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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT2| All your Shadows Belong To Us

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Shellga was enough to prevent her killing any of my units with her Rune (Lenna, CoD, Luneth, Charlotte, WoL and Elza friend). I even forgot to use Omni Veil.

She was easier than I thought, the real challenge will be the summoning indeed. By the time my Refia is ready, I'll try again to get the rest of the objectives.

See im starting to wonder if people are failing because of STAT variances

Are your espers up? Have you been using Arena pots? Are your Materias stacked up?

Could be the difference between surviving an attack volley jsut enough to not die so that you can recover and heal up



I'm using Agrias, CoD or Lightning, Garnet, Cecil, and Refia. I'm not sure it is possible with these units. The problem is my CoD is just plain weak.

I'm using Agrias, CoD or Lightning, Garnet, Cecil, and Refia. I'm not sure it is possible with these units. The problem is my CoD is just plain weak.

But Valentus Elza can pretty much solo it... Maybe Valentus can put Ifrit and Camoflage on

Also It might be a good idea to have Elza use Dark Prayer mid match

You might be better off dropping Garnet and focusing more on complete wall defense while poking with Elza, CoD and Agrias. Have Cecil provoke, focus and help with healing. Try your absolute best to STACK refia up as much as possible with MP, DEF, SPR and HP

Even if you have to burn a bunch of Arena Pots


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I think i could beat the Challenge and evoke Diablos - but without Dual Cast and Cecil there is quite a lot RNG evolved. With Dual Cast on Refia i probably would have cleared the mission.

The Esper bar is so slow that once you are in the last quarter you are likely already in a situation where Maxwell will destroy you. Tough challenge...i like it, but not a fan of the Esper bar/RNG BS.
Another strat post from Reddit:


Hey all,

Creating another one-stop shop as Maxwell is currently the pain in our asses that's causing the sub to blow up with questions and advice threads that aren't all-encompassing. I haven't beaten her yet so please provide your insights! These are just what I've read around the sub.

I just wanted to get a "megathread" out there soon so we don't get overloaded with information in multiple spots.

Wiki Strategy (Click Me!)

Scroll down a little bit for the actual strategy, this only links you to the rewards.

*Units that show up in multiple categories will be bolded.

Powerful Break Abilities

Warrior of Light

Full Break, high HP for a 5*

Full Break - I believe her LB's stop would work on Maxwell, though testing would need to be done to see if she's immune or not.

Full Break and Focus (discussed below).

Ravaging Blows is ridiculously powerful, but won't reduce her damage to you, which is definitely more important, but it's something.

The "poor man's" Elza.

If all else fails, I guess, you can bring him along and try to keep him alive to keep her damage broken.

SPR is more important than DEF.


Only current 6* who learns Focus
Also has Curaja (discussed below)

FB and Focus. Only a 5* unit and dividing these two very important abilities up between two turns (every time you need to reapply as well) is very risky, but if he's all you have, he's all you have. Full Break first - always.

She can chain Blizzard magic as well on offturns. Not sure her Sealing Blade works on Maxwell, will need a brave soul to test.
Lid/BC Lid

BC Lid can try to cast Hex Strike to Disease Maxwell, reducing her stats by 10% as well. Stacks well with FB. Only 30% chance on disease, though - and that's the only status that she's vulnerable to (except for perhaps "stop," the wiki doesn't say).

Best 5* tank, learns Shellga which is the defensive half of Focus. If you don't have Cecil, use Charlotte.

Embolden (empowered Cheer), Full-Raise, Curaja
Cloud of Darkness

Protectga, Omni-Veil, ridiculous damage to Maxwell.
Light-Element Resistance

Cloud of Darkness

30% Light Resistance with Omni-Veil, also Protectga and lots of damage.

40% Light Resistance with Rainbow Veil, reskinned Curaja (ability, not dual-castable). No raise.


Refia is the queen of this for healers, 6* form ensures her survival much better than Tilith or Lenna, she has full-raise if shit hits the fan. If you have Dual Cast, you'll finally see how it's so powerful on healers. DC Full-Raise and Curaja in dire situations is a godsend. Or double Curaja. Or double full-raise.
I will be setting Refia as my leader unit because I have DC. Those of you who are friended to me (I'm full, sorry!) know that that's why I've taken Lightning off.

Poor Man's Refia - no raise ability, but also has Light Resistance. If you don't have CoD but do have Tilith, bring Tilith for the resistance.

Tank/Healer Hybrid. If you don't have Refia but do have Dual Cast, put it on him. Cast Focus first turn, tank abilities following that unless you need to heal.
If you have an offhealer 5* unit like Lenna and a trigger-turn (4,8,12,etc.) is coming up, HEAL with Cecil, and DEFEND with your offhealer.

Refia's pink-headed stepchild. She doesn't have raise and her 5* HP pool will get eaten very quickly with even moderate/average RNG.
Damage - Man-Eater, Dark Damage, Dual Wield

Cloud of Darkness

Current banner unit, though getting her to 6* from 3* will be a bit of a feat for the duration of this trial. It is doable, though.
Seems to be that Barrage is producing more esper orbs than anything else, at least from what I've read. So hold off on using Call From the Void until Diabolos is summoned.
CoD does more damage on Ifrit until she has 425 ATK (on Ifrit). At that point Diabolos is stronger (at 388 ATK once you switch over). This requires at least one TM to get to this ATK threshold, so most of you will want CoD on Ifrit and Diabolos on someone else that doesn't have any inherent man-eater abilities.

Man-Eater, 50% DEF/SPR Break, on a current banner but 5* base.
LB is dark-element.
Dark Knight Cecil

5* Base.
Multiple dark abilities.
Highest damaging abilities deal damage to himself. Not ideal for this fight since your healer will already be stressed.

Innate Dual Wield means they'll be doing a lot of damage.
Friend Unit - make sure they're equipping a dark element sword/greatsword/spear, otherwise take CoD or Elza.
5* Dark damage dealers like Garland and Gaffgarion?

Again he will be killing himself, but it's not as bad as DKC (and the HP is much more manageable, though that means higher likelihood of death from an AoE spam from Maxwell as well).
All else fails bring a barrage unit off the bench.

Chizuru is most of note here, as apparently Barrage is the best way to increase the esper gauge that we currently know of (or that I could find).
Try equipping Barrage if you have the TM to a current strong unit like Lightning - solely to build up the esper gauge.
Someone please let me know if the barrage esper "trick" is not actually true, I'm going by several people's word here around the forum.
Did I Miss an Ability? Chaining Magic perhaps?



See the wiki for turn-based moves by Maxwell.

Remember your Defend is a powerful tool for when you are expecting a lot of damage.

Notice her HP% "gates" on some of her abilities - it's better to hold back on damage to get the Esper Gauge up before going ham on her.

Please discuss more strategies below - As I mentioned I haven't done the fight yet so the specifics are not yet available to me. I'll add strategies here as we get more participation.


Advice on Maxwell - playing around Rune and Endless is key

Title says it.
MassWhales Assembly - Help for Maxwell

Whale "Megathread" for adding powerful friends to help you with the trial.
Please be courteous and "unadd" these special creatures after you've completed the trial. This reservation is catch-and-release only. No taking whales home with you, sorry. Whale meat is gross anyway, so I hear.
Sure Maxwell is hard, but don't you love it?

"Perspective" thread on hard trials - inspiration to change your attitude.
Maxwell Trial: How did you win?

Simple discussion thread on basic strategies.

Let me know! :)

Thanks! :D

(I'll edit this a bit later to look snazzier, for now just start the discussion!)
One option could be to stack defenses and debuffs and just weak poke the boss and endure the weaker attacks

I mean if she doesnt rune until lower HP?

Not sure if she has guaranteed thresholds or is more random

But if you hold back maybe you can even raise and recover from bad RNG volleys and build up to the esper

Then go ham for the kill after
i have no idea how some of you can survive a rune/buff combo fully intact, with focus/embolden/defend/provoke/omniveil it still won't stop someone from dying. Who that is seems to be random, I just know it won't be Cecil and whoever he decides to cover. Once you get stuck in the loop of reviving people its over, if i had dual cast on Refia that wouldn't be a problem.

Beating her isn't the problem but I still can't summon that esper, I can bring Chiz, Agrias, CoD and a DW friend and the esper orbs are of course RNG. Sometimes barrage/cleansing/madness doesn't give me anything, other times i get halfway after 2 turns then nothing.


Thanks for the guide V, but following it to the T, and knocking below the 50% tier. Maxwell didn't care that you typed what she should do ;P and did what she wanted... Meteor > Rune > Sacred Song > Machine Gun Blow (or whatever you want to pretend) still went off 4th turn and wiped my entire party.
2 spots in my back pack. If you need a 600 dps Lightning (using Ifrit she's 600, if using Diablos 570 ish) or a 494 Elza using Diablos. Post your ID's first come, first serve.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
One option could be to stack defenses and debuffs and just weak poke the boss and endure the weaker attacks

I mean if she doesnt rune until lower HP?

Not sure if she has guaranteed thresholds or is more random

But if you hold back maybe you can even raise and recover from bad RNG volleys and build up to the esper

Then go ham for the kill after

Thats what im doing - there really is no other strategy for my team.
She will use Rune regardless for the HP every 4 turns.

Issue is there is just so much you can stall while attacking/filling up the Esper bar and once you drop below 60%, 50%, 30% etc. she starts adding more crap onto your plate lol.

I can get the Esper bar up to 75% then i reach a stage where you just cant come back without Dual Cast.

Using WoL, Refia, CoD, Charotte, Chiz and Friend CoD. Also tried Nomidors Elza but she hits way too hard for that strategy lol.
IDK if I will be able to unlock Maxwell or get that 10k Karma, but I was at least able to clear her:

CoD has DW (Lunar Pestle + Mythril Mace) and friend unit was a 600+ Lightning w/ DKC's Sword (I'm sure I could have done the same with another DW CoD or DW Elza).

CoD: Omni-Veil
Cecil: Provoke
Vaan: Fullbreak
BCL: Hex Strike
Refia: Embolden
Lightning: Crushing Blow

CoD: Call of the Void
Cecil: Focus (
Are any of her attacks magical or is this meaningless?
Vaan: Barrage
BCL: Ultimate Blow
Refia: Curaja
Lightning: Crushing Blow

CoD: Call of the Void
Cecil: Defend
Vaan: Barrage
BCL: Ultimate Blow
Refia: Curaja
Lightning: Crushing Blow
Thanks for the guide V, but following it to the T, and knocking below the 50% tier. Maxwell didn't care that you typed what she should do ;P and did what she wanted... Meteor > Rune > Sacred Song > Machine Gun Blow (or whatever you want to pretend) still went off 4th turn and wiped my entire party.

Im wondering if a lot of groups are just on the edge of survival

Either statistically with their HP and stat values, espers bonues, gear etc..

Or with access to powerful abilities


Im really sorry guys. At the very lest go for the straight rushdown kill


Im wondering if a lot of groups are just on the edge of survival

Either statistically with their HP and stat values, espers bonues, gear etc..

Or with access to powerful abilities


Im really sorry guys. At the very lest go for the straight rushdown kill

I know I have a party that CAN do it, I feel its a combination of RNG and timing, I did beat her once, oddly with no deaths >.>; Now, it's just slowing enough to survive, get a summon off, and still win the battle. I feel I need to get a shirt that says I beat Maxwell and all I got was this lousy 15% dark resist... >.>;


i have no idea how some of you can survive a rune/buff combo fully intact, with focus/embolden/defend/provoke/omniveil it still won't stop someone from dying. Who that is seems to be random, I just know it won't be Cecil and whoever he decides to cover. Once you get stuck in the loop of reviving people its over, if i had dual cast on Refia that wouldn't be a problem.

Yup, did this to me. Refia was Turbo Ether junkie while Dual Casting Full Life, meanwhile Cecil was the Sister Mary Double Casting Curaja.

Mana became issue with dual casting + Embolden. As I said earlier I forgot to use Dispel, maybe my units wouldnt die so many times (Total I think it was 6-8, Elza did it twice). I think high SPR saved Refia from deaths.


Gonna try leveling tilith to 80 and using her for her veil move

Tilith -Refia - Cecil - Lightning - Chizuru or kefka... Probably kefka

So yeah. gonna need a strong ass friend to carry me. Dont have CoD or WoL


How often does Cactuar Dunes come around usually?

Abuse it. Especially if you have anyone you want to level that are worth it. (If you can farm Cactaur from the event as well if you haven't already, do so next week as well.)

Taking time to finish a couple of characters now. And by good grief, tonight I should finally have a Full Breaker.
Abuse it. Especially if you have anyone you want to level that are worth it. (If you can farm Cactaur from the event as well if you haven't already, do so next week as well.)

Taking time to finish a couple of characters now. And by good grief, tonight I should finally have a Full Breaker.

Sucks because I only have 35 energy right now, which means it isn't even enough to do 3 runs on a single bar of energy. Was hoping to farm another 10 ranks and then I could get 3 cactuar dunes runs on a single bar, but if it's that rare I guess I should refill even with just 2 runs / bar of stamina.

I already got all the gigantaurs from the event.


2 spots in my back pack. If you need a 600 dps Lightning (using Ifrit she's 600, if using Diablos 570 ish) or a 494 Elza using Diablos. Post your ID's first come, first serve.

Could always use strong friends. 293 908 750. Got my Elza maxed out now. Working on getting Refia. Just 6* her. Team is slowly turning out. Just wish I could pull a Cecil or WoL.


Valentus - thanks...

I'm in the process of maxing CoD, but she has no dual wield or anything like that. I have no Zidane, and don't have the Lunar Pestle either. I said fuck it, and am just flushing lapis until she's maxed. Currently L82


If you struggle with this trial (that is relativity easy) then how the fuck are you gonna pass dark ifrit/dark siren trial where you have to summon ifrit and siren IN THE SAME FUCKING FIGHT?????

And lets not talk about the gilgamesh trial, where he chooses an element, and if you dont attack him using that element (other elements are fine as long you use the selected element too) he fucks you so hard that deletes the app?????

That said, tonight i will try to prepare a video of clearing the trial without TMs, but yeah... Tilith/Elza and all the special items/materias are a must for this fight.

This post both scared the crap out of me and killed me with that line LOL!! :D :D nice one dude.


Are people worrying about min/maxing the pots or do they flow pretty freely in the Arena forever?

I am trying to decide on dumping my mag pots on Arc now whos currently maxed or waiting for the FF5 banner and pulling for ExDeath and putting them on him, or even putting them on my Kefka and giving him Duel Wield over Refia until big challenges come up



Valentus - thanks...

I'm in the process of maxing CoD, but she has no dual wield or anything like that. I have no Zidane, and don't have the Lunar Pestle either. I said fuck it, and am just flushing lapis until she's maxed. Currently L82

Wanna see the equip i had in my cod?

During the fight i made some mistakes, like no refilling CoD MP in time, and the refia friend i picked had dualcast and by mistake i dualcasted once (i wanted the fight to be similar as the items you had, and i assume you dont have dualcast) and my cecil died once, but hey, my cecil is 5star, i assume yours is 6star :D

You can do it girl, just dont stress.
Since I did the 11 pull, I basically have no lapis left. So I've been spending the day running the Dunes until I have 12-14 NRG left, and then hitting up easy low level missions to get 100 lapis and refilling my NRG. Rinse repeat.

I've gotten a 3* CoD up to level 72 and will definitely get her up to 6* in short order. Just in case anyone is looking for an easy way to refresh NRG for the Dunes without actually needing lapis in stock.


Using Cecil and Garnet... not o SINGLE summon orb in 5 turns. Really?

(by the way, Garnet is necessry exactly because of the ability to drop more orbs, right?)


Alright guys I did it.

I finally got Maxwell's evoke Diabolos mission finished. I just need to get the KO and the limit burst (because I was so focused on the evoke I forgot to do this) one done now but I got that crap out of the way finally.

Had to power level Agrias super hard though.


Team I used for Maxwell was:

Warrior of Light (Full Break and random attacks)
Cloud of Darkness (Buff / Barrage)
Reifa (Dual Cast Full Revive and cure spells)
Luneth (cut through, random attacks)
Cecil (Provoke, buffs, random attacks)
Elza (attacks and disease spell)

Anyway, now that's out the way I might make use of the Cactuars then go back to getting Karma when it's finished. Although I do want more Karma...hmm :/


Elza level from level 1 5* to 100 6* in one afternoon - thanks Cactaur Dunes! Burned some of my saved lapis, but it's worth it.

With Diabolos, she comes in at 464 attack, not amazing, but not too shabby. I put her on ifrit for my friend summon though.

Anyways, I am going to burn through a bit more lapis to max out WoL, then try ol' Maxxie again. I've been seeing successful strats on here (thanks guys) and Reddit, and think I can see a path to the Diabolos summon victory with what's available to me.

Also it doesn't hurt that my mega whale friend has a 728 Elza up for grabs. I should be able to push phases pretty easily when i want to with that kind of firepower.

Just hope it doesn't glitch out like it has for some and casted Rune anyways. That would be no bueno.


Team I used for Maxwell was:

Warrior of Light (Full Break and random attacks)
Cloud of Darkness (Buff / Barrage)
Reifa (Dual Cast Full Revive and cure spells)
Luneth (cut through, random attacks)
Cecil (Provoke, buffs, random attacks)
Elza (attacks and disease spell)

Anyway, now that's out the way I might make use of the Cactuars then go back to getting Karma when it's finished. Although I do want more Karma...hmm :/
Replace WoL with Agrias and Luneth with Lightning and we had basically the same team.

Personally I'm going back to Karma farming but then again I've basically accepted I'm not getting everything I want out of the Karma rewards and am just content to just get the TM Moogle and whatever materia I get. Probably won't even bother to get the weapons.

Wanna see the equip i had in my cod?

Woah now, Golden Staff equipped on CoD. What is this?

Also CCIE I believe you can do it. I was in the same exact anger over Golbez some weeks back, where even with Lightning and Valentus' friend unit I couldn't beat that asshole. But eventually after persevering, planning and leveling up I was able to do it. If you're leveling up a CoD that might be that last bit to push you over the edge. I'm certain you'll be able to get it.


Have been following the thread for the whole day... Crazy stuff! Have yet to try maxwell myself but i dont want to waste energy. Running pro awk chamber for sacred crystals is just as terrifying.. 5 runs 2 crystals...only 6 more -.- i better stand a chance after leveling tilith.. Cecil, CoD, Vaan, Tilith, Luneth + Elza... can't to get wrecked!


Keep losing with: Lightning, Cecil, Refia, WoL, Kefka, and a friend CoD/Elza.

I don't really have anyone better than Kefka to put there. Just about my only options are Vaan, Tellah, Exdeath.


Losing in what aspect? Trying to beat the challenge or trying to summon Diablos? Both?

All of it, closest I've got it down to is about 40% before people start falling over and I can't keep up. I'm following the strats listed about guarding and dispelling after 4 turns and such. Cecil and Refia tend to live forever but no one else does.

I believe that the strat would work if I can figure out where I'm failing to keep people alive. What should my esper situation look like? Should I not bring Diabolos at all and let my friend unit handle that?

At least I have a whole week to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Just need to keep at it. I put muscle belts on Kefka to try to make him live longer as he's clearly my weakest link right now.


I give up on Maxwell. There's no point in even trying anymore for me. I have no TMRs so my squad is worthless. Valentus can't even carry my sorry ass team. Refia gets swatted down every single run w/ embolden, focus, omniveil and maxwell has full break, is dispelled and sometimes even disease is on. Once she dies the fight is gone. Reviving someone requires too many people losing turns. Either I can't full break or recast omni veil or focus is gone or people need healing. I didn't even want to unlock the stupid character. I just wanted the dumb trust moogle. I figured maybe somehow I could kill her quick enough and not worry about any of the other bs but nope.
Shit so guys one more pro tip

Put counter on your tank. Its limit crystal central

I didnt even realize this until i decide to go for the LB kill. When Cecil takes all those multi hits he countered up to like 4-5 times and made a shit ton of limit crystals

Counter is huge for building limit guys seriously


Okay, CoD is now L100, so she has a measly attack of 322 with some tinkering with Diabolos. I'm ready to take yet another shot at Maxwell. I just want to see what Valentus does differently so I can learn how to play the game better. It is humiliating not being able to clear this content, when I have good units. My biggest issue is that there are certain units that would be great to have, that the game has declined to give me.

Like WoL. I'd still really like to pull him one day

DrRob - that would be a great idea, if I actually had counter


All of it, closest I've got it down to is about 40% before people start falling over and I can't keep up. I'm following the strats listed about guarding and dispelling after 4 turns and such. Cecil and Refia tend to live forever but no one else does.

I believe that the strat would work if I can figure out where I'm failing to keep people alive. What should my esper situation look like? Should I not bring Diabolos at all and let my friend unit handle that?

At least I have a whole week to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Just need to keep at it. I put muscle belts on Kefka to try to make him live longer as he's clearly my weakest link right now.

Wanna me make a vídeo clearing the trial with those units?
Okay, CoD is now L100, so she has a measly attack of 300 with Diabolos. I'm ready to take yet another shot at Maxwell. I just want to see what Valentus does differently so I can learn how to play the game better.
It is humiliating not being able to clear this content, when I have good units. My biggest issue is that there are certain units that would be great to have, that the game has declined to give me.

Like WoL. I'd still really like to pull him one day

DrRob - that would be a great idea, if I actually had counter

Do you have 30 star quartz?
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