Dispel every round
Refia to Embolden, then Curaja
Agrias to FB after Dispel every round
Lightning to CB every round

Celegus CoD to Omniveil, then Barrage every round, or Zera's Lightning to CB, or Valentus Eliza to Madness Rush every round
Man fuck this game.


Decided to give it one more try and didn't run into a single issue I was having in my 6 other fights before. I guess I just got lucky with the moves being used against me or terribly unlucky in the other tries. Either way, using the exact same strategy shouldn't have that big of a difference in how the fight can turn out. Glad it's done, but unless someone posts a full proof plan to evoke diablos I'm done with this shit.


Can people claiming an "easy time" please post their units.

I cleared the fight quite easily, but did none of the challenges. The units I used were:


Tuffymon's CoD

Used embolden, full break, hex strike, shellaga, veil, and call of the void first turn.

Turn two I provoked, healed (should have used imperial as damage was minimal), defended what Agrius and BCL incase of buffs so I could dispel and fb, and then call of the void chained. Did this till she died.


Can people claiming an "easy time" please post their units.


Refia (Shiva) - Golden Staff, Chapeau, Magi Robe, Candy Basket, Muscle Belt, 10% Hp, 10% Spiritx3
Cecil - (Golem) - Blood Sword, Flame Shield, Survivor Helm, Force Armor, Defender's Bracer, Black Belt, +10% Def x4
Warrior of Light (Ramuh) - Enhancer, Ice Shield, Golden Helm, Reflect Mail, Charm Bangle, Rabbit's Foot, +10% Def x4
Garnet (Ifrit) - Golden Staff, Mystery Veil, White Robe, Silver Armlet x2, Guardian's Authority x2, +10% Hp, +15% Hp
Cloud of Darkness (Diabolos) - Lunar Pestle, Tiger Mask, Black Belt Gi, Hero's Ring x2, Destroyer's Authority x2, Demonic Life, +10% Atk

Refia - Embolden/Heals/Dispels
Cecil - Focus/Heals/Dispels
WoL - Full Break
Garnet - Heals/Dispels
CoD - Omni-Veil/Call of the Void
Friend Luneth - Barrage

Basically, I buffed/debuffed, regular attacks on everyone until Garnet could use her LB, Evoked Diabolos on CoD, and then just blew her up with CoD/Luneth and their attacks and LBs.

I did use 2 Phoenix Downs (probably wouldn't have had to if Refia was 100, she was only 99), an Elixir, and a Mega Ether on that first run where I got both the LB and Evoke trophy. Second time was basically the same, except swapped Garnet out for Elza and used Valentus' Elza, and destroyed her in 3 turns for the No KO trophy.


Tried a very defensive group Lenna, Tilith, Charlotte, CoD, Lightning and friend Cecil, after Rune went off, with EVERYONE in defense (except Cecil, he cured that turn), and having Rainbow Veil up, I almost got one shotted. Whenever he puts that attack up on (I think in conjunction with Rune) it's just a 1 stop rekt shop express.
So it turns out Bartz has entrust and I just pulled a 5 star version off a ticket looking for Garland, I also have Rydia ready at lv 80.






Did a banner pull

Started off terrible with a cyan...

ended up with

Dark Knight Cecil
Garland x2
Duane x3
Luna, Krile, Fran

So I finally pulled my first 5* unit. I have no idea what to gear it up with or where to go from here. I'm still angry about my arena streak which was actually 96. The only bright side of the weekly reset is my monthly ranking hasn't dropped yet. So i'm still in the 1200 rank range.

It's 5am I'm not quite sure what I should do so I'm gonna try and get some sleep. I used up my arena tokens and ran the normal karma event a few times. I'll see if I can beat Maxwell later to simplify karma farming.

Good luck to everyone running the new event and best of luck unlocking Maxwell


So it turns out Bartz has entrust and I just pulled a 5 star version off a ticket looking for Garland, I also have Rydia ready at lv 80.


We had our 1st (disappointing) rainbow crystal in the same day!



If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
LB isnt moving at all....lol..... Rydia is being useless.

Cleared it now without any of the missions - think ill focus on Cactuar now and come back after the Weekend.


Hyper isnt exactly good. Tried it to Rydia, her normal attack combo is so bad. I guess I try next Barrage tactic. 2x CoD + Chizuru + Friend unit with Barrage.
Time to run Cactuars for 2nd CoD.
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