Why you hate Krile.
Is it because she's a lesbian?
Don't make me take you to Kriletown.
Porom creeps me out so I'm going to ignore her but yeah, it's FF tradition. FFVII was the start of THE BIG TIME for most of the characters so I started there.
Vaan is FF12 is pretty much the embodiment of "just kinda there". As such, he really doesn't detract from the narrative. I just wish you didn't have to run around as him in towns, or I wish he had his FFTA2 look instead.
Vaan essentially gets the whole plot kickstarted with him interrupting what otherwise would have been an ordinary heist for Balthier and Fran and insisting on freeing Basch from prison. Other than that yeah, he really doesn't do all that much.
Oh god,I thought that Yuffie line was just the natural progression since IV. As in Porom-->[REDACTED]-->Relm-->Yuffie-->Selphie-->Rikku-->Prishe-->Penelo-->Vanille.
Like, it's been a thing for awhile to have the precocious "younger girl" member of the party.
Rydia causes an explosion that severs Cecil's contact with Baron, but she ain't no MC. I mean, Vaan isn't as hateworthy as I remember, especially not with shit like Snow and Hope, but the dude doesn't come into his own until after this game.
Why you hate Krile.
Is it because she's a lesbian?
Her character design is unsettling to me, and her outfit is dumb (but this is final fantasy so the latter can be excused)How does Porom creep you out? Pink Porom from TAY is waifu material.
Unless there's some massive FF5 extrapolation going on here, you may have mistyped Vanille or Fang here.
Why SE didn't just make that canon is beyond my comprehension. They surely made a better couple than Snow and Serah
It seems pretty canon already, Fang's very obviously physical with her all the time.
If Fang were male, there would be zero ambiguity; it's just people being weird about gay issues that make people want to question it.
Shit son.Whether he sinks the basket depends on how well you are playing FF8.
No, I'm serious. He sinks it if you've had 200+ victories.
I dont think any of the characters in FFXII are that bad really. They made all of them come across pretty normal.
I dont think there is a main character in FFXII. You start as Terra in FFVI, but is she the main character? Not really.
Vaan is even less important than Terra, but I kind of like the idea of starting the game as a minor character and being introduced to the rest of the more important people. Besides, it gives the game an excuse to explain things to you. IN FFX it was because Tidus was an outsider. FF6 was because amnesia, etc.
Unless there's some massive FF5 extrapolation going on here, you may have mistyped Vanille or Fang here.
It seems pretty canon already, Fang's very obviously physical with her all the time.
If Fang were male, there would be zero ambiguity; it's just people being weird about gay issues that make people want to question it.
Well, remember there's people literally arguing 15 years later about who Cloud loved.
Despite the facts that, oh, one of the love interests is dead and he's living with the other.
That should tell you all you need to know about fandoms and their imagined relationships.
Shit son.
Apparently if you get 250+ the ball spins around the hoop before it goes in.
Correct. FF8 (and most FFs onward) had little things that most players would not even notice. It's strange to see how the more recent games like FF12 have even MORE obscure background stuff to dig up but fans aren't as drawn to them like they are with a single obscurity from their favorite childhood one. People will fire up their old savegame and spend 20+ hours to find a rare item in FF4 or SoM but can't read through a few datalogs in FF13.
Just finished FF9 last night and being such a great game it makes me wonder even harder.
Who the hell isNecron???
I've neeeeeeever even heard of him (ingame). Any explanations on this at all? Really made me mad.
Terra is a shit protag.
All she does is mope. The entirety of the game, it's nothing but mope mope mope. Then she finally turns purple or whatever, flies around and takes a nap, then wakes up and continues moping. It's absolutely stupid.Darnit Beef...I thought Terra was pretty good as a protaginist.
Just finished FF9 last night and being such a great game it makes me wonder even harder.
Who the hell isNecron???
I've neeeeeeever even heard of him (ingame). Any explanations on this at all? Really made me mad.
Terra is a shit protag.
And then people are so surprised by her characterization in Dissidia when it's really the same thing in FF6 only voiced this time.All she does is mope. The entirety of the game, it's nothing but mope mope mope. Then she finally turns purple or whatever, flies around and takes a nap, then wakes up and continues moping. It's absolutely stupid.
Just finished FF9 last night and being such a great game it makes me wonder even harder.
Who the hell isNecron???
I've neeeeeeever even heard of him (ingame). Any explanations on this at all? Really made me mad.
I played FF7 today.
Damn, I forgot how much I loved the NPC dialogue, especially in the Tutorial area. So fun.
Treasure chest appearing out of nowhere on top of the Talking Save Point.
I think it was Kagari or someone else in the GAF Plays FF Games thread who convinced me to use Yuffie, and I am much happier for it. Her lines are some of the best in the game.I played FF7 today.
Damn, I forgot how much I loved the NPC dialogue, especially in the Tutorial area. So fun.
Treasure chest appearing out of nowhere on top of the Talking Save Point.
Terra is a shit protag.
And then people are so surprised by her characterization in Dissidia when it's really the same thing in FF6 only voiced this time.
Her favourite lines are a set of ellipses.
I made sure to forget the game as soon as possible once I got to the World of Ruin.People who don't like 6 are always quick to forget that.
I made sure to forget the game as soon as possible once I got to the World of Ruin.
You learn something new every day...Whether he sinks the basket depends on how well you are playing FF8.
No, I'm serious. He sinks it if you've had 200+ victories.
I think it was Kagari or someone else in the GAF Plays FF Games thread who convinced me to use Yuffie, and I am much happier for it. Her lines are some of the best in the game.
You stopped playing in the World of Ruin?
Whether he sinks the basket depends on how well you are playing FF8.
No, I'm serious. He sinks it if you've had 200+ victories.
As soon as I found out I had to go on a fetch quest to find the characters I used the most with the characters I used the least, I stopped playing and never looked back.
As soon as I found out I had to go on a fetch quest to find the characters I used the most with the characters I used the least, I stopped playing and never looked back.
4 and 6 are the only FF games that have made me quit out of anger/disgust.Oh. I don't know that I've ever quit a Final Fantasy game.
Like I said, I had to use the characters I put no time into. I didn't have time for that shit.Where's yer spirit o' adventure matey!?
It was basically a different game at that point really, so I can understand why some didn't like it.
4 and 6 are the only FF games that have made me quit out of anger/disgust.
I quit 3 too, but I didn't give that game anything close to resembling a fair chance so I want to try it again sometime. I just don't have the means to currently.
All she does is mope. The entirety of the game, it's nothing but mope mope mope. Then she finally turns purple or whatever, flies around and takes a nap, then wakes up and continues moping. It's absolutely stupid.
FF4 does that too!2's so . . . dull. It's just "Here is a door. Behind is an empty room. This is clever dungeon design!"
FF4 does that too!
I don't even remember the first boss fight in 5.
That's because you hate everything I love.I don't even remember the first boss fight in 5.
I think you've forgotten the Sealed Cave's dungeon design.Ah, but 4 has the added ploy of "But wait! Maybe there's a secret corridor this time! Nope!"
It's different, important and magically special.
That's because you hate everything I love.
I think you've forgotten the Sealed Cave's dungeon design.
Mechanically I think V is a better game than IV. It's just the story in V isn't gonna hold the same with me because I'm flagrantly biased in IV's direction, and because Ex-Death will always be a poor man's Golbez.
Golbez probably doesn't even know what a Pizza is. Exdeath is aware of such delicacies.
Golbez piloted a giant robot. I mean this isn't even a contest. His one hand thing was way better than Exdeath's stupid sliver ploy.
You still haven't refuted my point about Pizza!
Fair enough, lol. And you're lucky I don't watch anime that much anymore outside of a few things here and there!And I don't hate everything you love. I'd say its the other way around, unless you suddenly love Gundam 00 or Rah Xephon, and then maybe we need to rethink this relationship. I like FFV a lot, and Bartz in particular. Krile can die in a fire, but the rest of V was fine.
Mechanically I think V is a better game than IV. It's just the story in V isn't gonna hold the same with me because I'm flagrantly biased in IV's direction, and because Ex-Death will always be a poor man's Golbez.
So how did Golbez exist solely as a hand.
And why did Cecil just sit there and look at it take the thing.
Fair enough, lol. And you're lucky I don't watch anime that much anymore outside of a few things here and there!