Halloween was a free for all, Tactics was perfect, BF was so-so, this is shit.
Daily Vanille. K thanks Gumi no more lapis on this shitty banner for your shitty event bonus.
New event is easy but Jesus it's just as shit as the BF event in terms of drop rate of gears. At least I got some Megacite and a Sacred Crystal from the boss to help. My Luneth/Exdeath/CoD can kill the last boss in 1 or 2 turns max so at least once I pull some of these shitty FF 13 units I can get some bonuses.
It's actually way worse, the rare encounter is always solo and give 500 instead of 1000.New event is easy but Jesus it's just as shit as the BF event in terms of drop rate of gears.
Halloween was a free for all, Tactics was perfect, BF was so-so, this is shit.
It's actually way worse, the rare encounter is always solo and give 500 instead of 1000.
Plus no 100% bonus unit.
Event is really bad
Even if you ran a full team of bonus units it would still suck
At least its easy and drops megacites everytime
Time to max my espers
Fought the same guy. Luckily his Luneths decided to use mostly Magic Breaks for two turns. And at least he doesn't have Cecil, right?
Fought the same guy. Luckily his Luneths decided to use mostly Magic Breaks for two turns. And at least he doesn't have Cecil, right?
So, in a perfect world scenario with this event, you can only earn at most 4.2k gears from 100 fixed drop + 500 rare bonus.
That's by having 5 Lightnings and 1 Lightning friend :/
So, in a perfect world scenario with this event, you can only earn at most 4.2k gears from 100 fixed drop + 500 rare bonus.
That's by having 5 Lightnings and 1 Lightning friend :/
I'm not sure of the problem? If you have a bonus unit, and bring a friend bonus unit, that is enough for two gigantaurs. That's essentially like running the cactuar dunes. I'm concentrating on cactuars right now, and then next week when Lightning has a bonus as well, will abuse the crap out of the event for all the goodies.
I almost have Snow to 6* status...
It is an event, and as has been said, it is like running an Exploration except it doesn't take forever, and it randomly drops SC, HC, and megacytes. I've gotten all of the above
Yup this event is likely the worst one we have seen in a very long time
Haha, this clown in the arena has 4 luneth and one refia...
In a very long time? The worst event we've had (before this) was BF which was like 2 weeks ago lol.
Ehhh karma wasnt bad for me cuz i got enough metal gods to fsst track finish it
Plus i wss getting 1k a run normally
Now im getting 100 a run and have yet to see a bonus unit
Oh and the bonus is cut in half
I do like the megas and crystals dropping at least
The event items should be worth getting though, right? Otherwise why have the event?I don't think it's "worth it", but I also don't think it is terrible either. The TM Moogle may not be worth getting for sure.
Sadly my sample is still too small and this all can be purely RNG.
I have done ELT 8 times
- Used 2x 75% Bonus units in every fight.
- Killed 8 Manasvin Warmechs (unit nr 234).
- I have met 2 rare Cactuars
- I have bought 45 Cactuars from Mog King
- I have 65 gears left.
= 4565 Gears sofar when counting initial gear reward & some from earlier floors.
I have run it 7 times with no Cactaurs.
I am just getting the cheap summon tickets and then going back to TM farming
Same here. I needed the mats for Gilgamesh, then the mats for CoD. Now all I need is to grab the cheapest tickets and that's it. Back to ff5 bridge and tm farming.I have run it 7 times with no Cactaurs.
I am just getting the cheap summon tickets and then going back to TM farming
ffs Gumi.
"Bonus" units, right, more like "required units"
Yup, I grab the cactuars then wait for the week 2.
Anyone have a link to a good website that shows what the up coming banners are?
I dont feel like wasting my tickets for Snow if I know that in a weeks time there are going to be some crazy cool DPS units coming. I am missing a good DPSer.
Anyone have a link to a good website that shows what the up coming banners are?
I dont feel like wasting my tickets for Snow if I know that in a weeks time there are going to be some crazy cool DPS units coming. I am missing a good DPSer.
There is always this : https://exviuswiki.com/Update_Schedule#Japanese_Banner
We missed : Hope, Fang (XIII) / Ace, Jack, Seven, Trey (Type-0) / Mercedes (BE) / Secret of Mana so far
You can look for banners starting 11-May-2016