Altema changed their top units ranking, here the top 10 :
1) Orlandu
2) Eileen
3) Tidus
4) Riku
5) Firion (!!)
6) Tilith
7) Balthier
8) Dark Knight Cecil (!)
9) Ramza (!)
10) Exdeath
Yep, they got pretty big increase on some skills.I thought DKC and Firion weren't considered top tier? Is this their enhanced versions?
Get barrage and doublehand immediately
For those struggling on golbez
Can someone just slap a jeweled ring on their lightning so he only has the death spell to worry about
The first 6* healer not having Curaja is absolutely ridiculous. In fact she seems to only get 2 skills in her 6* awakening, a spr buff and her ritual move (which seems terrible)
So disappointed.
Loving the fact we get another 100 Cactuars though!
Doubt it, materials are still 160. Id guess about the same rate than the FFT event.Wow
70k material for the last trust moogle
Maybe mats drop at 500-1000 a run? Thats the only acceptable rate and even thats shitty
Golbez~~~Divine Water (Delays the "Death Effect" for 3 turns)
Doubt it, materials are still 160. Id guess about the same rate than the FFT event.
Why the fuck did they give him tank skills with that attack and zero incentive to use s shield though. He is a gigantic troll.Demon Rain with a onsane 70% chance of counter. And his 156 atk are base. So with double doublehanded his atk can go over 700.
Idont know you but he is a beast. I Will make some pulls for him.
Lasswell fina and lid are disgusting.
As for the ítems: tickets, pots, quartz, moogles. And if i have time left, the hat.
Altema changed their top units ranking, here the top 10 :
1) Orlandu
2) Eileen
3) Tidus
4) Riku
5) Firion (!!)
6) Tilith
7) Balthier
8) Dark Knight Cecil (!)
9) Ramza (!)
10) Exdeath
That ranking is a bit weird, Majin Fina got enhancements and is lower than Exdeath.
Maintenance is not done yet... Free lapis incoming? lol
4 hours maintenance. Still 39 minutes left.
Funny thing about this change on the tier list is that Orlandu didn't even get skill enhancements yet, right?
Yep, give him Excalibur (or any Light weapon), same with an Orlandu friend, watch everything burn to ashes.
But he won't be nearly as powerful as he is in the global version considering we can't stack Blade Mastery/DH, I hope they consider that while balancing future events.
Why the fuck did they give him tank skills with that attack and zero incentive to use s shield though. He is a gigantic troll.
Do you really need a shield as a tank?
Just Mirage and Provoke.
Well, yeah you don't. But it's still kind of incongruent. Let's suppose we use this tactic with Demon Rain, will he counters if he doesn't get hit?
Yep confirmed
Just needs to be a target of an attack for counter to proc
My Charlotte does this when Mirage tanking with Black Belt and Shining Splendor. Its a cool combo
They don't have to consider that because they don't balance events around TMRs and top tier units in the first place, no matter how much people try to suggest otherwise.But he won't be nearly as powerful as he is in the global version considering we can't stack Blade Mastery/DH, I hope they consider that while balancing future events.
They don't have to consider that because they don't balance events around TMRs and top tier units in the first place, no matter how much people try to suggest otherwise.
You wouldn't even be able to clear two of the mission objectives for that event if you replicated that gif.
I have 2 Ludmilles, thought about getting one dual cast for my healer and one for my mage but since I have exdeath whom will get dual cast anyhow, is it worth it to farm two or just get it faster farming both then fuse?
Explain Gilgamesh trial then.
9th Luna on my Daily today. How many Barrages do I need?
I thought about Cecil, being able to double cast buffs/heals could be helpful but just the thought of having to wait for two of them is discouraging but you're right, I'll do it.Healer / Tank (Cecil will benefit from it, dunno about WoL) / 2nd Mage.
Iam farming 2, cause you never know what you pull and when you need 2x Dual cast mages + Exdeath, element chaining![]()
Well, with that many units you can get 2 in less than two weeks, that's all you need really!
Did my last Daily for Cecil ended up with 4* Rosa.
So all in all i did 18 pulls for Cecil and didnt get him. Well at least i "tried" everything possible.