Why would Caius, a Pulse L'Cie, have a Focus of protecting Yeul, a Seeress for Etro, when Pulse's stated goal in the FNC is to open Etro's Gate and kill her? How does Etro have Seeresses when she, again, has no powers? Why would Pulse, Etro's natural enemy and also incapable of any contact with her at all since she is in the Unseen Realm beyond Etro's Gate and his reach, create a PULSE FAL'CIE, a sworn servant of his, to reside in the city of Seeresses, Paddra, and broadcast their visions? How would he even DO that?
Why would Etro put her heart into the body of Pulse L'Cie, one of her sworn enemies? Why would Etro HELP Pulse L'Cie during XIII, given what was going to happen? How could Etro put her heart into someone else when she has no powers? Since Caius kills himself at the end of the game (and no, Noel did NOT kill him, I cannot comprehend why anyone would think that since no matter whether you choose "kill" or "don't kill" the exact same scene plays and just UGH if you even bother to say otherwise here, I mean REALLY), why didn't he do it at any point in the game? Why didn't Caius just STOP Lightning and company when they were on Pulse so Etro would never twist time, given that he knew what would happen?
How does Hope build a Fal'Cie? I mean, those were built by Lindzei, who was a GOD. Since when is Hope smarter than Jesus? At the same time, why would you use the MEMORY of an omnicidal maniac who ordered your mother killed as the main brain of the computer? Why would Hope waste 400 years in a time capsule rather than spending those 400 years ensuring that his plan would work? 400 years is plenty of time for a plan to go completely and entirely awry.
How the fuck does Cocoon even fucking fall? I mean what the fucking fuck? You spent ALL of that game working to prevent it. Don't tell me erosion, 'cuz 1) Sucker had been in the air for 13,000 years already, 2)the things eroding it had all been killed, 3)Crystal don't erode in the space of 500 years. If it was Hope digging pieces out of it, what the fuck? You had 500 years to manufacture your own world, you did not need to spend that time tearing apart the inside of Cocoon. Moreover, if people were really still living inside it, it must have still been functioning in some ways, considering the ones up top didn't all fall down into the middle and then the bottom, and the seas did not all collect there, not if so much of the place was still intact.