Honestly if I could give you 1 of my 2 remaining 5* tickets I would. I just know those how bad it can feel when seems like everything is continuously shitting on you.
Haha it's nice to know there are bros out here looking out for me when my luck is in the gutter. I appreciate it
Not getting a on-banner rainbow is one thing - what made me really upset is the fact that all those top-tier rainbow units that I previously obtained through sheer luck and perseverance have been made immediately obsolete in the face of the 7*. The slate has been cleaned and now I have to collect a dupe of everything to climb back to where I was. For now, it's practically not that important b/c apparently even Omega Weapon can be defeated with a team of 6*, but just looking at the difference in power level between the 6* and 7* makes it very unsettling.
Ever since the 3% rainbow change, 4* units have quickly become irrelevant for old players like me and only certain rainbow units can enhance your end-game party compositions. That rainbow chase has been more than hard to swallow already, and now this 7* system only makes things 100% worse and makes getting a single rainbow feel like getting a gold not so long ago.
I cannot deny that it is exciting to learn what new skills/stats the old units have received in their 7* form. It is just that this really makes me question myself, as a F2P player, whether it's worth all the effort and heartache to keep up with the gacha when the rates are absolutely shit. Once the buzz starts to fade on the 7*, I imagine a lot more players could come to the same sentiment.
Having said all that I believe Alim is aware of this problem too and I suspect a new rainbow rate would be in place not too far in the future. In the meantime, I think I should try to be more casual with this game so shit like this would bother me less