Dark Schala
Eloquent Princess
tales of the abyss?I still have stuff like SMT4 and ToA to beat.
play smt4 and ff5 first
in fact, play a lot of games before you play tales of the abyss. >.>
tales of the abyss?I still have stuff like SMT4 and ToA to beat.
Just give in.
the running joke in some circles is that i dislike video games so it's just funnier this way :vAlways with the Tales of the Abyss hate. In fact it's a pretty good game, and one of the better ones in the series.
i dunno. a lot of people like it, but i don't. it's just like how i don't like ni no kuni, but a lot of people do. or how i like tales of graces f a lot, but a lot of people don't seem to care for it. people are free to like what they like just as long as people are equally as free to dislike what they dislike. yep.
smt4 gets easier as you go on. it's just hard at the start when you don't have a lot of demons or you don't have enough to fuse skills with
but that game is super-fun. very reminiscent of the first two smt games.
the running joke in some circles is that i dislike video games so it's just funnier this way :v
i dunno. a lot of people like it, but i don't. it's just like how i don't like ni no kuni, but a lot of people do. or how i like tales of graces f a lot, but a lot of people don't seem to care for it. people are free to like what they like just as long as people are equally as free to dislike what they dislike. yep.
That's actually some good fanart...I rarely see any fanart involving FFV characters
Don't pay much attention to Schala, she's basically half-asleep and hasn't actually woken up yet. It shows in her punctuation.
That FFV art is fuckin' rad though.
OK that green-ish outfit with the scarf is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay fucking better.
Hm, maybe my issues with the character designs in XIII would change if the characters were, y'know, good.
Except Hope, his hair just looks too stupid.
I don't feel it's worth bumping it's own topic right now but I'll say some weird translation project no one cares about is at 51.5%.
It was good enough to make me seriously consider replaying FFV. I love FFV but playing it again so soon after I had just played it (it's been only a year) is not on my list.
I don't feel it's worth bumping it's own topic right now but I'll say some weird translation project no one cares about is at 51.5%.
I dunno man stuff is iffy.
Like Lightning having her belly button pierced.
Oh you can look forward to both. I just don't expect to see XV for a long time. I really hope they add in a dev commentary feature in the game as well. I'd like to hear about the behind the scenes development stuff that happened regarding the project in it's entirety.
Also here was the fan art, if anybody cared:
I don't feel it's worth bumping it's own topic right now but I'll say some weird translation project no one cares about is at 51.5%.
On a side note VC3 translation patch is getting ready to be released by December 25. At least so it seems.
This. Don't pay attention to anything I'd said earlier given that I was just completely out of it and spoke completely uninhibited.Don't pay much attention to Schala, she's basically half-asleep and hasn't actually woken up yet. It shows in her punctuation.
I would disagree about the battle system since I would consider it "unrefined", but again, no two people would look at one thing and think the same thing of it. This is what makes discussion interesting. But yeah, Abyss is certainly more about the world-building, regardless of how I feel about the cast and battle system. Though I am glad we can see eye-to-eye on Ni no Kuni because yikes that game.Ni no Kuni is different, you're right with that, that game's just objectively bad. From what I see you posting about Tales games, you care mostly about the battle system(?). Abyss is more about the world building and that's what I like about it, battle system is good enough to not be annoying.
All callbacks to the previous games in the series, I can assure you. Haha. That's part of what made me love it.My one "disappointment" with SMT 4 is the way I feel like they sort of skimped in places. As in battle looks like an old Dragon Quest game (which is acceptable, but unexpected from a 3DS era RPG) and themap just has a little indicator I move around instead of using a character model. Otherwise it's a really good game.Japan
That's great news! Especially since last month, when I asked, it sounded like you guys were still stuck at the 33%. Does this mean some time next year is an optimistic release date?
A friend of mine said that Stocke is the RPG equivalent of Solid Snake.One of the few games with a rational protagonist.
Almost TOO rational.
Radiant Historia is bretty damn good.
One of the few games with a rational protagonist.
Almost TOO rational.
Great news! Really thankful to all the people involved for putting so much effort into it!
Uhm, other 3DS RPGs you might be inclined to at least try could be Devil Survivor Overclocked, and Dream Team Bros, I guess. I would happily recommend Soul Hackers because I love what they did with it coming from the Saturn era, but I'm not sure if it'd jive well with you. Dream Team Bros, you might find a little repetitive towards the end, which is what brought it down for me, but another one of my friends loved it in spite of that.
Though do realize you can play DS games toooooooooooo. :V
Maybe next year. If we keep up our current pace you are looking at completion in possibly 3-4 months. Depends on our activity.
Corvo could play this instead of those silly 3DS RPGs. It's even way easier to find now after it got reprinted!
Oh! Oh! Guilty confession time:Even though I never play MMOs, I was considering playing The Old Republic. I mean, it's F2P, right? I know, I know, there I go, snubbing FF14 again, but eh.
Skies of Arcadia's a good game, tho. I own two versions of it. In all seriousness, Dreamcast had such a nice selection of stuff. Not necessarily RPGs, mind you, but a lot of nice stuff.I still need to beat Bowser's Inside Story, which is going to make the response to your second part sound silly: I've beaten most of the really great DS RPGs already. The World Ends With You, Four Heroes of Light, FF3 and FF4 DS, Contact, Radiant Historia, Dragon Quest IX, and Super Robot Wars W all spring to mind immediately.
I have been thinking about picking up Skies of Arcadia, but since I don't have a console and only hand helds and emulators at my disposal (with hand helds having the real preference here), if I can't figure out a means of emulating a Dream Cast, I'm probably not going to play it.
Is it the part where (um, how do I spoiler this? uhh... mansion spoilers/pre-second half of game spoilers)I'm playing Nier right now.
Not sure if some of the shit in this game is quirky design or budget cuts.
Some of it is obviously paying tribute to other series and genres but one particular part in the game makes me wonder if they just weren't trying to save money. I mean it was a creative way to do it but still.
I'm still cracking away at the Mega Man Star Force games, myself.
I aaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmm.It's not nice to lie. :V
Is it the part where (um, how do I spoiler this? uhh... mansion spoilers/pre-second half of game spoilers)You'll definitely see why that's the case later, but I loved the genre references in Nier a lot.it completely takes after Resident Evil and everything's in black and white?
Nah not that, I get why that's the way it is and got the reference right away.
It was theForest of Myth text adventure stuff
This game is weird.
books are made from trees
Corso, stop snubbing XIV. Even Kagari plays it and she doesn't like MMORPG's.
It's F2P, but it's F2P of the worst kind.
Seriously though, FFXIV. Beat the story in 30 days. Fulfill all your curiosities. Hell, convince Schala to play with you at the same time and I'll carry you both through all of it.
I'm playing Nier right now.
Ahaha, we should get AniHawk in here. He doesn't care for RH's time travel mechanic, either.
Skies of Arcadia's a good game, tho. I own two versions of it. In all seriousness, Dreamcast had such a nice selection of stuff. Not necessarily RPGs, mind you, but a lot of nice stuff.
why haven't you beaten bowser's inside story yet
Let's see, DS RPGs that got localized... Um...
Did you play the other Dragon Quest stuff on DS yet?
I do have a sore spot for Suikoden Tierkreis, but on its own, it's actually a fairly decent RPG with a lot of good music and art assets. The protagonist's English voice is lol, but I think you might get something out of it if you're just looking for another RPG to play.
Infinite Space is one of the better RPGs for DS for me, especially in terms of narrative. Hard to find in NA, but apparently easier to find in Europe. Solatorobo is also a good game, and I'm glad it got localized here.
Black Sigil is terribly unbalanced. I really wanted to play that game because the developer intent of it being a callback to Chrono Trigger was very clear, but it wasn't executed well, and there were a few game-ending bugs in there which dampened the experience considerably.
You could always try the Etrian Odyssey games, but you are certainly better off getting the ones on 3DS if you haven't tried them out. The Millenium Girl is a good reinterpretation of the original game.
I thought The Wizard of Oz was a cute little game with music by Hitoshi Sakimoto, but only get it when it's cheap. It's not the best RPG on the system, but it's not among the worst either. It's entirely stylus-controlled, and if that sort of thing kills it for you, skip it. It's also in first-person view for battles, and its way of handling battles might be unusual for some folks.
Sands of Destruction is a love or hate it sort of game that I'm not entirely comfortable recommending to everyone because of different tastes.
I'm still cracking away at the Mega Man Star Force games, myself.
Does Nier Replicant even have an English translation, though?
I suddenly don't feel like playing FFXIV anymore today.
I suddenly don't feel like playing FFXIV anymore today.
The hell? Is that from XIV?
Some Eorzean adventurers are weird.
Edit: This guy does not look like a Walrus. Or Erotic, for that matter. Misleading advertisement!