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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth | Spoiler Thread


Hey all, still playing, when in the story does the Gold saucer dates become available? In a specific chapter? Do I have to do something? I am on chapter 10, about to find a plabr for nebelheim
Later bro don't worry, enjoy Nibelheim
Hey all, still playing, when in the story does the Gold saucer dates become available? In a specific chapter? Do I have to do something? I am on chapter 10, about to find a plabr for nebelheim

Chapter 12. It's required for the main story, so you don't have to worry about missing it.


Hey all, still playing, when in the story does the Gold saucer dates become available? In a specific chapter? Do I have to do something? I am on chapter 10, about to find a plabr for nebelheim

Chapter 12, they're part of the story so you can't miss it. Who you get depends on your character affinity with a specific party member. Basically if there's a specific character you want on the date then do all the side quests with them and neglect every other character lol.


Chapter 12, they're part of the story so you can't miss it. Who you get depends on your character affinity with a specific party member. Basically if there's a specific character you want on the date then do all the side quests with them and neglect every other character lol.
What do you mean with them? Like have them in battle?
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What do you mean with them? Like have them in battle?

I think doing their side quests helps, as well as doing Cloud+them synergy attacks.

Either way you get the ability to set who you are given on the Date in Chapter Select mode. So if you care at all who you get on the Date, you could go back later and see it.
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What do you mean with them? Like have them in battle?
No, for most side quests, there’s one member that usually has a bigger role in it in terms of the side quest story. So, for example in the Condor quest in Junon, Tifa and Cloud talk about the sky and both take the picture at the end. So doing that quest will have a positive outcome on your friendship with Tifa. Wether she was in your party or not during the quest.

Most people get Red because of how the game is set up, so you can either purposefully give all the members bad responses (except the one you want) for your first playthrough, or just play at your leisure and know that New Game Plus / Chapter Select make it very easy to get the result you want.

In my case, I had done all the sidequest up to that point, answered as best as I could and got Tifa for Chapter 8 & 12.

There’s also a alternate ending for the date (regular or intimate ending) so just having a higher affinity with someone won’t give you the best ending for the date.


I think doing their side quests helps, as well as doing Cloud+them synergy attacks.

Either way you get the ability to set who you are given on the Date in Chapter Select mode. So if you care at all who you get on the Date, you could go back later and see it.
How do I know which their side quests are


No, for most side quests, there’s one member that usually has a bigger role in it in terms of the side quest story. So, for example in the Condor quest in Junon, Tifa and Cloud talk about the sky and both take the picture at the end. So doing that quest will have a positive outcome on your friendship with Tifa. Wether she was in your party or not during the quest.

Most people get Red because of how the game is set up, so you can either purposefully give all the members bad responses (except the one you want) for your first playthrough, or just play at your leisure and know that New Game Plus / Chapter Select make it very easy to get the result you want.

In my case, I had done all the sidequest up to that point, answered as best as I could and got Tifa for Chapter 8 & 12.

There’s also a alternate ending for the date (regular or intimate ending) so just having a higher affinity with someone won’t give you the best ending for the date.
I kinda want it to be Tifa, but have no idea how to make it be her, but haven't done too many side quests


No Aerith with the gang for the rest of the journey in the final game - it's a painful thought. :messenger_loudly_crying::messenger_loudly_crying::messenger_loudly_crying:

Finally, I can join all of you in the spoiler thread. A few thoughts:

- Incredible game overall, definitely captured the spirit of the OG FF7 in terms of scale and feel. Love the characters, the art, that soundtrack is an all timer.

- Loved how they handled the Gi and really implemented them into the storyline this time, with them creating the black materia as revenge against the Cetra. Enjoyed how Temple of the Ancients acts as a fortress in hopes of preventing the black materia from falling into the wrong hands.

- Nanaki's voice change still bothers me. I understand what they were going for, I don't love it. They could have kept the same voice from Remake.

- Minigames had their highs and lows, some were really well executed and others just pissed me off (Cactuar Crush, 3D brawler). Overall probably on the whole better than anything from the OG FF7, I understand it was a product of its time but those minigames were bad and busted.

But as with everyone else, gotta talk about the ending. I can't believe they skipped the scene setting Aerith adrift in the lifestream. It was the single most impactful scene this whole game covered. The only explanation I can think of is they are going to pull some weird shit in Part 3. I am ok with holding off my final verdict to see if there was a specific reason why they didn't do it, seems like a pretty obvious and intentional omission.

In terms of the multiverse plot, there is still too much going on to conclude on anything, and although to me it seems rather late to do so, I bet much more will be revealed in part 3 that will retroactively address some of the questions/oddities from both Remake and Rebirth.
But as with everyone else, gotta talk about the ending. I can't believe they skipped the scene setting Aerith adrift in the lifestream. It was the single most impactful scene this whole game covered. The only explanation I can think of is they are going to pull some weird shit in Part 3. I am ok with holding off my final verdict to see if there was a specific reason why they didn't do it, seems like a pretty obvious and intentional omission.

Because while she is currently dead in the main timeline... she won't be by the end of Part 3.
Also I'm gonna take a big rip from the bong here, but is it just me or does the Weapon redesign kind of remind you of Sin? And did the lifestream dance that Aeris did towards the end kind of look like Yuna doing a sending?

I know they toyed with the connecting reference in FFX-2, but Sin being a weapon that exists to destroy technology so humans can never build another Mako reactor could fit... I know it doesn't fully work with the FFX plot and Sin backstory but for some reason those two things really made me think FFX instantly.

Yup. Lifestream spirit particle effects look like pyreflies too. I got the same feeling. The Cetra and their magic staff also give FFX summoner vibes. Apparently FF7 and FFX are semi-related.

Just finished it tonight and was on board with everything EXCEPT the scene of Aerith's death. The two timelines was cool but they should have let that moment linger and play out longer before it glitching in between the two. The immediate glitching lost the sadness and weight of her death. But minor quibbles in comparison to the monumentally staggering amount of content in this.

But holy freaking crap that game blew away all my expectations. I avoided the last few trailers and cannot believe what they've accomplished with this.

I echo the sentiment, they tried to juke OG FF7 players and removed emotion from the most emotional scene in the game. Still fantastic overall, and maybe it's intentional - we need to see where they go with the story in part 3 to know for sure.

Man, I don't think the new Aerith death scene ruined it at all. I actually cheered excited when Sephiroth was deflected, and then confused and sad when I saw the blood, and then it clicked about the different timelines, etc. I will say they have a lot to tie up in game 3, but I think they can pull it off.

At the end of the day, this is a different game. It's not a remaster. This one doesn't take away the impact of the original. That's still there for us to enjoy and play. I kind of like not knowing what's going to happen.

Chapter 13 made me sob like a little kid though. When Aerith is saying that she really tried (to find the doctor) -- and then pulling away from Elmyra when she tried to help. Right in the feels.

They need to be careful not to go for the "subverting expectations for its own sake" route that Game of Thrones did and suffered for. You don't always need to be surprised to be entertained.

It's ruined in the sense that there is really no raw emotion to her death and the scene of her sinking into the lake does not exist. Too much reliance on fade to black and timeskips. Comes off as awkward and anticlimactic IMO. Even moreso if you just ignore the button prompts and the scene plays out the exact same way.

They did this intentionally, there's no way they couldn't have. Hoping they have a good reason but it's going to be years before we find out.


Overall a good game that I'm still conflicted needed all the bloat.

While each region is unique in setting and theme, the repeat Chadley quests got boring. I guess they weren't hard in a regular play but just same old, same old. I don't mind Chadley though.

Prefer if they just stuck to the same story without multiversal stuff. Not everything needs multiversal shenanigans. Just tell a straight story.

Same as so many games, if this was just 35-40 hours and removed the forced walks and maybe reduce the mini games (conflcited on this), it'd be an even better, tighter product. I'd consider replaying it. As it stands, I don't think I will ever replay this game/Remake again.

I'd love to know how many OG players actually struggle to make a dent in this game give their real life responsibilities.
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I think there was a deliberate attempt to get people to mix it up and play each of the characters. I'd expect they will do something similar with Cid/Vincent/Zack in Part 3.
Sure, there are moments in Remake where it forces you to play as a certain party makeup as well... but the difference is that in Remake, it was always a PARTY. The Cait Sith section in Rebirth is SOLO with a horrible box-throwing mechanic.

Solo combat in Rebirth feels especially wrong since you've been conditioned to switch between characters regularly to utilize Synergy.

It's just an ill-conceived part of the game.
No Aerith with the gang for the rest of the journey in the final game - it's a painful thought. :messenger_loudly_crying::messenger_loudly_crying:
Did you not see the ending? Her force ghost is going to tag along in the third game. And by the end of the trilogy she will be alive again because of multiverse bullshit.
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But as with everyone else, gotta talk about the ending. I can't believe they skipped the scene setting Aerith adrift in the lifestream. It was the single most impactful scene this whole game covered. The only explanation I can think of is they are going to pull some weird shit in Part 3. I am ok with holding off my final verdict to see if there was a specific reason why they didn't do it, seems like a pretty obvious and intentional omission.
Pretty sure we get that scene in all of its glory in part 3 after Cloud is finally healed completely and can accept what happened and Aerith is dead.

I don’t understand the decision to not show that scene here, but I trust in the developers that they know what they are doing and the payoff will be worth it.
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Sure, there are moments in Remake where it forces you to play as a certain party makeup as well... but the difference is that in Remake, it was always a PARTY. The Cait Sith section in Rebirth is SOLO with a horrible box-throwing mechanic.

Solo combat in Rebirth feels especially wrong since you've been conditioned to switch between characters regularly to utilize Synergy.

It's just an ill-conceived part of the game.

Did you not see the ending? Her force ghost is going to tag along in the third game. And by the end of the trilogy she will be alive again because of multiverse bullshit.
The interpretation based of dev comments in the Ultimania is that she's dead and what Cloud's see's is either A. Some mental fabcrication due to his declining mental state, B. JENOVA, C. Her spirit that only he can communicate with, like in Advent Children and kinda like at the end of the OG when you defeat Sephiroth.

I think the ending was quite explicit that she's not going to be tagging along with the party for the remainder of the journey and she is somewhat bound to where she died at the Forgotten Capital.
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The interpretation based of dev comments in the Ultimania is that she's dead and what Cloud's see's is either A. Some mental fabcrication due to his declining mental state, B. JENOVA, C. Her spirit that only he can communicate with, like in Advent Children and kinda like at the end of the OG when you defeat Sephiroth.
I deleted the horrible Advent Children from memory so I have no idea what you're referring to there, but yes my interpretation was more along the lines of C: it's her spirit (force ghost) and Cloud & Red will interact with her several times throughout Part 3.

Edit: Just saw your edit. I can see how you interpreted it that way but being bound to your place of death only makes sense if Aerith is an alien like Jenova or the Gi, which she is not. She joined the Lifestream upon death and the Lifestream flows throughout the planet.

To me, the ending was meant to be more of a figurative yet concrete "goodbye" because of how they botched her death with the wishy-washy "did Cloud stop Sephiroth's blade or not?" nonsense they pulled.
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I deleted the horrible Advent Children from memory so I have no idea what you're referring to there, but yes my interpretation was more along the lines of C: it's her spirit (force ghost) and Cloud & Red will interact with her several times throughout Part 3.

Edit: Just saw your edit. I can see how you interpreted it that way but being bound to your place of death only makes sense if Aerith is an alien like Jenova or the Gi, which she is not. She joined the Lifestream upon death and the Lifestream flows throughout the planet.

To me, the ending was meant to be more of a figurative yet concrete "goodbye" because of how they botched her death with the wishy-washy "did Cloud stop Sephiroth's blade or not?" nonsense they pulled.

Wasn't anything too major, just that in AC there are 2-3 occasions where only Cloud see's and communicates with Aerith, at the Forgotten Capital and in the Midgar church.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
I just replayed the original and I'm not sure what you're referring to. Are you talking about the ghost easter egg in the church? That's not an interaction.
I always thought that was a bit of bad code because I think the OG she was supposed to come back but they took it all out but that got left in?

There’s only Mideel where Clouds lost his shit and all the flashbacks with Tifa I wonder if something more was meant here.


The nicest person on this forum
How do I beat Kujata????

No matter how close I get he does a one hit kill to the whole party, what gives
Did you activate each Summon’s Shrines? If do you can lower his power before fight him. Fighting on their full power is very difficult.
It's down by 2 levels lol, so he's not at full power. Still has a one hit kill at full hp

Whenever he starts attuning to an element (he'll start glowing with its color and using attacks of that element), you need to pound him repeatedly with the opposing element to knock him out of it before he finishes attuning. This also pressures him and stops him from using Tri-Disaster.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Cannot WAIT for part three. The Zack parts were fantastic and I can buy the whole Ultimate Aerith thing....she is an ancient like Sephiroth is (if Jenova is an ancient instead of a hostile alien meteorite).

I hope all the different "Clouds" show up for Omni-Slash in the last battle.

Most of the timelines will converge and everyone will get the happily ever after they didn't get in FF7.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
I give the game an 8 out of 10.

I enjoyed it, but the temple was too fucking long and it seemed like I was fighting Sephiroth for 2 hours.


Gold Member
Fantastic game, just finished it.

SO damn confused though.....cloud blocked sephiroths sword (unless i missed something), so how is aerith dead or whatever she is now where only cloud apparently can see her?
Fantastic game, just finished it.

SO damn confused though.....cloud blocked sephiroths sword (unless i missed something), so how is aerith dead or whatever she is now where only cloud apparently can see her?

Because they want to surprise us in the 3rd game, so they didn't commit to one or the other. It will give them time to decide in the third game, and they'll make it seem like it was the plan all along.
Fantastic game, just finished it.

SO damn confused though.....cloud blocked sephiroths sword (unless i missed something), so how is aerith dead or whatever she is now where only cloud apparently can see her?

It's confusing and ambiguous by design in order to leave open the possibility for Aerith to appear in the third game in some fashion. Based on Sephiroth's explanation about how alternate realities are created when fate is defied, it seems likely that Cloud's blocking of his sword - which defies Aerith's fated death - would create a reality in which she didn't die. Whether it is that reality's version of Aerith that Cloud can see in the ending, her dead self's lingering essence, or just Cloud's hallucination, is unclear.
Fantastic game, just finished it.

SO damn confused though.....cloud blocked sephiroths sword (unless i missed something), so how is aerith dead or whatever she is now where only cloud apparently can see her?
One theory I liked is Cloud cant accept Aerith death (and has a history of rewriting his memories) so he believed/hoped he did parry Seph. Lifestream/ multiverse mumbo jumbo made his delusion another branch in the timeline where Aerith did survive and only he can see it. The main timeline ( no tear in the sky), she is super dead.


These two masterpieces aren't in the initial OST release, along with a lot of other tracks that will probably release in OST+.

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Gold Member
Are there certain scenes where the whole party see's Sephiroth? I know alot of scenes it's only Cloud that sees him, but other scenes it looks like the party sees him as well.
Like outside the Temple of the Ancients and in the Prayer room at the end.

Outside of the Temple of the Ancients, I swear it's ambiguous there like the party see's him in some scenes, but only Cloud see's him in others. Like, the whole segment with the fake Black Materia orb of Cloud handing it off to Sephiroth who drops it and makes Cloud try to hand it over back to him again. That part was confusing as heck for me. I think everyone could see Sephiroth, but I don't know.


Gold Member
Sacred Symbols also did a pretty good spoilercast with Gene Park. I liked his theory that there aren't "multiverses" per se, but it's the Lifestream's projections of hopes and dreams. Like there is only one real reality.
My wording of his description is definitely off, but check it out if you can.
Due note Gene does say he is biased against multiverses in general.


Another unreleased track not in the OST that plays just outside the Forgotten Capital after the CGI cutscene.

Are there certain scenes where the whole party see's Sephiroth? I know alot of scenes it's only Cloud that sees him, but other scenes it looks like the party sees him as well.
Like outside the Temple of the Ancients and in the Prayer room at the end.

Outside of the Temple of the Ancients, I swear it's ambiguous there like the party see's him in some scenes, but only Cloud see's him in others. Like, the whole segment with the fake Black Materia orb of Cloud handing it off to Sephiroth who drops it and makes Cloud try to hand it over back to him again. That part was confusing as heck for me. I think everyone could see Sephiroth, but I don't know.

I think Cloud only see's him when it's Sepiroth/Jenova manipulating the black robes and a lot of the time it's in his own head, but the party see's him when it's actual appearance.

During the scene you mention I believe the entire party could see him, or at least Aerith could.

Sacred Symbols also did a pretty good spoilercast with Gene Park. I liked his theory that there aren't "multiverses" per se, but it's the Lifestream's projections of hopes and dreams. Like there is only one real reality.
My wording of his description is definitely off, but check it out if you can.
Due note Gene does say he is biased against multiverses in general.

I think there'll be another one with Colin too at some point who hadn't completed it yet when they had done that spoilercast.


Gold Member
Another unreleased track not in the OST that plays just outside the Forgotten Capital after the CGI cutscene.

I think Cloud only see's him when it's Sepiroth/Jenova manipulating the black robes and a lot of the time it's in his own head, but the party see's him when it's actual appearance.

During the scene you mention I believe the entire party could see him, or at least Aerith could.

I think there'll be another one with Colin too at some point who hadn't completed it yet when they had done that spoilercast.

Yeah, I think you're correct Cloud only see's Sephiroth when it's Sephiroth/Jenova manipulating the black robes.
It was just that whole scene after they grabbed the fake Black Materia orb that threw me for a loop with who was seeing what. (specifically when Tifa knocks it out of hands and tells him to snap out of it. The scenes right after that are where Sephiroth is basically right next to Cloud and no one (except maybe Aerith as you say) seem to notice this. Or could just be me overthinking.

Yeah, the new spoilercast with Colin is out and I need to listen. Gene's theory starts at the 2 hour and 42 minutes mark as well. It's short, but definitely something interesting.


Yeah, I think you're correct Cloud only see's Sephiroth when it's Sephiroth/Jenova manipulating the black robes.
It was just that whole scene after they grabbed the fake Black Materia orb that threw me for a loop with who was seeing what. (specifically when Tifa knocks it out of hands and tells him to snap out of it. The scenes right after that are where Sephiroth is basically right next to Cloud and no one (except maybe Aerith as you say) seem to notice this. Or could just be me overthinking.

Yeah, the new spoilercast with Colin is out and I need to listen. Gene's theory starts at the 2 hour and 42 minutes mark as well. It's short, but definitely something interesting.

I can't say for certain but it's possible in that scene Tifa can't see Sephiroth but can see that Cloud has lost control of himself and is about to do something stupid with the black materia and so intervenes.
Months later and I still think the ending is an utter disgrace.

The writers, mainly Nojima, are such hacks.

It is so obvious that they’re making a lot of it up as they go along.

There’s no point to this multiverse stuff since they’re being super cowardly with everything anyways; all it amounts to is cheap fanservice.

I’ll have to try replaying Rebirth next year without doing most of the sidequests because a lot of my memory of the game amounts to: silly sidequests, silly mini-games, Chapter 13, and then a horrible ending.
Started playing this at launch any finally finished it.

Anyone upset about Aeris making it and living or upset about the multiverse can suck my hairy balls.
Did I miss something? She’s dead but I guess alive in some other dimension that will probably only be used as fan service (and I guess in the lifestream)


Months later and I still think the ending is an utter disgrace.

The writers, mainly Nojima, are such hacks.

It is so obvious that they’re making a lot of it up as they go along.

There’s no point to this multiverse stuff since they’re being super cowardly with everything anyways; all it amounts to is cheap fanservice.

I’ll have to try replaying Rebirth next year without doing most of the sidequests because a lot of my memory of the game amounts to: silly sidequests, silly mini-games, Chapter 13, and then a horrible ending.
If they chicken out and everything plays out the same but slightly different… it would be such a waste.

Seeing people say that Aerith is just dead and it’s all Cloud being nuts, I mean come on! That’s some fucking weak shit. What’s the point of this changing fate schtick if they don’t actually change anything? I’d rather have had a 1:1 remake if that’s what they’re doing.
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If they chicken out and everything plays out the same but slightly different…

Given that Rebirth sold poorly, I think that's where it is headed.

I think the main difference is that Zack will join the party at some point. And I still say Aerith will too, maybe at the end of Part 3.

BTW I thought they handled Cait Sith's betrayal and him being allowed back in really poorly.
I did not see it that way. I’m quite confident that Aerith will be just fine for FF7 Reunion.
I hope you’re right but I doubt it. I know Aerith was shown surviving, is clearly alive in other dimensions, and is in the Lifestream, but I guess we’re stuck in this dimension where she dies (practically off-screen) but there’s that rift in the sky and only Cloud can see her and Red can sense her.

Sheer stupidity


BTW I thought they handled Cait Sith's betrayal and him being allowed back in really poorly.
That entire Temple felt like the worst soap opera lol

Still, most everything after had me by the balls. It would be so lame if they do absolutely nothing with such a set up.


I hope you’re right but I doubt it. I know Aerith was shown surviving, is clearly alive in other dimensions, and is in the Lifestream, but I guess we’re stuck in this dimension where she dies (practically off-screen) but there’s that rift in the sky and only Cloud can see her and Red can sense her.

Sheer stupidity

The game will open up with some BS where you get her to the “right” timeline. It’s going to be fine.

Would make zero sense to kill her and not actually show the scene.
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Finally beat it. Overall, I'd say it was a great game. Definitely liked it more than remake.The scope of it was fantastic. The only thing I have against the game is how beating it only gives you a bronze trophy. Should at least be a silver.
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