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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT2| All your Shadows Belong To Us

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Nice conversation on shitty pulls and gambling today. I think I fall on this side of things:

-- I can see why people would be upset if they're spending money. In this case it definitely IS gambling in that the odds are stacked against the user.

-- however I push back on this because it assumes the primary joy of the game is pulling rare units. Is it? Is that what makes us all most happy? For me I love the collecting part of it but it's such a small part of the experience, especially for FTP players.

-- My primary joy is the same as any RPG. Building unique parties, leveling them up, getting / finding sweet gear, and piecing them together in different ways to tackle different types of battles. This isn't gambling at all. It's grinding and I love it!

-- I also know that whenever PVP comes I'm probably screwed, as I am whenever I get to that certain point in ANY FTP game where paying makes you unequivocally better. Clash of Clans comes to mind. And just like CoC, the game is compelling as hell until you hit that wall.

-- thinking maybe this is the bottom line, then. If the long term goal is to build the perfect team for PVP, you're paying out the nose to compete with whales the world over who have money to burn. You'll probably never crack the top 50 without spending serious cash. But I can't believe many people in this thread see that as a long term goal.

-- so bottom bottom line? Do what brings you joy, man. I'll play until the joy is overtaken by the grind and / or it no longer feels fair. Right now it feels fair.

I can see what you're saying. However, as a F2P player getting tickets and using lapis to roll for characters is an "exciting" activity. The sad thing is, the odds of winning anything with those tickets is small. And we may not spend real money on this game, but we do spend a lot of time and in some ways time > money, so that time doesn't equate to anything meaningful and it feels bad. The pull I had last week was ridiculous and all it did was drive home the point that this game is straight up gambling with crappy odds of getting anything decent. That kind of thing makes me not want to play at all. At the end of the day, this is a game and we play games to have fun. The way their character summoning is now is just not fun at all.

I do agree that the other aspects of the game allow it to hold up beyond the summoning characters aspect and that part can be done without paying money even though it's super grindy. Still, it feel good to get that Trust Reward you worked so hard for so that now you can make one of your units just a little more badass. At least we can control that and so it's something we can work towards freely without the RNG crap. Even then, sometimes we have to deal with the fact that your group just may not be up to snuff for the content that's out. I imagine a group getting stonewalled in the Colosseum if the player couldn't pull any of the more meaningful characters at some point. Or being blocked from doing some content because their rolls were terrible and they weren't able to complete missions or beat some bosses with their group.

Luckily, the game allows us to bring other player's buffed up characters to carry us through some of these fights. Even then, it just feel bad to not be able to do on my own, so I just get frustrated with my crappy pulls and think it's not worth bothering with if I'm constantly going to be behind the eight ball. I will admit that I was fairly lucky early on and managed to get some decent characters to to things with...even got a 5* Exdeath doing a regular pull as well as Warrior of Light. That's not the case recently. I've barely gotten any of the banner characters in the last few events and my daily pulls haven't amounted to anything other than Kuja. This long stretch of bad luck just kind of sucks the fun out of it for me since my main crew is all capped and now I'm just grinding TM rewards and it's a long and boring process that I dread doing every day. I decided to level up Rydia and Kain because I didn't have anything else to really do with my time and I dread doing the TM grind. Unfortunately, they're almost capped so I'm not sure what to do next. And this brings me back to drawing another character or hoping I got something interesting with my daily pull. It's not looking good though since the last month has been largely a waste of lapis.

Anyway, that's my thought on it. I just hate the summoning aspect of it and instead of daily excitement of something cool, I dread it and reluctantly pull. It just drives home the point that I really hate gambling and that's why I don't do it in Vegas, either.


Nice conversation on shitty pulls and gambling today. I think I fall on this side of things:

-- I can see why people would be upset if they're spending money. In this case it definitely IS gambling in that the odds are stacked against the user.

-- however I push back on this because it assumes the primary joy of the game is pulling rare units. Is it? Is that what makes us all most happy? For me I love the collecting part of it but it's such a small part of the experience, especially for FTP players.

-- My primary joy is the same as any RPG. Building unique parties, leveling them up, getting / finding sweet gear, and piecing them together in different ways to tackle different types of battles. This isn't gambling at all. It's grinding and I love it!

-- I also know that whenever PVP comes I'm probably screwed, as I am whenever I get to that certain point in ANY FTP game where paying makes you unequivocally better. Clash of Clans comes to mind. And just like CoC, the game is compelling as hell until you hit that wall.

-- thinking maybe this is the bottom line, then. If the long term goal is to build the perfect team for PVP, you're paying out the nose to compete with whales the world over who have money to burn. You'll probably never crack the top 50 without spending serious cash. But I can't believe many people in this thread see that as a long term goal.

-- so bottom bottom line? Do what brings you joy, man. I'll play until the joy is overtaken by the grind and / or it no longer feels fair. Right now it feels fair.

For the record, I'm not really complaining about the game. It's just something I've been playing for a while now and a bit of ennui has set in. Happens every now and again with many games I play for a long period of time (MMOs, etc.). It may pass, it may not. I had fun either way!


It's both Gumi and DeNA, IIRC.

Dena is the developer of récord keeper
Gumi are the ones of Brave exvius and Brave Frontier.

And with all the money Brave Frontier is giving to gumi theres no way in fuck that the Will close his western branch.

Sucks for récord keeper but well, exvius is safe for now


Yes indeed, only Record Keeper Global is being distribued by DeNA, don't worry.
Brave Exvius is Alim (devs) and Gumi (Global distribution)

EDIT : looking a bit more about those company, apparently Gumi made Alim who made the JP version of BF/BE and then Gumi distribued those to Global :lol


Dena is the developer of récord keeper
Gumi are the ones of Brave exvius and Brave Frontier.

And with all the money Brave Frontier is giving to gumi theres no way in fuck that the Will close his western branch.

Sucks for récord keeper but well, exvius is safe for now
Yeah, for some reason I thought it was a partnership between Gumi/DeNA. I'm glad I was wrong!

As for being "safe", it's Gumi, so that's never a sure thing, however considering the popularity of Final Fantasy (and the whales supporting it), this game seems to be doing well. We should be okay.


I don't get why people see a new banner and get mad they can't pull anything or everything off of it. When you constantly drop all your tickets and lapis each banner for a chance at 3-5 new/enhanced rate drop units, of course you're going to be disappointed (Not to say some aren't worth it). Save up that lapis and those tickets for several banners, and than drop a hammer on a particular banner you REALLY like (This one in particular is great if you have no tank). You can at least take a bigger swing at units you really want, and you'll still manage to get a lot of new units you didn't have. I think FFBE has been beyond generous with the 100 lapis a day for awhile (It's been almost the entirety of the game I believe). I shudder to think how people will act and cope when our 100 daily lapis isn't around...


TMs update, I'm so close of getting my first "premium" one.


Zidane should reach 70% in 4/5 days, that's when I'll use my 3 trust moogle, then I'll put Dark Knight Cecil in my TM party.
I should get Blade Mastery the first days of November depending on how grindy the Halloween event will be.


6-star Agrias? My body is ready. She was one of my go to characters for quite awhile. I'll gladly include her again in my main line-up.


Woo got my first TM! Got Barrage from Luna, though she started out at like 20% because I got quite a few of her when I first started the game and combined them all. In fact I don't really even have anyone to give it to yet, it's more in preparation for Garland (though still missing Bartz for doublehand)

Ludmille took her spot and Zidane is next in line at 82%.


I wish I didn't have dreams of whale grandeur.

I would TM farm so much faster if I didn't scroll through the companion list every time looking for a 600attk Lightening. I never find anything good anyway.


I don't get why people see a new banner and get mad they can't pull anything or everything off of it. When you constantly drop all your tickets and lapis each banner for a chance at 3-5 new/enhanced rate drop units, of course you're going to be disappointed (Not to say some aren't worth it). Save up that lapis and those tickets for several banners, and than drop a hammer on a particular banner you REALLY like (This one in particular is great if you have no tank). You can at least take a bigger swing at units you really want, and you'll still manage to get a lot of new units you didn't have. I think FFBE has been beyond generous with the 100 lapis a day for awhile (It's been almost the entirety of the game I believe). I shudder to think how people will act and cope when our 100 daily lapis isn't around...
I mean I can totally understand why people get mad. It's gambling, and some of the better units have a ridiculously low rate. If you really love a character, good luck trying to get it if it's 5*. People are going to get disappointed, that's a fact.

Like I think the game is great, but gacha mechanics are just abusive and horrible towards people who want specific characters. They're entirely there to entice people into spending way too much money because they like a character, or they want the best unit. I accept them because in spite of them the game is still fun. I will never defend the model though.

I don't call the 100 lapis beyond generous by the way. It's a drop in the bucket when you consider the rates on characters. :p


I mean I can totally understand why people get mad. It's gambling, and some of the better units have a ridiculously low rate. If you really love a character, good luck trying to get it if it's 5*. People are going to get disappointed, that's a fact.

I don't call the 100 lapis beyond generous by the way. It's a drop in the bucket when you consider the rates on characters. :p

Still goes back to the whole "Gambling" which way more often than not, the house always wins. It should be spare or extra money, or enjoyment overall (I don't know if I'll ever not feel bad for the 6 Bedile 10+1 pull while I play this though). I mean heck, we see the whales making videos of them spending $600 for a single unit... Please name a gacha game that you feel was overly generous to the player.

Guess it's a POV thing, we've gained over 10k lapis from daily freebies (and I know this number is much higher, we had a period with double 100s for awhile), that's still 20, 22, or 40 pulls depending on how patient you are.


Still goes back to the whole "Gambling" which way more often than not, the house always wins. It should be spare or extra money, or enjoyment overall (I don't know if I'll ever not feel bad for the 6 Bedile 10+1 pull while I play this though). I mean heck, we see the whales making videos of them spending $600 for a single unit... Please name a gacha game that you feel was overly generous to the player.

Guess it's a POV thing, we've gained over 10k lapis from daily freebies (and I know this number is much higher, we had a period with double 100s for awhile), that's still 20, 22, or 40 pulls depending on how patient you are.

You cut out the line of my post which points out that I wasn't just talking about BE. Just because it's better than other gacha games doesn't make it good. Two wrongs don't make a right. :p

I don't think many if any of them are generous, mainly because it goes against their entire business model. If they're too generous then people won't whale for the characters.

At best Granblue allows you to buy tickets where you can get any one of the rare characters of your choosing. That's not particularly generous in a F2P stance, though. Nor does it often include the event exclusive characters. (Still poor value when you consider you can buy a console/pc game for the price your paying for a character, too)


I don't think many if any of them are generous, mainly because it goes against their entire business model. If they're too generous then people won't whale for the characters.

It's a fine balancing act. As a developer, you don't want to be so stingy that your audience concludes that the game is P2W. On the other hand, as you mention, if the developer is too generous, then there is no need to spend money at all.

That said, at least from my perspective, FFBE is almost too generous in my opinion. This is balanced out by making the truly desirable units extremely rare (true golds and rainbows). But, the constant stream of near net-free daily pulls does wonders to distract the general audience from the P2W nature of gacha games.

I'm used to playing PAD, which is on the opposite end of the scale. PAD is very stingy with handing out free pulls. Whereas in FFBE, a player can earn 20-30 free pulls per month, in PAD the F2P player gets around 4-5 pulls per month assuming that every source of premium currency is acquired for that month. To me, I still find it strange that I can take a free pull (sometimes 2 with tickets) in FFBE every day without breaking the bank, whereas in PAD I have to save and scrounge for multiple months if I want to go "in" on a single banner.


What team should I have?

Considering these units:

Warrior of Light
Cloud of Darkness


Vaan/Cecil/CoD/Exdeath/Lenna for tough fights ie: bosses, events etc..
Bartz/Cod/Vaan/Exdeath/Lenna when you dont need full break or tanking


Leveling Cecil's LB in Wolfsfang Peak takes around an hour per run, and locks out my phone (since it doesn't run in the background) from playing other gatcha games. I think I'll save that kind of grinding when I'm watching TV. Level 6 and counting, though!

...This is going to take a while.


Grats :).

Good luck for burning your NRG to PRO awaken dungeon. Rosa needs 13 Brilliant Rays, after around 30ish runs my alt has 9. So drop rate is between 1/3 & 1/4.

I guess new announcements in few hours and there's a maintenance tomorrow?
Good guess, I think so too.

Edit: There was some mistranslations about JP event and Prishes TM. Its 45 ATK not 40% or 45%.
Reddit JP event said:
Prishe 5-6 &#9734;
TMR Hat: +45 ATK +10% HP/MP
Shitloads of thingies & plans in that anniversary.
Reddit JP event said:
Quiz: 5x Summoning Tickets Sent to Inbox
8x 4&#9734;+ Summoning Tickets if we hit 8M Downloads
See recap from Reddit first post


About weekly update for the grind.

Not sure why Iam doing Garnet, but oh well. She has been so long in the party, not going to toss her away anymore. Maybe that +20% resist to status ailments is difference between life and death :p


Well 6* CoD has 50% resist with that TM...

Roughly in 5-6 months. IF they come to global, Gumi / Alim can do it otherway.

My Ramza has 50% innate resist and I have 2 ribbons coming this week plus a third one at 45% :D


My Ramza has 50% innate resist and I have 2 ribbons coming this week plus a third one at 45% :D

And thats why Iam wondering what was my point to add Garnet to TM and not a single Kefka. I have 3 Kefkas...
But if Iam correct Garnet TM Melody of Life gives resistances to Water/Ice/Fire etc?

Type: Special Ability (Passive)
Effect: Boosts all elemental resistances (20%)


And thats why Iam wondering what was my point to add Garnet to TM and not a single Kefka. I have 3 Kefkas...
But if Iam correct Garnet TM Melody of Life gives resistances to Water/Ice/Fire etc?

Type: Special Ability (Passive)
Effect: Boosts all elemental resistances (20%)

Oh, so it's elemental resistances after all? I guess that could prove useful, maybe.. nowhere near as useful as a ribbon tho :p
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