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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT2| All your Shadows Belong To Us

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bleh 2 tickets and a daily...Anzelm...Cyan...Artemios...good shit...if I could get some bonus units I might not want to kill myself when I start trying to farm this event.


He is a good tank unless you have Cecil and he will be outlcassed by WoL when he gets his 6* as well. Otherwise though yes he is good.

Snow is a great secondary tank. Its totally worth at least one.

And his tm along with the glove of this event are the best gear for warrior of light.

Thanks guys. I have both Cecil and WoL, but unlike the dps units tanks are harder to gauge. I'll probably work on upgrading Snow and then get back to Exdeath and eventually Bartz. WoL is my favorite of the tanks and my only FB unit so I was going to focus on getting the event glove and hopefully get this TM in the works.

I might have an old desktop to mess around with in a few weeks to see if I can get some macros in the works. Me and my brother decided to get my mom a surface pro 4, dock monitor, etc for christmas because all she complains about is how her old desktop doesn't work or her laptops keyboard is broken. So after I set her up with everything I'll see if the desktop can run macros or I'll junk it.
lol I aint gonna get used to this kind of event, it just isn't fun, if it aint fun there's no point continuing. There's a reason I don't ever play these kinds of games, FFBE is the only one I've ever got this far into. My only saving grace here is I got lucky with a daily Snow.
I kinda like that they are giving out megacites with the fights since I need them to level up my espers. Still pretty shitty of them to triple the costs of items though


Tempted to level up 3 edgars and have a party of 3 edgars, a refia , gilgamesh and a friend gilgamesh

messing around with chaining on the chainsaws+ tri attacks seems like fun


So next week I need the mats for Winged Saint and Talisman, first two tiers of tickets, exclusive materia for Snow and Lightning, and possibly Hope and Vanille's weapons

That is 10,900 for the first, another 4,000 for the tickets, 11,600 for the materia... and 30,000 for the TM Moogle

That is 56,500 give or take which means I am going to have to do some more farming of this event after all. I cannot leave all that to next week. Have to do a lot more event than I wanted today...


Daily pulled a WoL, my first one. Wanted to get a banner unit for the bonus so I used 2 tickets, got Charlotte and Sazh.

ELT definitely not easy for me. At least in BF I could put in 3 under-leveled units. Here I was only able to get through with one bonus unit, and I had to rely mostly on Zera's Lightning to do the damage.


Not going for the TM Moogle... Rates are just too bad. So I need an additional 20,000 or so. That shouldn't be too hard without cutting into my TM time...


Daily pulled a WoL, my first one. Wanted to get a banner unit for the bonus so I used 2 tickets, got Charlotte and Sazh.

ELT definitely not easy for me. At least in BF I could put in 3 under-leveled units. Here I was only able to get through with one bonus unit, and I had to rely mostly on Zera's Lightning to do the damage.

congrats on the WoL!

he's one of the units I really want... him and CoD
Not going for the TM Moogle... Rates are just too bad. So I need an additional 20,000 or so. That shouldn't be too hard without cutting into my TM time...

Granted, I'm running without any banner units other than someone on my friend list... but 20k seems insane to me. I'm getting ~150 per run right now... MAYBE 200. I would have to run this thing 100 times to get that number. Oy. Not impossible, but definitely not something I would wish on my enemies.

On the plus side, with the right team and skills, it's a pretty easy run. I'm not challenged with my current set up, but I'm not dragging banner unit dead weight with me.

I'm starting to slowly come around to the realization that I really want the summon tickets, if nothing else, so I'll probably run this stoopid event enough times to get at least that.

Discussion of the event over on Reddit.


Many people seem to have the same views on this event: It's trash.

I was just reading over that thread a few minutes ago. I gotta' say... I can't say I disagree with most of the points.


Daily pull... Sazh. Did a ticket pull ... Yellow! Fuck you Garnet.

Also, this event blows. I ran each difficulty once for the rewards, but the rate is so awful that I'll probably be skipping. Only way I'd do it is if I got a good daily pull then go for cactaur. Even with Sazh .. No thanks. Finally pull a banner character and only 50% bonus? Screw that noise. Guess I will be finishing the leveling of Exdearh and second CoD. After that some manual TM farming when I have time for it.

I don't think we should just roll over and accept it. The cost of stuff going up as much as they did is ludicrous. Fortunately, I don't feel a strong pull towards any of it except the norm: tickets, Quartz, 6* summoning mats.


sparkle this bitch
Discussion of the event over on Reddit.


Many people seem to have the same views on this event: It's trash.

"I haven't spent money on this game and I have posted the reasons before. But I was planning on softening my stance because I think the concept of FFBE is really cool and doing $800-1000 USD for Orlandue and then an equal or greater amount for onion knight. Those 2, along with Bartz and Firion or my favorite characters and I can afford it. "

So basically another whiner... who threatens they won't spend money anymore, but never did in the first place, but swear they were going too.


So...they sucked us in with events like the Halloween one. I have to admit, prior to this event, I got used to clearing out the Mog shop and grinding up until the last day to get even the really high cost items. The previous Karma event I just about tolerated and ended up getting everything I wanted. This is just shocking...I'll have to really think about what I want. I'm giving the Cactuars, Moogles, materials and tickets a miss this time for sure.

For the fights, my team can Auto fight ELT until the last boss and I'll have to take control to take it out so that's not too bad, even with a low level companion. The rewards are just depressing though. May continue more with the story instead as I'm getting there with that.
Decided to do an 11 pull to try to fill my last slot with a bonus character, and while I *still* didn't get Snow, I don't think I could have asked for a better 11-pull

Zidane #2
Sazh #4 (fills up my party with 100% bonus characters now)
Ludmille #1 (yesssss)
Miyuki #<i forgot> (she's already at 90% TM, so yay 95%)
Gaffgarion #4


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
"I haven't spent money on this game and I have posted the reasons before. But I was planning on softening my stance because I think the concept of FFBE is really cool and doing $800-1000 USD for Orlandue and then an equal or greater amount for onion knight. Those 2, along with Bartz and Firion or my favorite characters and I can afford it. "

So basically another whiner... who threatens they won't spend money anymore, but never did in the first place, but swear they were going too.

The issue isnt not being able to get Top Tier units without spending....this event just feels like a waste of time - this is never a good sign no matter how you spin it. Normally you expect to stay the same or get even better as the time goes on but with BE its the opposite right now. The maintenance issues and the lackluster monthly logon boni doesnt help.

Everyone knows this game is to 99% mindless farming, but at least for those events they need to balance the stuff a bit more to keep us peasants entertained lol.


Professional Schmuck
Decided to do an 11 pull to try to fill my last slot with a bonus character, and while I *still* didn't get Snow, I don't think I could have asked for a better 11-pull

Zidane #2
Sazh #4 (fills up my party with 100% bonus characters now)
Ludmille #1 (yesssss)
Miyuki #<i forgot> (she's already at 90% TM, so yay 95%)
Gaffgarion #4



Why is nobody talking about the worst part of this event? That 5 lapis reward from the gears daily quest is the most insidious thing Gumi has ever done. Sure, that quest will probably be here for the whole week, but are you going to take that chance? To forever have a useless 5 tacked onto the end of your lapis count?


Professional Schmuck
Miyuki is the Sakurafubuki, it's a pretty good katana.

Sakurafubuki \o/


ok, ok.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Why is nobody talking about the worst part of this event? That 5 lapis reward from the gears daily quest is the most insidious thing Gumi has ever done. Sure, that quest will probably be here for the whole week, but are you going to take that chance? To forever have a useless 5 tacked onto the end of your lapis count?

Yeah this is pretty ridiculous lol.


Guys, I just can't do it anymore. I'm quitting the game. It's been fun GAF.

Lol jk jk I'm not that mad. But this event is pure garbage lol.

I'm going for gigantuars, tickets, and quartz. If I get at least metal show up everyday I'll get the cheap 6* mats (I really need those as well).

I have a bad feeling that next week, when Lightning, Fang and Hope shows up with their respective bonuses, Snow Vanille and Sazh bonus will be turned off. This way people will need to pull again if they want to continue farming.

O my goodness I didn't even think about this. It seems so likely now you've said it. I really hope Gumi does not do this.


Actually, what's the deal with Lightning? I thought I remembered Shota saying that BF and FFZ were the most annoying because you wouldn't have existing units for those series. By here we have the ff13 event with no bonus for Lightning until next week.

Was the event early enough in Japan to not use the bonus system and they took the opportunity to be dicks about it? Or what?


Professional Schmuck
sakurafubuki is japanese for cherry blossom blizzard, lol

imagine walking around with a long knife

yooo PL what's that



I'm just mad I've spent so much money on this game to quit it. I wish I was a whiner with no money involved so I could just do it and never bother with shit mobile games anymore. But the investment is just too colossal right now.

TM farming for 2 weeks will be the way to go, I guess. Should get Deathbringer, 2x Excaliburs, Double Hand, Bracer, Celestial Glove, Seal of Destruction by the end of the year hopefully.

I'll definitely not be as invested as I am right now. I really feel disrespected with what is happening in this game and the future doesn't seem bright.

If BF event was the eye opener, this is just the reality check. Chilly did the right thing, in the end, he is the real winner.


I'm just mad I've spent so much money on this game to quit it. I wish I was a whiner with no money involved so I could just do it and never bother with shit mobile games anymore. But the investment is just too colossal right now.

TM farming for 2 weeks will be the way to go, I guess. Should get Deathbringer, 2x Excaliburs, Double Hand, Bracer, Celestial Glove, Seal of Destruction by the end of the year hopefully.

I'll definitely not be as invested as I am right now. I really feel disrespected with what is happening in this game and the future doesn't seem bright.

If BF event was the eye opener, this is just the reality check. Chilly did the right thing, in the end, he is the real winner.

Thing is, with TM farming, you'll be the real winner from the event. I feel like the rewards are pretty lackluster as is. I plan on doing some manual TM farming soon as Exdeath hits 100. He just hit 90 now. Second CoD just hit 60 6*. So maybe swap between capping her out and TM farming. After that just TM farming.

Also, the 5 lapis for the 200 gear thing feels like a slap in the face. 5 lapis? Really? Why not just give energy. 5 lapis isn't allowing any of us crazy shopping sprees.


Professional Schmuck
-- ok yes you all were correct, ELT was easy af

-- why oh why did i just claim that 5 lapis

-- psssssssst lean in here for a sec:

sacred crystals are easily the biggest bottleneck in the game
Thing is, with TM farming, you'll be the real winner from the event. I feel like the rewards are pretty lackluster as is. I plan on doing some manual TM farming soon as Exdeath hits 100. He just hit 90 now. Second CoD just hit 60 6*. So maybe swap between capping her out and TM farming. After that just TM farming.

Also, the 5 lapis for the 200 gear thing feels like a slap in the face. 5 lapis? Really? Why not just give energy. 5 lapis isn't allowing any of us crazy shopping sprees.

Kind of on the TM farming being the real winner I only say that because if all events are like this going forward what is there to look forward to? I mean I farmed these TM's to make my units powerful but I don't want to do the event because it's shit so what is the point? Obviously non Mog King events will be a thing and Trials but still.


I'm just mad I've spent so much money on this game to quit it. I wish I was a whiner with no money involved so I could just do it and never bother with shit mobile games anymore. But the investment is just too colossal right now.

TM farming for 2 weeks will be the way to go, I guess. Should get Deathbringer, 2x Excaliburs, Double Hand, Bracer, Celestial Glove, Seal of Destruction by the end of the year hopefully.

I'll definitely not be as invested as I am right now. I really feel disrespected with what is happening in this game and the future doesn't seem bright.

If BF event was the eye opener, this is just the reality check. Chilly did the right thing, in the end, he is the real winner.

Sunk cost fallacy right there. It's why I only spend money I make from google rewards and random gift cards people give on mobile games. My cost to this game is my time like I've spent in other mobile games, but at the end of the day I've been lucky enough to call it quits when I'm no longer having any fun. If you feel disrespected you can down vote the game in your respective store and stop spending money on the game.


Kind of on the TM farming being the real winner I only say that because if all events are like this going forward what is there to look forward to? I mean I farmed these TM's to make my units powerful but I don't want to do the event because it's shit so what is the point? Obviously non Mog King events will be a thing and Trials but still.

Oh, I totally hear ya. I'm on the fence right now. I'm hoping the future events will be less suckage than this one, but I am sticking around for a bit to see if they're just as awful before throwing in towel. Though is a very real possibility.
Lucky in fact I think stuff in this one sucks ass. But do want the base stuff.
I'm going to go through with it in hopes that it's not going to suck too much. But ya know if it does then it'll be pointless. It's something to do in mean time while I wait things out.

I feel like trials are getting to be a bit ridiculous too though.
Oh, I totally hear ya. I'm on the fence right now. I'm hoping the future events will be less suckage than this one, but I am sticking around for a bit to see if they're just as awful before throwing in towel. Though is a very real possibility.
Lucky in fact I think stuff in this one sucks ass. But do want the base stuff.
I'm going to go through with it in hopes that it's not going to suck too much. But ya know if it does then it'll be pointless. It's something to do in mean time while I wait things out.

I feel like trials are getting to be a bit ridiculous too though.

Yeah I am not ready to quit yet either like I said this is strike 2 on them for me. Actually I will remove the strike I had for the BF event because in the end it wasn't as bad as I thought because of Maxwell so using 3 100% units helped a lot. It was still pretty bad though but forgivable. This one though even with Lightning at 100% and a friend Lightning the normal drop is so low it won't really help that much. We will see though.
I'm hoping that this is just a shit filler event while they try to get Noctis and the christmas event going. The BF event wasn't that bad, or at least it didn't seem like it to me.

I've played a lot of these games, and they always follow the same cycle. Slowly things get more and more shitty until lots of quality of life improvements drop all at once, then it resets back to the point of everyone being super pumped and the cycle repeats itself.

What's confusing is the whole thing about getting events out of order, and that's probably why this event is such shit, because JP originally got it right after FFT but we're getting it over a month later.

It's definitely a shit event, so I'm probably just going to get the cactuars and some 6* awakening materials and call it there.

There's just no point stressing over it. I've already written it off as a shit event in my mind, so even if next week they come along and remove the bonuses and Hope, Sazh, and Vanille, I will be mildly concerned about the future, but it won't piss me off anymore than I already am, because I've already written the event off as a turd sandwich on rye.

I do wonder what is the point of throwing all these bonus units at us if the only time they help is in the one event where they are introduced for the first time.


So, Champion Belt says it Boost Atk and Def when equip with Martial Arts gear. What qualifies as Martial Arts Gear and how much of a boost is it?
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