The only thing Xenoblade lacked was being able to drive giant robots.
And lo and behold X had answered my cries.
Highlighted TWEWY and Hotel Dusk because those two are my favorite DS games. Heck, some of my favorite games of all time to be honest. I wish Nintendo would've just purchased CING, because they gave me the detective game I always wanted. Got to import Last Window since it'll never see release in the US.DS:
Pokemon Black 2
Hotel Dusk
The World Ends With You
Dragon Quest 4
Order of Ecclesia
Bowser's Inside Story
Super Robot Wars W
Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon
Radiant Historia
The DS Zeldas
Am I a bad FF fan for enjoying FF: ATB?
At least the localization is funny.
Hey Final Fantasy Community! What's the general consensus on Final Fantasy V? It's one of the few I haven't beaten, and I'm wondering if I should put that higher on the list of games I need to beat.
Highlighted TWEWY and Hotel Dusk because those two are my favorite DS games. Heck, some of my favorite games of all time to be honest. I wish Nintendo would've just purchased CING, because they gave me the detective game I always wanted. Got to import Last Window since it'll never see release in the US.
Yeah I was hoping Square would make a Qator Bashtar Magitek Armor game. But with MonolithSoft they don't have to.
Now if my character can be hotblooded and yell a lot and I can name my "doll" the Dynamic General Guardian or DyGenGuar I'll be super pleased.
I know we can already wield colossal mech swords so we should be good to go for awesome mecha battles.
Even if I prefer battle axes. And characters who surpass the age of 27.
I've been interested in Hotel Dusk, it seems like a suitably light visual novel for these uni assignment filled times. Is it like a regular old mystery novel? What would you compare the story to?
I let my cousin borrow the game and he can't get pass the beginning. Says it's too boring. The only way I can describe it is that it's just like a real novel. They usually all have a rough start. At least to me they do. It certainly gets a whole lot better once really start seeing how the story is progressing.I love TWEWY. Hotel Dusk is sort of a rough start.
The best gameplay in the SNES era? It's the only one in the SNES era I haven't played, so that's pretty funny. Been missing out it seems. I knew about it being more goofier, but that's fine with me. It's good to see something different since most is of a serious tone, especially in that era.FFV is a classic. I, personally, love all three SNES era FFs to death, but I am comfortable recommending FFV to anyone because of the three it has the best gameplay. Just realize that FFV is THE comedy in the series. The entire game is meant to be goofier than pretty much any other FF before or after.
Also Bartz and Faris.
Its certainly starts off like a real mystery novel. You start off meeting a whole bunch of people, doing basic stuff. It's like this for while, but like a good novel, it really picks up once the story finally can progress. CorvoSol is right though, you will be wandering around the hotel a lot in the beginning.I've been interested in Hotel Dusk, it seems like a suitably light visual novel for these uni assignment filled times. Is it like a regular old mystery novel? What would you compare the story to?
I've been interested in Hotel Dusk, it seems like a suitably light visual novel for these uni assignment filled times. Is it like a regular old mystery novel? What would you compare the story to?
I would compare the story to wandering around hallways listening to elevator music trying to figure out what the hell I am supposed to do because that's as far as I get every time.
I don't like Xenogears much. Platforming was garbage. Especially when you can get into a battle mid-jump, which could possibly be to your detriment post-battle. (Tower of Babel, I'm looking at you.)
The best gameplay in the SNES era? It's the only one in the SNES era I haven't played, so that's pretty funny. Been missing out it seems. I knew about it being more goofier, but that's fine with me. It's good to see something different since most is of a serious tone, especially in that era.
I don't know why I keep putting this game off though.
Tower of Babel makes no sense when you think about it.
They could've flown up the fucking tower!
Don't know if I'd say gameplay exactly. The Job System in V is pretty godly though, with how balanced it is and the fun combination of jobs and skills you can make.
Story's kinda silly though, but it works.
The Job System is what I'm referring to. Between 4's "I won't have a growth system till the NDS" and 6's "This is a test run for the Materia system" 5's "I have the definitive Job System for the rest of ever" is the best.
Also Dancer Bartz.
Be warned though that FF5 does have one of the worst characters in the entire series.
Krile isn't THAT bad.
She so so is
You enjoy FF4 though, so your "worst" meter is a tad busted.
I can't even remember Krile. Was that the one who pretended to be a guy?She so so is
I can't even remember Krile. Was that the one who pretended to be a guy?
I can't even remember Krile. Was that the one who pretended to be a guy?
OhhhhhhhhNo, that's Faris.
Krile is the little girl.
OhhhhhhhhNo that's stupid sexy Faris.
Krile is the Mary Sue whose head eclipses the sun.
Oh my god, Hotel Dusk has the painfully slow text with no settings to change it! WHY would you ever do something like this just ugggghhhhhh
You shut up and enjoy the game.![]()
No that's stupid sexy Faris.
Krile is the Mary Sue whose head eclipses the sun.
This should be a sin.Says the guy who thinks FF6 is bad. Pot Kettle Black.
Oh my god, Hotel Dusk has the painfully slow text with no settings to change it! WHY would you ever do something like this just ugggghhhhhh
I'm going to start FFV tonight or tomorrow. I got it on FF Anthology for the PSOne.
This should be a sin.
They make up for it with great music.
Wanna give me a summary of why she sucks? I haven't played V in forever.
This should be a sin.
Isn't Krile supposed to be the first... Well, Yuffie/Selphie/Rikku/Vanille breed of people.
Isn't Krile supposed to be the first... Well, Yuffie/Selphie/Rikku/Vanille breed of people.
She acts far far FAR too mature to be like them...which is weird considering her age and all.
You're really better off not considering Krile at all. Like any aspect of her character. I did that once and that is why I hate her forever.
Gud gud.I am! Or you know, playing it. Not sure about that enjoyment part just yet but it seems intriguing enough.
Although just a theory from some MagiusNecros dude. It is said that although Krile gets away with a lot of things it is fact that GILGAMESH could beat her in a 1 on 1 fight. Even more concrete when GILGAMESH only wants a 1 on 1 fight with Bartz. Implying Krile is not worth his precious time. GILGAMESH doesn't even care bout Krile. It's all about Galuf with him.
Which reminds me of problem number one with Krile: She takes the place of a vastly superior character.
Not many mencan not die even when they are killed. 0 HP be damned
I wonder who's going to be FFXV's Yuffie/Selphie/Rikku/Vanille...
I wonder who's going to be FFXV's Yuffie/Selphie/Rikku/Vanille...
Eh never cared about that stuff.
The lack of females brings the chance of awful cheesy romance to zero.
Except there's Stella and Noctis so cheesy romance is guaranteed.Eh never cared about that stuff.
The lack of females brings the chance of awful cheesy romance to zero.
Eh never cared about that stuff.
The lack of females brings the chance of awful cheesy romance to zero.
Pfft.Hey! Awful cheesy romance is a time honored tradition in this franchise, buster!
Except there's Stella and Noctis so cheesy romance is guaranteed.