Larsa steals your waifus from under your noses as you rudely question his gender identity.
At least in my head canon.
Still undecided on Ashe's class. I mean, RM would be nice and balanced but I feel like playing it dangerous and using a Hunter instead.
My brother refuses to acknowledge that Larsa isn't. Then again, he also refuses to call Ashe anything other than Yuna, too.
My brother is weird.
It's fairly obvious that anyone who says "Y is the WORST FF EVER" has not played FF2nes from start to finish. It's objectively the worst FF, because it's unplayable.
Like, it's not debatable. Remakes are a different story; if you take those into consideration, then they are improving FF14 a lot.
I went Samurai (, whatever) with Ashe. That + Shades of Black is pretty hilarious.
Granted, free random Black Magic might not be your thing, but it's pretty cool for most of the game.
Then later on, they get the awesome Genji armor and spiffy Katanas (and the awesome Blood Sword A).
Red Mage has some interesting stuff too as well, like Dark-elemental magic, and some good support spells.
I'm pretty sure my brother would be that way as well...
Well I made Vaan the Samurai, so I'm trying not to double up. My problem with Red Mage is mostly in wielding maces. I'm not a mace fan.
Hmm...dunno then.
Maces aren't that bad, since they're based off M.Atk or some crap, so they're hardly weak on Magic classes that can use them.
Plus, you can get the strongest mace (Scorpion Tail F; very powerful and combos about as much as a Katana) pretty early if you know where to get the mats.
Plus, Red Mages get shields.
Can you still equip the one nethicite which kills your mp? I hope they took that out.
Is Ashe still the only one who can use the King Swords?
Why did all the legendary things in XII suck so much?
Why did all the legendary things in XII suck so much?
If you can't find one anytime soon you should sign up on Final Fantasy Merchandise and keep an eye on the B/S/T thread.So this might be a long shot, but
if anyone out there has this figure and is willing to sell it for a reasonable price, I'd be interested.
What's your favorite version of a traditional ff song.
One of them would be the Final Fantasy main theme from XII:
One of them would be the Final Fantasy main theme from XII:
My favourite track in the game. I get teary eyed just listening to it. :')
And the monsters still beat up my party. I'm prepared to think that I'm just underleveled, at level 50, for this area, but I mean, if I'm underleveled, that says some nasty things about the game's EXP system, when I grind for cash after literally every step of the game.
You don't say.
Is it so much to expect that if I'm spending every waking moment in this game scraping gil together, I should be amassing sufficient EXP at the same time?
I kind of liked it how the game forced me to keep upgrading or else I would just get creamed in the next area, that was a decent challenge. Of course I got my butt handed to me when I went to Nabudis a bit on the early side but oh well!
Someone please tell me they made a wall scroll out of this. I got one with Vaan and Ashe and all the airships but I want this too. The art is just awesome!
Oh, no, in case people are confused, I was talking about Final Fantasy Dimensions. I haven't had any problems with XII so far. Did I misspeak in my previous post? I'll go check to make it clearer.
Penelo is probably the closest character to "invisibility".
She's the most non-existent character in FF.
Penelo is probably the closest character to "invisibility".
She's the most non-existent character in FF.
Penelo is probably the closest character to "invisibility".
She's the most non-existent character in FF.
Penelo is probably the closest character to "invisibility".
She's the most non-existent character in FF.
Yyyyyeah....Leila, Josef, Ricard, Gau, Strago, Relm, Quina, Amarant, Eiko, may disagree with that.
T-minus 2 days before I go on a massive raid of the Square Enix HQ. Get your requests in now!
I'll post tons of pics.
Whatever sins Penelo MIGHT have committed, she makes up for in Dissidia by dissing on Squall mercilessly. Penelo's cutting remarks were so much that when the sequel came out and it was revealed she'd eased up even a little bit, people on GameFAQs were crying because "Penelo got nerf'd."
Penelo is the C-3PO of FFXII. Basch is Luke and Kenobi, Balthier is Han, Fran is Chewie, Ashe is Leia, and Vaan. Well Vaan is a side character who followed the team's entire quest that you read about in an EU novel that was written in 1985.
FF13: nope
Aw, come on. There are some legit good characters in XIII. Also, leaving only Lightning would leave us with... only Lightning.
I'd personally add Sazh. Or if you want a villain, Jill Nabaat.
Aw, come on. There are some legit good characters in XIII. Also, leaving only Lightning would leave us with... only Lightning.
I'd personally add Sazh. Or if you want a villain, Jill Nabaat.
What if they gave us Fang? Huh? What then?!Nah, I agree, because if XIII got another character, it'd be Snow, and fuck that.
What if they gave us Fang? Huh? What then?!
Yeah they would totally give us Snow.