So I think I've written about as much about the XIII war as I can. Maybe I'll sit down and spell it all out in good detail later, but really I think I've come about as far as any man can on this topic.
I actually agree. While I don't think she was special or anything, she was more enjoyable in XIII compared to what she is now.
I wish they had just kept the original ending and made the sequel about freeing Fang and Vanille.
Or just never made a sequel at all. Fang and Vanille were happy, they had what they wanted. Snow was happy, he had what he wanted. Sazh, Lightning had what they wanted. Hope got sorta stiffed, but prolly had what he wanted too.
True. I just liked the idea of bringing Fang and Vanille back but no sequel would have been fine.
Either way, it's really sad the direction they've taken the series.
I must sound crazy for saying this but I kinda just want the old Lightning back. I wish wish wish XIII-2 and LR could be completely undone and that XIII could have just ended where it did with Lightning as she was.
If it hadn't have been for the sequels, I'd have been cool with lookalikes in the other games in the FNC, too, I think.
I have a feeling we'll like the Light in LR way more then the one in XIII-2 at least. Any remnant from XIII-2 would be from the fact that she is now "the Savior".
That would be great. I love Fang's design. XV could use a look alike like that.
Yeah, she is still serving a God, but she is the main character. She'll have more to say and do so you never know how she'll act. As for the Light thing. I think the localization played around with what the Japanese version did. Considering that they changed her name as well, both the nick name and her name have a connection in their meaning.I'm feeling the polar opposite because Lightning is still shacking up with Etro. Also I just remembered how much I did not enjoy her telling people to call her Light.
Yeah, she is still serving a God, but she is the main character. She'll have more to say and do so you never know how she'll act. As for the Light thing. I think the localization played around with what the Japanese version did. Considering that they changed her name as well, both the nick name and her name have a connection in their meaning.
Right, she's back in the PC seat, but then again, from what I understand she's also the only PC? Like, the number of PCs has dropped every game.
The other thing is the costumes. Now, as someone who enjoyed TLS and has no problem with X-2, LR's costume feature doesn't but me. The poses Lightning strikes in those costumes, though, do, because they're just completely at odds with how her character was in XIII. In XIII she was a tough, disgruntled cop. The world has since gone down the can and now she's doing poses you could expect to see Vanille or Serah strike. It's just odd, you know? If there had been more of a goofy aspect of her character initially, I could more readily accept this, but it is just really far removed from who she was, and unlike Yuna, who you could at least argue that no longer being on a journey to her inevitable death loosened her up considerably, Lightning is supposedly on the clock and racing against it.
I just want the old Lightning back.
The sexy one and the Miqo'te one are definitely the one's I'm referring to.
It'd be one thing if Lightning was the type to make these references. For instance Final Fantasy Dimensions' Alba makes referential humor, and other jokes all the time. That's something her character does which makes sense. Lightning, though? It's just inconsistent. If this was Bartz, sure, since mimicry and goofing it up is his thing. Lightning? No.
But Naoto is still Naoto. Or Chris from Resident Evil with this:
Another thing is that none of these characters reference what the ware, so it is just for the player to see and mess with.In the end I don't like it, but I expect to like this Light more than her XIII-2 one. I'm with you though, best Light: XIII, Dissidia, XIII-2.
I got Xenoblade and only am at Gaur Plains. I am convinced it is the best game ever and I'm not even at the good stuff yet. Why can't FF have a connected world like this huh?
I think it was aiming for that with X and more specifically XII. XII had a lot of large, open areas from what I recall.
XII was great that way. I miss being able to explore in FF games. ;_;
I think it was aiming for that with X and more specifically XII. XII had a lot of large, open areas from what I recall.
I'm excited for Monolith's next game. If they want to go with the "seamless" experience it's gonna be great. I wonder if XV can be on par.
I'm excited for Monolith's next game. If they want to go with the "seamless" experience it's gonna be great. I wonder if XV can be on par.
I got Xenoblade and only am at Gaur Plains. I am convinced it is the best game ever and I'm not even at the good stuff yet. Why can't FF have a connected world like this huh?
You mean you don't want to know about every single outfit Lightning can wear in the game before it's out?
Hm? You can stop random encounters fairly early on in VIII.Guys I have never played FFVII and I really want to...Now which version do you recommend ? PC or PSN ?
I heard that the PC release has some level booster that lets you alter your level without grinding(correct me if I am wrong) I think that's awesome because my experience with random encounters has been pretty tiresome with FFVIII and IX.Again, I have first played these two last year, random encounters are really frustrating and outdated , especially when the damn escape button never works on the first try.
At the same time I don't want to butcher the experience by making it too easy or too different from the original.Which version looks , sounds and runs best ? How do you recommend playing the game ?
Hm? You can stop random encounters fairly early on in VIII.
As for the booster pack, do you really want to pay to beat the game? Grinding isn't that necessary.
I say go with PSN, especially if you have a Vita or PSP. The portability makes it more enjoyable and fun. Though if you like mods, go PC.
The outfits in LR would look cooler if SE had given Lightning various hairstyles to match.
The outfits in LR would look cooler if SE had given Lightning various hairstyles to match.
I thought I remembered there being a charge but looking it up I'm not seeing any. Still, the feature isn't worth it. The game isn't grind heavy and taking away the difficulty of battles makes the game boring. I know playing for storyline is your main reason but using a booster is basically taking away any gameplay ? are these micro transactions ?I thought they were just a feature with the PC version ?
I guess I am gonna with PSN version and manage through the mechanics as I did for the other two....
Even so, it's a little ridiculous to have a thread for every single costume with the amount there is. I understand for special costumes like Cloud and Aeris but the rest should really be compiled into one thread.To be fair clothes pay a large role in the game and are by far the most marketed thing by SE...
To be fair clothes pay a large role in the game and are by far the most marketed thing by SE...
ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Corvo, you were right! I tried to make sense of the story and now I'm wondering why I just spent the time trying to make sense of it! SAVE ME, CORVO!
I remember reading about the Etro thing. Supposedly she can have emotions but doesn't understand them.(probably one of the reasons why she doe s such shitty things). Light could be going through the same, plus she was human and like Hope, has memories too.She also mentioned a "hole in her heart". She might of started without emotions when she got the powers but is getting filled, even as her mission started, and will continue to do so throughout the game. Possibly every encounter with a familiar face or scenario does that to her.
ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Corvo, you were right! I tried to make sense of the story and now I'm wondering why I just spent the time trying to make sense of it! SAVE ME, CORVO!
Easy Crimson, easy.
Here I'll quote my response to you from the other thread and for anyone interested here:
Don't know if that will help though, haha
Easy Crimson, easy.
Here I'll quote my response to you from the other thread and for anyone interested here:
Don't know if that will help though, haha
See, that's why I said it was the same bullshit as Etro in the other thread. The novella contradicts itself regularly since it says stuff like "But she couldn't understand, for she felt no emotion" only to turn around and say "she loved Yeul so much...". Same shit it seems they are doing with Lightning.
And that still doesn't answer why Bhuni would do that anyway. He wants Lightning to save the world and wants to use Serah as leverage... only to make it so that no fucks can be given from Lightning. That's just self-defeating.
Ok here is what I think. Someone/thing like Etro at first doesn't have emotions, but as she encounters things like Buni's rejection or the Yuel crap, she starts to get them and gets all fucked up and does horrible shit.
Despite how she was in XIII-2,Light had emotions, so when Buni made the deal, of course she would take it. But when Buni gave her powers, they(her emotions) were gone. Like Etro, born or reborn of Buni apparently does that. Light still has memories of her human life and when the game starts she encounters Snow and the emotion from those memories fill "the hole in her heart" a bit. I don't think Buni cares if she has them or not, as long as she does her task.(Although such feelings would help).
But the novella "vindicated" Etro of all that horrible stuff because "She didn't have emotions, so she couldn't have understood all the pain and suffering she had wrought". Again, the novella wasn't very consistent on whether Etro had no feelings or whether she just didn't understand them. One moment she doesn't have them, the next moment she just doesn't understand them.
He should, and maybe he does, but it's possible that giving her powers has that side effect. It can't be helped . Like I said Buni bothered with Serah as leverage for Light, who just came from XIII-2 and saw what happened with Serah, while she had those feelings. Then she was given the task and powers, now all she has is the memory and the mission, for now.But Bhuni SHOULD CARE since he's tasking this woman with saving the souls of the entire universe! And he uses Serah as leverage to keep her going. So one would have to assume that Bhuni doesn't realize that Lightning lost all her emotions since if he did it makes no sense to even bother with Serah.
But Bhuni SHOULD CARE since he's tasking this woman with saving the souls of the entire universe!
Instead of emotionless they probably should have used nihilism or indifference or stoicism.
The whole has no emotions, experiences emotions anyway is the same bullshit that happened with Etro being stripped of all power in the mythos but having power in XIII series.
I don't even care anymore.
Universe my ass.
During translation of some game no one cares about I've learned Kurasame is a boss. And is worthy of being the "Captain".
One of his text dialogue lines is essentially if no one is able to support you in battle I shall go to your aid "myself". And if I cannot make it I shall send my Tonberry in my stead.
What a guy.
Referring to that Academy aid feature this no name game has.
Offtopic: Also I've reached the forest place in Xenoblade, Dunban is amazing and shall replace Shulk as main playable character.![]()
Dunban is amazing ,reminds me a little of Auron as the mentor of the main hero,both wise and strongBORN IN A WORLD OF STRIFE
I am Dunban, face me if you dare!
Not gonna lie to you Magius, the consensus is that Dunban should've been the main character, is more awesome than everyone else in the game, and I personally only ever removed him from my party when I was doing sidequests.
Also Dunban xis the ship for me, guys.Melia
Also Dunban xis the ship for me, guys.Melia