Thinking for the 5th spot, it should be Kefka. By the time I get to elite, I'll have the new rod. Tellah gets 1, Kefka gets another. Most likely a liking a Lightning or Dualcast Exdeath will be the companion.
Either way, I can chain blizzard for bosses 2 and 3.
Buttz with Exaculibur and most likely a lightning with one for 4.
I'll be bringing along a few PD, Elixers, Tent, Potions, etc. Happy about Buttz auto potion too since he can chugg the cheap ones for free.
Also just got Aqua Killer for Buttz, So he'll be doing additional damage on boss 3 and if I equip Diablo, he'll have the bonus on 2 and 4,5.Or I may equip Diablos on my Kefka/Tellah for the chain damage.