At a later point in the game or what? Cuz I went down the elevator to go back into Kilika and jack all happened. The door was shut. It was made by the devs and the devs keep it.
Later point in the game! You'll probably know exactly when.
At a later point in the game or what? Cuz I went down the elevator to go back into Kilika and jack all happened. The door was shut. It was made by the devs and the devs keep it.
Tidus was supposed to be the total opposite of the moody Squall and Smug Cloud. I think they succeeded.
As for the voice acting...this was when the tech wasn't here yet to re-sync mouths, so the actors had a ROUGH time making their dictation fit. It was probably harder than actually doing "normal" voice work.
Later point in the game! You'll probably know exactly when.
Do they even know Dimensions is a thing that happened?
Games like VI and VII are classic because they broke new ground, they were revolutionary at the time. But somehow making a game that looks, plays and feels like a game that was groundbreaking in 1997 is the magic solution that SE is just too stupid to see in front of their eyes.
That's what they want, but that mindset won't create those games. People have to remember those games were made to be something new at the time, they didn't make Final Fantasy VI by saying "hey let's try to make something like our NES games!" You won't make memorable titles for now if you keep trying to make memorable titles from yesterday.
I know, I don't get it either.
Games like VI and VII are classic because they broke new ground, they were revolutionary at the time. But somehow making a game that looks, plays and feels like a game that was groundbreaking in 1997 is the magic solution that SE is just too stupid to see in front of their eyes. IT'S SO SIMPLE. Ugh.
I dunno, I think some people at SE should listen to the fans for once.
I mean... c'mon now. This is getting dumb.
I don't care one bit for LR but the constant negativity is getting old.
I don't care one bit for LR but the constant negativity is getting old.
There was an OT for it.That said, I have to ask: am I the only person on GAF who has played Final Fantasy Dimensions? Even if I am, though, I think it would be more fair to say that everyone who wants a cartoony, old school style FF ought to have purchased or be planning to purchase Four Heroes of Light/ Bravely Default respectively. Because those are likely more in line with what people are talking about in terms of appearance and platform than Dimensions, even if Dimensions is more in line with what it sounds like people want mechanically.
I don't know, I think I'm okay with the constant negativity, because no matter how good the game might turn out to be, it shows how tired of the hijinks surrounding it the consumers have become. Square Enix has generated a lot of ill will this generation, and if one good game suffers injustly because of that, then I think that'll drive home the point of how wrong it was that a game of XIII's pathetic caliber did so well. If a point is being made from all of this, I'm fine with it.
What I'm not fine with is that TWEWY hasn't happened yet and that if it ever did it wouldn't be on a dedicated hand held. Also that Type-0 is like, never coming here for absolutely no good reason. That just blows my mind. I get that the PSP died by the time Type-0 could have come out, but at this point not even a word of "PSV" or "3DS port" or even "PS3 port" goes beyond the "no viable area to sell this product" and moves into "Square doesn't give a fuck."
That said, I have to ask: am I the only person on GAF who has played Final Fantasy Dimensions? Even if I am, though, I think it would be more fair to say that everyone who wants a cartoony, old school style FF ought to have purchased or be planning to purchase Four Heroes of Light/ Bravely Default respectively. Because those are likely more in line with what people are talking about in terms of appearance and platform than Dimensions, even if Dimensions is more in line with what it sounds like people want mechanically.
I don't care one bit for LR but the constant negativity is getting old.
Negativity is by now a constant for this series, and it cannot be cancelled. Even if FF XV, or FF XVI turn out to be great FFs, there will always be negativity. Sometimes I have the feeling that many people want FF to fall rather than to be great again.
Type 0 not coming here is a tragedy, it looked like it would be so much fun too...ugh, thanks a lot Squeenix. As for TWEWY...I'm not sure I want them in their current state to touch that game...maybe when they've been hit with the bat of competency...
Oh, yeah. I should probably import that sometime.
I dunno. The whole thing about the game being unbalanced like the demo, the shitty RTS segments, having to play the game twice to get the full story, towns just being hubs for sidequests, a bunch of inane endgame stuff, the overworld being kind of crummy, etc. ended up making me put it on the lower side of my import list, to be honest. :/
Like, I'm sure it has stuff that people like in FF, but it's all of a matter of cohesion and balancing, here. And Corvo's probably going to post something lengthy with respect to how much he likes Type-0, but alas, I haven't played it outside of both of the demos they released for it, so I can't exactly refute anything, lol.
Edit: To be fair to the game, it looks like the reception to it was mixed.
Fans are idiots, never listen to them
I haven't played Dimensions because:
And no form of Demo to try it out before I commit like the iOS version does. I'll save my money for other companies that actually try.
100,000+ downloads for an Android FF title... I'm starting to see why companies are so crazy about going this route. But still, ugh. I just can't fathom playing a full-on game like that on my phone, but I guess that mindset is a minority now?
That piece of art is really cool.
So Yoshitaka Amano goes into a bar and draws Golbez
and Cthulu loses his mind. I mean what is this? I see like, Cagnazzo back there, and a demon door, but on the left there's this blob next to a lady in a one piece and its face is just like "OH MY GOD GOLBEZ IS SO COOL."
I wonder if everything in there is an actual enemy or boss from IV?
Only if you remember a boss from FF4 that was covered in teats.
Last time I saw an enemy like that was the art for Eve in Parasite Eve...ewwwwwww, bad memories flooding back now ugh.
That could be a nightmare version of Hecteyes...even though that never appears in IV, lol.
Last time I saw an enemy like that was the art for Eve in Parasite Eve...ewwwwwww, bad memories flooding back now ugh.
Stay away from Shin Megami Tensei designs then, boobs are only the beginning for that franchise.
Also I started to play FFX-2. The battle system is just plain fun. The game seems so cheesy too, I like it so far. I like games that don't take themselves seriously, sometimes.
There's a blob enemy in TAY called Hecteyes, I think. It doesn't look like that.
Also I'm considering playing XII:IZJS. I played part of the opening of XII today and it was a lot better than I remembered. My one complaint is that I really wish Basch had been the MC.
It's gonna be tough to top what I saw in Parasite Eve but eh, I'm not sure I want to see now lol.
I'm good with Basch being the main guy, so long as they give him a better seriously what the hell? That also reminds me we need that version over here. Does it add anymore super bosses?
Hmmm...well I can't hate on the addition of the Job system, it's always pretty cool. We could use another game in the vein of V.
Dimensions is the one that's in the vein of V. IZJS has 12 jobs and you get to pick like, 1 per party member. So if I choose to make Basch a Ninja, a Ninja he stays.
Man I just cant get a break on VIII.
Have 100 Cura junctioned to Rinoa, go to a 2 second Laguna scene and now they are gone. none of my characters have them.