Considering XIII will probably be the next banner and there is a small chance that Lightning won't be on it, will it be worth a pull? How good is Snow?
Snow: Its an Amarant better done. He like amarant can get 100% draw attacks with golem esper and provoke, and 90% countering with sabin's TM.
Snow is a better unit than amarant because he can equip shields, and he can equip maces and daggers (so you can equip an status dagger and those counters can be more effective to get the desired status)
Also Snow has a base DEF of 135, unlike amarant that has DEF 100. Snow with golem and the right equip (Main gauche (+10), Escutcheon (+36), Green Beret (+10), Black Garb (+35), 2 black belts (+30 total), and 4 DEF+10 Materias (+54) you can get a total DEF of 382.
For comparing, Charlotte max def can get to 368 with full def equip. The difference is that charlotte can cover with 50% chance, and snow can draw single attacks with 100% chance (with provoke), so his high def can be more useful. If you already have a Charlotte or a WoL, snow is not a priority. If you dont have one of the 2, Snow is a top pick. Hes 4star base.
Hope: He is another 4star base unit. Hope is a red mage that can be a physical attacker too, its your choice. In his magic side, he has the 5 elemental -ga skills (except bioga and stonega), and in the white magic side, he can use esuna and revive. So his magic arsenal is very versatile.
In the equip section, he can equip rods, staffs, daggers and projectiles. Just like ExDeath, he can equip shields, and like kefka, can equip hats and clothes. The best of 2 worlds.
His TM is Nue, a projectile (that means he can equip his own TM) that will have the highest MAG in global for a time (+82)
In the magic affinity, he like ExDeath, can equip white, black, and green magic.
In the stats, he has almost equal stats than ExDeath and Kefka, beating both on ATK and MAG (kefka and Hope MAG are the same), and a hope with non-TM equip can get a total of 371 MAG. ExDeath in the same conditions can get 344 MAG, and Kefka 356 MAG.
But if you happen to get Hopes TM, his mag goes up to 418 MAG.
A hard hitter mage that can esuna and revive party members. Hope is the gem of this batch aside of lightning.
Vanille: There is not much you can say of Vanille. She is another base 4star, and she is a total-package support unit, because she has focus and cheer, and esuna. She doesnt have curaja, but cura and curaga. She can also be useful in battle because her Limit is Death with 70% chance of success. if you want a support unit with cheer/focus and esuna, Vanille is a nice unit.
Sahz: full break. 3star base unit. Nothing more good to say about him.
Fang: I repeat what i say before. In brave exvius being a dragoon = crap.