Welcome to the Official FINAL FANTASY Community Thread on NeoGAF. Here we will discuss FINAL FANTASY and each unique entry in the series.
The rules are simple. This thread is in place to help keep the vast majority of off-topic FINAL FANTASY discussion in one place. We've had a lot of issues with specific FF threads being derailed with "My FF is better than your FF" garbage.
- No dirty, obnoxious fanart.
- Please don't insult other members for any reason. Let's all have fun here.
- No linking to scans or any other content that doesn't belong here. You should know this already.
- This isn't really a thread for news, so please keep that in their respective topics.
- To be helpful in discussion, please list the FF game you're talking about in bold at the start of your post.
So for example:
Balthier is one of the best characters in this game...
- Unmarked spoilers are allowed for now, this may change in the future.
- Be constructive. Things like "lol, Nomura sucks, belts zippers." is not acceptable.
This thread will eventually be moved to the Community section of the forum. Enjoy your stay until then.
Thanks to dramatis for the banner!