I wish I had a tablet to play Dimensions on...I could just borrow my dad's Ipad but he uses that everyday and I'd have to drive out there to get it...meh
I just need another game like V with even more classes.
Well, D doesn't have more jobs, but it does have some that V didn't. Memorist, Dark Knight and Paladin come to mind right off the bat. If you haven't played Four Heroes of Light yet, I would highly recommend that. While it feels much like a cross-over of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, the game is one of the best looking DS games, the cast is okay, the music is good, and it has a class system chock full of jobs that you don't normally see in Final Fantasy (Seamstress and Party Host, for instance). It's right up there with Type-0 as best FF to come out last gen, and alongside DQ IX, Radiant Historia and The World Ends With You probably one of the best DS RPGs made.
Type 0 is pretty kickass. Starting to see what I was talking about eh Grumpy?
Such a good game. I'll probably save my next playthrough for the fan translation, though.
I really wish I had played it sooner, but I was holding out for a translation or HD port. I just couldn't wait any longer. Played through FF I-IX in JP without issue, but for some reason this one scared me off. I think I was overwhelmed by all the characters and that first RTS-esque battle. In some ways I still am, but I have grown to enjoy playing them all (except maybe not Sice and her awkward scythes). Each character feels like an expendable tool in getting the mission done. There is a real strategic element in choosing who will lead the mission, and who will be there to finish it off if things go to shit. It's so satisfying to clear a mission with one dude left who's almost at the brink of death.
The world setting and lore seems incredible. I can tell a lot of time went into the design for the architecture, clothing, etc. If I could read that crystarium book in the library I would be in heaven. Hunting for lore notes in FF XII was one of my favorite things to do in that game.
But yeah, it is better than I could have ever hoped. I even enjoy it more than my beloved FF XIII in some ways. It just makes me sad that most US gamers won't get to play it, because it is pretty much incredible. Easily stands tall with the main numbered titles. If SE they did for this what was done for MGS Peacewalker HD I could see it impressing.
Did you get the extra costumes? The extra costumes make it even more fun. Type-0 is also the only FF I've ever played that made me want to replay it immediately.
Well, she's orange/yellow when you first meet her in the Famicom version:
And invincible!