Stocke was amazing. I loved how level-headed he was. Kind of wish Squall was more like him and less of a broody asshole with bad development.Radiant Historia is bretty damn good.
One of the few games with a rational protagonist.
Almost TOO rational.
Not a particular fan of MMOs, especially when I rarely have friends to play them with but goddamn, there's something about FF XIV that's attracting me to it. I really wish there was a few-day long trial or something.
Stocke was amazing. I loved how level-headed he was. Kind of wish Squall was more like him and less of a broody asshole with bad development.
When you buy it (There are still deals going on I believe), you get a free month trial to see how it is.
You do? Well that's good at least, since the game itself is fairly cheap. Maybe I'll get it around Christmas. I'm pretty sure I'll be disappointed lol but goddamn, can't resist dat FF pull
As I said, I don't really have any MMO friends, so how possible is finishing XIV's main quest/story alone? Should I be prepared for dozens of hours of grinding?
It's very solo friendly, if you join a Free Company, you should always have help with any dungeons you have to do. Those are the only spots really where you have to work with others. The only grinding you have to do is like really late like levels 45-50 but those aren't too bad.
Xenoblog: I've decided KOS-MOS is awesome as one of the only characters to put that dumb Shion twerp in her place. I've also decided that Xenosaga 1 suffers from not implementing a proper map. I got lost on the Woglinde and went in circles for an hour. >:/
Still I am immensely enjoying the game. Shion notwithstanding. Hate her guts.
I think Shion gets dumber as the series goes on. I dunno, just what I heard.
But I do remember there was a part where she decidesto betray the party for some stupid reason. I was like "get outta here with that"
The FF Dimensions Boss Theme.. is that what I think it is?
The FF Dimensions Boss Theme.. is that what I think it is?
I've only fought the first boss and I've enjoyed the game so far. I don't mind grinding as long as it's not longer than 20 minutes.On a related note, in spite of the game's best efforts, I am still playing Dimensions. But good God, does this game ever stagger your progress. "Welcome to town! That'll be 70000 gil, please."
"Can't I just advance without buying new weapons and armor?"
"Bwahaha, no! You need those extra two defense points so that you don't spend all your MP casting cure on the first floor of the upcoming ten floor dungeon! I mean you're going to be attacked ever three steps, so better suit up!"
"Okay, what about if I just level up a bunch?"
"Haha, no, son. The mini-boss tier monsters out there reward about 2 EXP a kill. You need roughly 10 bazillion EXP to reach level 3!"
"So gil farming?"
"Did I mention they drop like maybe 100 gil a fight?"
Spend 10 hours doing this to get through the cave, on the other side is a town. Lather, rinse, repeat.
I've only fought the first boss and I've enjoyed the game so far. I don't mind grinding as long as it's not longer than 20 minutes.
Corvo could play this instead of those silly 3DS RPGs. It's even way easier to find now after it got reprinted!
I've got that, but just don't feel compelled to finish it. Not very far in, but so far it's giving me bad Chrono Cross vibes.
I've got that, but just don't feel compelled to finish it. Not very far in, but so far it's giving me bad Chrono Cross vibes.
Well for starters, aside from its terrible environmental preaching to you, Chrono Cross is okay.
Second of all, Radiant Historia's one failure is its time travel mechanic which only really becomes bad in the post-game.
But mostly it's not that bad.
- It has too many characters and too few techs.
- Its story is far less focused than Chrono Trigger.
- The story is butchered, ala Guile = Magus.
- It actually contradicts CT since it depicts humans as ape-men prior to Lavos showing up.
- The last battle is basically an annoying puzzle.
If you play Saga Frontier 2, use a guide. You can accidentally make the game unbeatable near the end if you don't.
Cross was a great game. Beautiful graphics, fun battle system and one of the best soundtracks to come from Square.
I wish it had been it's own seperate game since it will always be compared to Trigger.
Yeah,to go back to her old lover or something who is so clearly a massive fucking antagonist.
In addition to being an annoying bitch, that andme hate her so goddamn much it literally ruined the Xenosaga series' story for me. No joke.her accidentally summoning the gnosis as a whiny little kid or some shit like that made
The worst thing is, the games could have been like almost ten out of ten's for me if it wasn't for her. The other characters are fantastic, gameplay was great for the most part, story was incredibly interesting and it had a lot of cool twists and turns and shit.
Dumber and more unbearable
e: and more annoying and irritating and insufferable
e2: and more stupid and game-ruining and mood-killing and joy-smashing
e3: jesus christ i hate her, everything about her and everything she does so goddamn much
I hate that shit, I really do, and I agree that the game does a terrible job of telling you that the whole thing is ultimately about finding and freeing Schala, who went missing last game, and that disc 2 is just this sudden whirlwind of nonsense and dragons dragons dragons.
HOWEVER, I don't think Cross was a bad game. The presentation was amazing and the battle system rocked. Much, if not most of the first disc was absolutely stellar. And while the idea to make 50 people the cast backfired to the detriment of characters like Guile (especially since the justification makes little sense, as most people will be rocking Serge, Glenn and somebody else by game's end), the "main" cast was still great, and the engine which made characters all adopt different idiosyncratic methods of speech was pretty nice.
Was Cross the greatest SE game of their golden PSX era? No, but I would still assert it was an entry worthy of that age. God only knows its still better than half the stuff they put out now.
Oh, I know. I still plan on playing it again after I get through more of my backlog (this time recruiting only those I have to/contribute to the story). I think what bugged me most is that you cannot experience the most interesting parts of the story in one playthrough (Razzie and Glenn). Most games this would not bug me, but I have two dimensions, why can't I choose Glenn in one world and Razzie in the other. That and you have no sense of closure for 99% of the cast. *shrug*
I'm also going to add to the notion that Shion's a shitty character and legitimately one of the worst characters I've ever come across.
Jesus Christ.
No I hear he wasn't half bad in Xenosaga.
LOL.No I hear he wasn't half bad in Xenosaga.
I still have to get endings C and D.In other news, after some time mulling it over I think Nier is my favorite console RPG of last gen.
It's a great example of game being far greater than the sum of its parts.
So here is my current backlog because you all care so much:
Sonic Generations, Half Minute Hero, KotoR II: The Sith Lords, Dust and Strike Suit Zero
Persona 3 Portable
Super Robot Wars Z2.2
Super Robot Wars: Operation Extend
Super Robot Wars Alpha
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
River City Ransom X
Pokemon Fire Red
Pokemon Black 2
Hotel Dusk
The World Ends With You
Dragon Quest 4
Order of Ecclesia
Bowser's Inside Story
Super Robot Wars W
Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon
Radiant Historia
The DS Zeldas
Shin Megami Never Gonna Beat this Game 4
Code of Boobs
Ace Attorney 5 DLC case
Animal Crossing NL
Kid Icarus Uprising
Tales of the Abyss
Pokemon X
Paper Mario Sticker Star
Fire Emblem Awakening Too Hard Mode
Ghost Recon
Dillon's Rolling Western
Virtual Console:
Oracle of Seasons
Link's Awakening
OG Zelda
Final Fantasy Dimensions
N64 Emulator:
Majora's Mask
Paper Mario
And someday maybe I'll run through FF1.
As you can see I have like a gagillion games to play and Christmas hasn't even happened yet. Also this doesn't even include consoles because I never have time for that.
Careful with MM on an emulator. The clock is all messed on on them. I don't know if it's been fixed or not, so watch out.
I liked CC except for how the game just vomited extremely important plot information in the form of conversations before the final boss. And how the alternate ending you get if you don't save schala is one of the shittiest endings in gaming history.
A little related I tried playing xenogears and that game has aged so poorly to the point of being unplayable. It's a shame because the plot seems batshit crazy enough for me to love it.
The only thing Xenoblade lacked was being able to drive giant robots.
And lo and behold X had answered my cries.