Yeah, I don't do a lot of getting super hyped for releases anymore. I still get excited for things, though. Like Super Robot Wars Z3 is going to feature one of my favorite series in it, so I'm excited. But it's not like FFXIII where I'd eat, breathe, and sleep speculation for that and Dissidia.
I've always wished they would localize those games, though I realize that there are so many licensing issues involved. What new series are they adding with this one? I always liked how they would often go and sort of fix a series like what they did with Seed Destiny.
Out of all the remasters I'll be trying this year (Symphonia, FFX, KH2.5) Kingdom Hearts is definitely the one that seems most interesting to me. I didn't like KH2 much at all, mostly because it was pathetically simple. KHFM definitely improved the difficulty a bit, and I hope the Final Mix (and perhaps other) additions to KH2 can dissolve the sour taste that game left.
And yes, being able to play BBS, which has the best gameplay in the series, with a controller is definitely appealing too.
I'm trying to remember what I've heard about difficulty in regards to the FM version. I think it's still easy, but hopefully not as pathetically so as the original version was.
I'm looking forward to playing that one in particular due to what I've heard and seen of the gameplay in BBS. It was done by the same team that's in charge of KHIII, right?