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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth | Spoiler Thread


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Makes me wonder how they’ll do the last instalment then as with the Highwind you could land almost anywhere on the map - whether that element will be removed in its entirety.

Unless it’s a 300 gig file size to contain everything .


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Makes me wonder how they’ll do the last instalment then as with the Highwind you could land almost anywhere on the map - whether that element will be removed in its entirety.

Unless it’s a 300 gig file size to contain everything .

They do the flying Bronco thing a few times in the game, but it's mostly just narrative non-interactive bits where you can see the Bronco flying from one place to the other.

It loads in and out of the places when you 'land' and you can see a very low resolution kind of a 'world map' when flying, so it's definitely feasible. This game looks like it set up the world structure and the third game will probably not need them to reinvent or recreate a lot of it. I can see them releasing a third game by 2026-2027 since they have the skeleton all there already.

The only major new areas they'll have to make are Rocket Town, Wutai, Icicle Inn and the Northern Crater. Otherwise, everything is already there. They don't have to add-in all of Midgar either, they can just do the narrative specific areas (like how in this game you get to see / play in small chunks of Sector 5 too)


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Yeah the key to sector 5 though they could bypass that altogether.

Is the sunken gelinka in rebirth? I know, I know… just play it myself lol

That was my fave spot to level up on the original 97 version.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Yeah the key to sector 5 though they could bypass that altogether.

Is the sunken gelinka in rebirth? I know, I know… just play it myself lol

No, but you do see Gelnika style planes in the game here and there.

I'm not sure if they're gonna do full underwater exploration in the third game (if they want to release it in this decade).


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
The only real issues I had with the game was the horrible climax, and Red XIII’s voice being ruined.

Aside from that I do think it’s the best Final Fantasy game in decades, and so far is easily my game of the year.
1:1 what I thought as well


Can’t Git Gud
Chapter 11.
Fighting yin yang with cait sith is a fucking worst fight in the game so far. I hate playing as him and dodging and parrying in this game is trash and you have to parry in one form and dodge spells of other form.
Like how in the fuck do I dodge thunderaga. It comes with a delay and I can’t. I’ve finished sekiro and timings in rebirth are terrible. The cartoony animation system is not good for this. There is like fucking split second between him finishing casting and spell landing. How am I suppose to know.

I am so pissed off. The game was rather easy and balanced so far. But this shit is impossible. Not only his level with boxes was atrocious, the hung yang fight is terrible.
When the monster does his ability to go crazy, if you don’t dodge first attack, you are getting hit by all 5. You can’t block and dodge before recovery.
When he dodges back and then rolls on you… there are no frames to see it. It happens. Fuck this the thunder hits you even mid roll
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Man fuck you Sephiroth 3D Brawler had to pause spam him 🤣 this is going to be a long draining platinum.

The 3D Brawler fights are pure bullshit. I fucking hated them, its left me with one unfinished sidequest right at the end cause it's final step is an utter horseshit 3D brawler fight.
If it were patterns you could learn then fine, but its all random and the windups don't distinguish themselves enough.
The 3D Brawler fights are pure bullshit. I fucking hated them, its left me with one unfinished sidequest right at the end cause it's final step is an utter horseshit 3D brawler fight.
If it were patterns you could learn then fine, but its all random and the windups don't distinguish themselves enough.
It is really tough honestly, a lot of the attacks look very similar. After attempting Middle Manager for like 20 minutes I finally got it. After him Sephiroth was pretty doable but yeah it's insanely tough.

Chapter 10 on hard mode now.. boss after boss is really tough with no mp recovery.. sigh. Last chapter is going to be total BS.


It is really tough honestly, a lot of the attacks look very similar. After attempting Middle Manager for like 20 minutes I finally got it. After him Sephiroth was pretty doable but yeah it's insanely tough.

Chapter 10 on hard mode now.. boss after boss is really tough with no mp recovery.. sigh. Last chapter is going to be total BS.

I'm just maxing out materia ready for Hard mode I remember in Remake counterstance spamming and gotteramsnfjejsjddung made life easy so I might try and get that before doing hard mode
I'm just maxing out materia ready for Hard mode I remember in Remake counterstance spamming and gotteramsnfjejsjddung made life easy so I might try and get that before doing hard mode
Speaking of.. some materia like STR and SPD up say combined materia can't be more than 100%, but one only gives 25%.. surely you can get more than one of each then? Can't remember where I found those..
Most of my blue and purple are still pretty far from being mastered but they are some massive AP sinks for the final level.

Still really wish you could birth new baby materia when mastering, that's one of my favorite things about real VII.


Speaking of.. some materia like STR and SPD up say combined materia can't be more than 100%, but one only gives 25%.. surely you can get more than one of each then? Can't remember where I found those..
Most of my blue and purple are still pretty far from being mastered but they are some massive AP sinks for the final level.

Still really wish you could birth new baby materia when mastering, that's one of my favorite things about real VII.

I'm spamming a very easy colloseum fight using the equipment "chocobo band" on easy using chapter select it's about 300ap a fight and takes including loading times 1 minute to clear and then quit the second fight then start again, "two person bout devil may care" the first fight is 8 corneo thugs that you can one shot with cloud using triple slash right off the bat with first strike materia equipped then quit when the second fight starts, Rinse repeat.

Edit: on a completed save using chapter select you get increased AP, so using chocobo band and equipping AP bonus materia with say elemental you'll have elemental mastered in no time
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Omfg.. chapter 13 hard mode. Rufus is definitely the hardest boss for me. If it was just him it would be fine, but once he brings out the dog... I do okay until I end up getting stun locked and chain attacked between the two and keep dying. Worst thing is I have to readjust my materia every single time before the fight because it doesn't save those changes. Driving me nuts..


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
So here are my thoughts on the game. Context: I consider FFVII to be the greatest game of all time, bar none and nothing comes even close.

- when buying new accessories, comparing stats is a joke since you have to get out of the shop, enter your menu, click your way to party gear, look at the stats of said characters accessory and then compare it to the stats that were in the shop. Why Square, why? I don't care that crafting is the better option in this game - let me go to a store and compare the accessories without the hassle PLEASE?

- how one would understand that you had to hold down R2 in order to jump from the fly-platforms in Cosmo Canyon is beyond me. Unbelievably stupid design. I for one can't even fathom how people figured this out randomly since I never, ever pressed R2 on the chocobo prior to this?

- still no way of saving materia presets or even switching a row of materia at the same time like you could in the 27 year old game. And this game forces you to play with certain characters at random.

- Red XIII. What the fuck?

- The ending, but that came to no surprise since Remake led to this disaster

With that being said, Rebirth is the best mainline Final Fantasy that Square has released in 18 fucking years. It's so, SO unbelievably good I can't even understand it at times.

The first three points I made was not going to be enough to deduce points from a perfect 10. Red XIII voice change and the ending however, was enough to drag it from a perfect 10 to a solid 9.
So here are my thoughts on the game. Context: I consider FFVII to be the greatest game of all time, bar none and nothing comes even close.

- when buying new accessories, comparing stats is a joke since you have to get out of the shop, enter your menu, click your way to party gear, look at the stats of said characters accessory and then compare it to the stats that were in the shop. Why Square, why? I don't care that crafting is the better option in this game - let me go to a store and compare the accessories without the hassle PLEASE?

- how one would understand that you had to hold down R2 in order to jump from the fly-platforms in Cosmo Canyon is beyond me. Unbelievably stupid design. I for one can't even fathom how people figured this out randomly since I never, ever pressed R2 on the chocobo prior to this?

- still no way of saving materia presets or even switching a row of materia at the same time like you could in the 27 year old game. And this game forces you to play with certain characters at random.

- Red XIII. What the fuck?

- The ending, but that came to no surprise since Remake led to this disaster

With that being said, Rebirth is the best mainline Final Fantasy that Square has released in 18 fucking years. It's so, SO unbelievably good I can't even understand it at times.

The first three points I made was not going to be enough to deduce points from a perfect 10. Red XIII voice change and the ending however, was enough to drag it from a perfect 10 to a solid 9.
Isn't it frustrating that they do such a good job but simultaneously make such awful decisions (like plot/ending)? It's an infuriating feeling. I really don't understand how they believe it adds to the experience at all, totally beyond me.

As far as R2, I was always pressing it on Chocobo to run and it's the context climb button sort of.. so I got that pretty quick. But the gliding Chocobo in general is kind of wonky. I love the one in Nibelheim, feels good. I just wish you could take any Chocobo to any region. I was also hoping we'd have breeding mini game, but maybe next time.

The one thing I'm really looking forward to is being able to use the high wind as I didn't really think it would be something that was possible for them to work out. Especially after playing the first I was thinking we wouldn't even get something akin to an open world so Rebirth really showed me on that. And then being able to take the tiny bronco even though it is limited to the inner ocean you can still see a lot of areas of the map if you go down some of the corridors and it's pretty cool to see that it's all just there it's a fully realized world that you can access so I'm sure that they can do the high wind next game and that's going to be awesome as long as they don't restrict the landing zones too much.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Isn't it frustrating that they do such a good job but simultaneously make such awful decisions (like plot/ending)? It's an infuriating feeling. I really don't understand how they believe it adds to the experience at all, totally beyond me.

As far as R2, I was always pressing it on Chocobo to run and it's the context climb button sort of.. so I got that pretty quick. But the gliding Chocobo in general is kind of wonky. I love the one in Nibelheim, feels good. I just wish you could take any Chocobo to any region. I was also hoping we'd have breeding mini game, but maybe next time.

The one thing I'm really looking forward to is being able to use the high wind as I didn't really think it would be something that was possible for them to work out. Especially after playing the first I was thinking we wouldn't even get something akin to an open world so Rebirth really showed me on that. And then being able to take the tiny bronco even though it is limited to the inner ocean you can still see a lot of areas of the map if you go down some of the corridors and it's pretty cool to see that it's all just there it's a fully realized world that you can access so I'm sure that they can do the high wind next game and that's going to be awesome as long as they don't restrict the landing zones too much.
If you browse through my post history during release of FFVII Remake, you'll see how I felt regarding the ending back then... now I've just come to terms that Square are absolut shitheads when it comes to ending their games so I don't even flinch anymore. I just laugh it out and continue on with my life. Square fucked my trust up royally with Remake, it won't ever happen again.
All three of the girls look great in the Loveless play dress.

Finally getting around to seeing all the intimate conclusions. I feel like Cloud leaning over and kissing Tifa is a little out of character but eh.

Just now realized you get manuscripts from doing the side quests on hard... Had no idea. Will be doing that now. 😆

Some of these brutals are.. brutal.. and haven't beaten a single legendary bout yet, but have come within striking distance. Most of my important materia is not mastered and I'm sure that would help a bit. Just got the third magnify so that's helpful.. how's everyone else coming along on the VR challenges, assuming doing them?
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Gold Member
So, why do people hate the ending so much? What about the boss fights?

Just gonna fire off some bullet points:
  • It's way too complicated and does a clumsy, messy, and over the top job at conveying what it's trying to tell.
  • The boss gauntlet goes on for way way too long.
  • Zack is inserted just for a pointless fanservice 2v1 fight.
  • All of the above undermine the crux of the scene, which is Aerith's death.
The worst part of the ending is that in the end we're left at point that's very similar to the OG. Aerith is dead, Cloud's mind is broken, and they need to go North, just like in the original story. So all that multiverse fuckery and over the top bombastic bullshit, didn't amount to anything fundamentally different. If Aerith were actually alive and travelling with us, then at least the end result would give us something interesting. Because we'd be seeing how Discs 2&3 would play out if Aerith were with us. But instead she's still dead, so we're left with an inferior version of these events that don't do anything new or interesting.
Just gonna fire off some bullet points:
  • It's way too complicated and does a clumsy, messy, and over the top job at conveying what it's trying to tell.
  • The boss gauntlet goes on for way way too long.
  • Zack is inserted just for a pointless fanservice 2v1 fight.
  • All of the above undermine the crux of the scene, which is Aerith's death.
The worst part of the ending is that in the end we're left at point that's very similar to the OG. Aerith is dead, Cloud's mind is broken, and they need to go North, just like in the original story. So all that multiverse fuckery and over the top bombastic bullshit, didn't amount to anything fundamentally different. If Aerith were actually alive and travelling with us, then at least the end result would give us something interesting. Because we'd be seeing how Discs 2&3 would play out if Aerith were with us. But instead she's still dead, so we're left with an inferior version of these events that don't do anything new or interesting.
Pretty good summary of why it's a pile of pointless nonsense that lowers the value of the experience.
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They didn't just muddy the waters here, they took the biggest diarrhea shit in it.

I even knew the whole multiverse was coming after Remake and set my expectations reasonably...but they fucked this up worse than I can imagine lol.

This game was great overall, had incredible moments...but it's the story of the original FFVII that set the game as one of the greatest RPG's of all time.

They need to stop hiring horny teenagers to write their new stories. The best parts of Rebirth is when it sticks to the script. I can't wait till the Square Enix fanboys try to explain that the story is amazing and makes sense like the KH series.


Don't know why people are confused about the ending. It's simple. Sephiroth wants to control the multiverse. Our Cloud is from timeline A but crosses over to timeline B to go on a date with Aerith who is also from timeline B. Sephiroth from timeline C tries to kill Aerith (also from Timeline C) but Cloud from timeline C parries Sephiroth and saves her life. Cloud from timeline B gets sent back to timeline A where Aerith dies but Aerith from timeline B can somehow communicate to Cloud as a ghost in timeline A. Meanwhile, Zack from timeline G gets friendly with Biggs from timeline A and has to decide whether to save Cloud and Aerith or Biggs. Zack chooses to save Cloud & Aerith which creates timeline S and timeline W. Zack from timeline S somehow crosses over to timeline A where he fights Sephiroth alongside Cloud from timeline B. Sephiroth then sends Zack to timeline L while Aerith from timeline D crosses over to timeline A to fight Sephiroth alongside Cloud from timeline C. After Sephiroth's defeat. Cloud's mind is fucked up from being exposed to multiple realities and Part 3 will probably involve Cloud and friendos travelling the multiverse to defeat Sephiroth in timeline Y, X and D.

How hard is that to understand?

The sad part is this is real. This is why I wanted a 1:1 Remake... especially for such a crucial moment. I knew they were going to insert Kingdom Hearts "logic" here. They just can't help themselves.

Lokaum D+

Geez, just started the game and what is with this ghosting everywhere ? 30fps with this level of ghosting is making impossible for me to enjoy the game and performance mode is blurry hell... how is this a ps5 only game ? damn

is there a patch on the way ? Already miss FF16 engine.
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27 years for this. Can't wait to see the Highwind scene in part 3.



People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
What I understood is that there were multiple universes in this game, the Remake/Rebirth timeline in the main one with slight changes.

What Cloud did was when he deflected the Masamune, he created another timeline where Aerith is alive but the timeline was switched out and Aerith does still die, but he sees the other timeline where Aerith is still alive, but just him and Red XIII (for some reason).
This game, to me, just felt off. It felt like a game with FF7 characters and locations, that never captured the feeling of the original. Crossing the swamp was nothing like FF7 (I know, much longer). Some of the music changes I didn't enjoy (mainly Shinra/Sephiroth themes), but others were amazing (temple of ancients theme and final JENOVA battle theme). The sense of foreboding in Shinra mansion wasn't there. I did every sidequest, 100% non-hard minigame world intel, every mini-game I at least tried, and most, like Queensblood I beat every opponent/every GS challenge. I didn't do Gilgamesh fight, hard mode, or max out mini-games. I clocked in just under 70 hours. Without all the side stuff, it would have been a 30 hour game at most. I didn't enjoy the slow traversal animations, forced walking, and many convos being cutscenes with unskippable dialogue (why not just let us skip thru when we read it always?). I didn't mind the silly stuff, the original was silly, but it never captured the sense of foreboding and urgency from the original.

I have no idea what timeline we're in, who's from which one, etc. Did not enjoy that change, or the ending in the slightest. To also remove that Aeris scene the way they did was criminal in this game - that was the only scene that HAD to be there IMO.

Overall it was an awesome game I had a great time with, and was sad to see it end. Either scale the open-world AC stuff way back in part 3, or diversify it more. Ideally they do both those things.

I know a lot of people who were over the moon for this game have come back to earth, and as more beat it and hate the ending, I think that sentiment will continue. I am happy for those who view it as best FF in decades or game of the generation, but I am just not there personally.
So, why do people hate the ending so much? What about the boss fights?
I think the boss fights might even be the worst part about it. Why the hell are you even fighting Sephiroth in the first place, and why the hell are you fighting the versions of Sephiroth you would fight at the end of the original game?

The worst part of the ending is that in the end we're left at point that's very similar to the OG. Aerith is dead, Cloud's mind is broken, and they need to go North, just like in the original story. So all that multiverse fuckery and over the top bombastic bullshit, didn't amount to anything fundamentally different.
This is what is interesting about the Remake - people complain about the whispers and how they changed so much from the original and its not a remake blah blah, but they actually changed nothing. The whispers are literally a plot device that they use to ensure that the Remake doesn't deviate from the original game. The whole game they tease changes here and there but the whispers singlehandedly ensure that the Remake is the same game as the original, until the last hour.

Which of course leads to exactly your point - if they are going to add a bunch of fluff and nonsense that is not very good only to end up in the exact same place, why not just let it play out like it did originally? They can still change and update stuff but they can do that without the metaverse shit, while still staying true to the original.
This game, to me, just felt off. It felt like a game with FF7 characters and locations, that never captured the feeling of the original. Crossing the swamp was nothing like FF7 (I know, much longer). Some of the music changes I didn't enjoy (mainly Shinra/Sephiroth themes), but others were amazing (temple of ancients theme and final JENOVA battle theme). The sense of foreboding in Shinra mansion wasn't there. I did every sidequest, 100% non-hard minigame world intel, every mini-game I at least tried, and most, like Queensblood I beat every opponent/every GS challenge. I didn't do Gilgamesh fight, hard mode, or max out mini-games. I clocked in just under 70 hours. Without all the side stuff, it would have been a 30 hour game at most. I didn't enjoy the slow traversal animations, forced walking, and many convos being cutscenes with unskippable dialogue (why not just let us skip thru when we read it always?). I didn't mind the silly stuff, the original was silly, but it never captured the sense of foreboding and urgency from the original.

I have no idea what timeline we're in, who's from which one, etc. Did not enjoy that change, or the ending in the slightest. To also remove that Aeris scene the way they did was criminal in this game - that was the only scene that HAD to be there IMO.

Overall it was an awesome game I had a great time with, and was sad to see it end. Either scale the open-world AC stuff way back in part 3, or diversify it more. Ideally they do both those things.

I know a lot of people who were over the moon for this game have come back to earth, and as more beat it and hate the ending, I think that sentiment will continue. I am happy for those who view it as best FF in decades or game of the generation, but I am just not there personally.
The game is great, but it's in spite of all these problems at least for me/IMO. They are serious concerns and drag down an awesome game. They shouldn't meddle like they do with what FF VII is.


What I understood is that there were multiple universes in this game, the Remake/Rebirth timeline in the main one with slight changes.

What Cloud did was when he deflected the Masamune, he created another timeline where Aerith is alive but the timeline was switched out and Aerith does still die, but he sees the other timeline where Aerith is still alive, but just him and Red XIII (for some reason).
It's pretty much this. We knew there were multiple universes. Before, only Aerith (and Cloud too I think) could sense it but as of the events at the end Remake, others started feeling it, namely Biggs and Zack. Then the events at the end Rebirth allowed for more direct crossover.

Cloud basically stuck between two realities is a pretty interesting way of handling it but considering that they're keeping pretty close to the original overall for the main party's journey, this keeps the air of mystery despite basically probably doing the same story again for game 3.

The real wild card is Zack who seems go be getting pushed around different universes potentially?

Anyway, I finished the game Sat and I really enjoyed it even the ending. It's just a lot of info to unpack right at the end. They did do some of the set up before but the game really needed to distribute the info dump more in the few hours prior to that.
"Ultimate Aerith"

What the fuck is this stupid bullshit? Why did they have to do this? It doesn't need to be complicated. We have to save the Planet. That's a huge and worthy enough goal as is.
It's so dumb. I don't understand at all what value they believe this kind of thing brings to FF VII.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
The real wild card is Zack who seems go be getting pushed around different universes potentially?
His choices creating new timelines is potentially explained when they mentioned that Gongaga residents are direct descendants of the Cetra. So Zack(as a Gongaga born human) might have Cetra lineage and might be able to unknowingly influence events. You see this a few times with Zack's choices in the save Biggs, cure Cloud, do nothing dilemma.

Although I think Zack Fair if you pay attention to Stamp(the doggo) changing all the time means Zack is actually shifting between different parallel dimensions.

Part 3 is probably going to have a dragon break where everything merges together.

And I imagine with characters like Avalanche Trio and maybe Roche they might survive in other dimensions but die in others.

Ult/OG Aerith is probably how they link up with Advent Children. To the point they double down that Aerith more or less is the Lifestream as an entity.
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His choices creating new timelines is potentially explained when they mentioned that Gongaga residents are direct descendants of the Cetra. So Zack(as a Gongaga born human) might have Cetra lineage and might be able to unknowingly influence events. You see this a few times with Zack's choices in the save Biggs, cure Cloud, do nothing dilemma.

Although I think Zack Fair if you pay attention to Stamp(the doggo) changing all the time means Zack is actually shifting between different parallel dimensions.

Part 3 is probably going to have a dragon break where everything merges together.

And I imagine with characters like Avalanche Trio and maybe Roche they might survive in other dimensions but die in others.

Ult/OG Aerith is probably how they link up with Advent Children. To the point they double down that Aerith more or less is the Lifestream as an entity.

It'd be pretty cool to see Zack being able to more directly influence stuff because of that. I think his parts are a great counterpoint since the characters don't really feel positive about fate despite the proclamations about it. There's a certain optimism in the energy Zack gives off which is why he's so a great/popular character.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
It'd be pretty cool to see Zack being able to more directly influence stuff because of that. I think his parts are a great counterpoint since the characters don't really feel positive about fate despite the proclamations about it. There's a certain optimism in the energy Zack gives off which is why he's so a great/popular character.
As a whole I prefer all the Zack Fair parts of the story as opposed to the bulk of the game. It's much more interesting IMO.


"Ultimate Aerith"

What the fuck is this stupid bullshit? Why did they have to do this? It doesn't need to be complicated. We have to save the Planet. That's a huge and worthy enough goal as is.

It's so stupid. The modern day SE team can't write a coherent story if their lives depended on it. This is why they should've just stuck with the original script. Every single Nomura game that's come out in the last 20 years has been a narrative mess.
Ughhh Virtual Sephiroth kicking my ass.. no problem getting TO him but he owns me fast. Sigh.
Got him! Just a few more to go. Really he wasn't that hard once I practiced a few times against him, it's just overcoming the loss of time to get there. But this was much better than the other Brutal bouts because they took 15-29 mins, this was 8 mins to Sephiroth or so each time so not bad, fairly brisk.

Onward to the other legendary bouts to conquer this.
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