That's too much man for one FF game.
MANBez invites you to fight him atop the Giant of MANbel. He's gonna show you why the MAN on the Moon is always smiling.
I just don't like long hair Cor. I tried with Laguna and even opened up to Jecht but I just can't love it. I'm sorry.
All the truly greatest men in JRPGs have had hair hanging from one part of their head or another. DunMAN, Thunder GOD Cid, MANBez, uuuuuh
You know, I feel ashamed to admit this, but I have played very few JRPG series outside of SE owned ones. Like, I've played a hilarious number of FF, KH, SoM and a few TO games, but that's it. Outside of Square, I've played what? Two DQ games not counting Monsters, Radiant Historia, Last Story, SRW, and like, that's all I can think of. I mean, aside from Nintendo JRPGs. I've played a ton of Pokemon, all of the Earthbound and GoldenSun games, the Mario and Luigi series, two Fire Emblem games and part of a third, and I'm most of the way through Xenoblade.
But like, I have never played a single Persona/SMT or Tales game. I played Contact, but that's about it. I never played any of the Lufia games. I never played a Paper Mario aside from the one for 3DS, I never beat SMRPG, and yeah. I feel really bad about it.
I guess if I don't hate JRPGs forever by the time I finally finish this FF run-through I've been slogging through for 2 years now, I might finally look into things like Tales and Persona. Not Dragon Quest, though. Those games go on FOREVER. You can start one today and finish by the time your children are in their eighties.
Man In Black Golbez is pretty much how I would depict a FF1 Black Wizard. Or it's just Magus from Chrono Trigger.
Magus wishes he had them kind of muscles.