I loved him and didn't understand why his character arc was dropped at the end. He should have had his redemption by joining up with the party to defeat Ultimecia. I liked Rinoa so I didn't want them togetherI actually thought Quistis and Seifer would have been an interesting pairing. I think there's a few part's that imply Seifer might have had something for her.
IIRC it was because of budget issues. Another big reason I want a remake is to see them open those area's up. I would love to see how each town was affected by Ultimecia's rule.
Look closer. It's there. Took me a second.
Yeah there were a few things I would have liked to see developed more. Maybe Seifer could make Quitis a bit smarter!
If we get a HD remake of 8, I refuse to see disc 4 repeated like that! I also wanted to know more about Esthar...that place was awesome.