I kinda want to believe that LR is going to be a bad parody of Valkyrie Profile.
They even have Yggdrasil.
I've never played Valkyrie Profile, but would it be safe to assume that it has to do with Norse mythology? If so, there's a reason why they are so similar: Lightning is the XIII universe equivalent to Odin and with nods to Thor in some ways (e.g. according to the Ultimania, Odin is Lightning's idea of a father figure) and much of the background events in the Lightning Saga are based on Norse mythology.
Lightning's role was much along the lines of Odin's while living in Valhalla in XIII-2 . Not only that, but she was called "Warrior Goddess" (though I heard that that was a localization goof) and is referred to as "The Warrior" numerous times as Odin is heavily associated with war and battle. He's also known for poetry and wisdom and lo and behold: Lightning is speaking in Purple Prose and is doing her best Warrior Poet impression during monologues. Lightning is ripped from history and the truth behind it is unknown to all but her sister, which could easily be seen as their version of Odin being slain at the day of Ragnorok. Not only that, but from Valhalla, Lightning can see all of history and all possible futures just as Odin could see all of Earth and everything happening in it from his palace Valaskjálf. Etro could be seen as the Well of Knowledge/Wisdom as she had the exact same effect on Lightning as the Well did on Odin (she learns of the past, present, and future and all of the horrible things that have occurred, are occurring, and will occur) only instead of sacrificing her eye, Lightning sacrificed the ability to ever be with the ones she loves and cares about. And now her new role as the "Soul Liberator" takes her link to Odin even further: A guider of souls. There was also an incident where Odin had left for such a long time that "it was doubted that he would ever return" (sounding familiar?). Heck, Lightning Returns is basically just Toriyama's version of Ragnorok mixed with the FNC mythology (so instead of the world being swallowed up by a sea of water, it's swallowed up by a sea of Chaos).
It was an interesting idea, mixing a brand new mythology with an old one while telling it through the perspective of a different culture and with different story structures (XIII has quite a bit in common with how a Greek Epic is structured; XIII-2 is structured as a miniseries with episodes; and LR remains to be seen). But, as mentioned, the execution wasn't there in the slightest and very quickly became a train wreck. Moreover, so much information is ripped from the narrative that even if you do follow all of the numerous metaphors, various symbolism, and tons of allusions... you'll be scratching your head over what the fresh hell is going on with not only the actual story, but the background mythology they themselves created.
For all the shit Toriyama gets, he honestly is pretty good with ideas for stories. Actual execution and script writing is where he goes so horribly wrong.