Wait, Cor is banned?
Ah I think it might be because of the Anime thread. It's probably only a week.
Oh damn nice! Do you have a link to the design? I want to see it up close!
Found it.
Wait, Cor is banned?
Ah I think it might be because of the Anime thread. It's probably only a week.
Oh damn nice! Do you have a link to the design? I want to see it up close!
Now this is one member I will pour one out to.Corvo was banned?
Good night, sweet prince.
Yes, we'd actually care more about the characters and what's happening to them. That tends to be one of the things Tales does alright for instance, even if the plot isn't spectacular the characters at least have some depth and make you care about them.
That song just put the funniest image in my head. Thank you
Yikes, that's nightmarish. Never knew this was originally a PS2 game though, so that's an interesting detail. Makes me rather curious about XV and Type-0 in when and how they were originally conceived. The mismanagement that seems to be going on at SE really is harming them I think and I do wonder at times just how aware of the issues they are.
I feel bad for the cutscene and localization teams for having to do so much work and then have it all scrapped or changed. I can't imagine how frustrating an environment like that must have been.
It baffles me that they didn't finalize a battle system until that point. I'd guess they were simply having trouble realizing some vision of what they wanted, though the mention about internal bickering makes me think they couldn't come to any agreement on what they wanted at all. I wonder if there's some original version of XIII that's actually really good in terms of plot with all that potential realized, but I may be kidding myself.
I half wonder if that was one of the intentions of the games to be honest.
Really? I love when they put stuff like that in with games. I kind of miss having really big manuals and posters with my games since a lot of cases either have a bare bones one or a digital version.
Wait, what happened to Corvo?
Now this is one member I will pour one out to.
Ah thanks!
Well, it won't change your opinion THAT much since they do drop Seifer's arc in disc 3.Guess I'll take your word for it Wazzy
...I seriously need to replay FFVIII again (I can't argue without it)
Also Corvo got banned, whaaaaaaaaaaat?
I hope it's just a week long exodus... gah.
(Yeah, saw his posts in AnimeGAF. He'll be back next week at the latest).
I don't really have a strong opinion on Seifer, he was just kind of there. Had a silly simplistic motivation, kind of pathetic actually. I can't say he was only a nuisance becausewas certainly at least a little threatening.Killing Odin
While on the topic of Corvo, how long do bans last?
I miss him already.
Ah he did a self-request ban.
Hope he's doing okay and can resolve his personal issues!
PK Gaming I totally respect your opinion on Seifer. Besides, you, Corvo, and I are still on the same team. The We don't Like Seifer Club. We still bros right?
(Bro fist)
While on the topic of Corvo, how long do bans last?
I miss him already.
I don't really have a strong opinion on Seifer, he was just kind of there. Had a silly simplistic motivation, kind of pathetic actually. I can't say he was only a nuisance becausewas certainly at least a little threatening.Killing Odin
Ah he did a self-request ban.
Hope he's doing okay and can resolve his personal issues!
Depends. According to Corvo's twitter feed, he requested this ban for a week to deal with personal things. You can request a ban for as long as you want or you can obviously be banned due to TOS violations (usually being a dick). Minor offenses seem to last a week while moderate offenses can last up to a month. Major offenses can last 3 months or longer or can end up getting you permabanned.
If I came across as standoffish, I'm sorry >.<
I think I just fundamentally misunderstood his character, and I just didn't do a good enough job at articulating my distaste for him.
And absolutely. To Corvo!
EDIT: Oh shit, I hope everything works out for him![]()
XV has been on Normura's mind since early 2005 and has been in some kind of production since 2006. Early 2014, and it's no where in sight for at least the next year. Type 0 was originally a mobile game that turned PSP game and took 4 years in total to make (2 1/2 years or so as a PSP game), and because it took so long to make, the PSP was essentially dead outside Japan by the time it came out, which is why 2 years and 3 months later, we still don't have a localization. There was a 4th FNC game that was entitled "Haresis" that nothing ever came of. Quite frankly, the entire FNC has been a gong show. And none of this mentions that three ring circus that Final Fantasy XIV turned into.
His story felt like it was cut short and I suppose it probably was.
It's common for games like this to have cut content. Hence all the recent unused material in XIII series, Type 0 and others. XII could also be mentioned since Matsuno had a lot more in mind for it but never came to be.
I know, but it is sad when it comes to the detriment of what should be a major character. I do tend to find stories about cut content rather fascinating though, such as what little I've heard about XII.
It is generally interesting to hear about scrapped concepts.
It is generally interesting to hear about scrapped concepts.
I'd really quite like if there was some sort of open discussion about cut content and such from the older FF titles, though I suppose there's no reason for them to ever really do that.
Personally, I love hearing about cut content and the rest of the creative process. That's why I loved Hideki Kamiya's playthrough of Bayonetta: the entire thing is a gold mine of information of how Bayonetta was made.
Ooh, that sounds interesting. Is it on Youtube or was it an extra with something?
Youtube version
Platinum Games site
Just to warn you: Kamiya can be a little... odd... when discussing women.
Thanks for the links! Kamiya is a riot.
While I loved Bayonetta, I still think DMC3:SE is my favorite game of that genre. Maybe Square should get him on board for FFXV to make the combat all kinds of wild. I want to see Noctis ride a motorcycle into space then punch a monolithic god-like statue where the sun don't shine.
To me, DMC 4 is the undisputed king from a combat perspective. From the sheer amount of options available to you with Dante with on the fly style changing, to the sheer amount of ways the enemies can attack you, to the amount of custom animations with Nero's Devil Bringer, to the way you can counter just about everything with both Nero and Dante, to the amount of mechanics you can exploit... I just couldn't get enough of it. Devil May Cry 3 SE is awesome as well. Bayonetta is damn good, but the QTE based gameplay wears on me after a while so I have to play it in shorter spurts.
Bring Itsuno and Kamiya together and I think you'd have the Magnum Opus of all Hack n' Slashers.
He's fine. It's just the "this site puts me in a bad mood because it can be toxic" thing. Heck, that's what I'm doing, too (outside of today, since today's just a Sonic thing... I'm out again for a while after this).Hope Corvo is alright and hope to see him again soon.
Best three games from the character action style genre are: Ninja Gaiden Black, Bayonetta, and Devil May Cry 3: SE. Particularly since some games love to crib from them.
He's fine. It's just the "this site puts me in a bad mood because it can be toxic" thing. Heck, that's what I'm doing, too (outside of today, since today's just a Sonic thing... I'm out again for a while after this).
Ban seems to be for a week or so, according to him.
Best three games from the character action style genre are: Ninja Gaiden Black, Bayonetta, and Devil May Cry 3: SE. Particularly since some games love to crib from them.
He's fine. It's just the "this site puts me in a bad mood because it can be toxic" thing. Heck, that's what I'm doing, too (outside of today, since today's just a Sonic thing... I'm out again for a while after this).
Ban seems to be for a week or so, according to him.
Thanks for the links! Kamiya is a riot.
While I loved Bayonetta, I still think DMC3:SE is my favorite game of that genre. Maybe Square should get him on board for FFXV to make the combat all kinds of wild. I want to see Noctis ride a motorcycle into space then punch a monolithic god-like statue where the sun don't shine.
No problem.
Lol Yeah, Kamiya is something else.
To me, DMC 4 is the undisputed king from a combat perspective. From the sheer amount of options available to you with Dante with on the fly style changing, to the sheer amount of ways the enemies can attack you, to the amount of custom animations with Nero's Devil Bringer, to the way you can counter just about everything with both Nero and Dante, to the amount of mechanics you can exploit... I just couldn't get enough of it. Devil May Cry 3 SE is awesome as well. Bayonetta is damn good, but the QTE based gameplay wears on me after a while so I have to play it in shorter spurts.
Bring Itsuno and Kamiya together and I think you'd have the Magnum Opus of all Hack n' Slashers.
Absolutely, being able to change Dante's style mid combat made for some insane combos. Nero quickly grew on me because of his Devil Bringer. I had the same problem with Bayonetta, those QTEs got tiresome after a while. Also Bayonetta's combat did not have the same depth I felt. There was some depth, but never anything like the combos you had to improvise in DMC3/4. Those Torture attacks looked damn good though. I hope a DMC5 is released someday. Dante with all the awesome weapons of DMC3 and his ability to change styles from DMC4. Damn, that would be fantastic.
I really have to get around to playing that.
I've never played NG:Black either. The only NG games I've played are the Sigma 1/2, they were enjoyable. Nothing has topped DMC3:SE for me though, still my favorite character action game after all these years. Recently, Metal Gear Rising revitalized my love for the genre because of its challenge.
Should keep me busy till Bravely Default comes in
Yeah, can you believe I finished like 3 games in the last two weeks?Was feeling that same way earlier today, which is why I usually just play games a lot more or do other things instead.
Should keep me busy till Bravely Default comes in
It was a real pain to beat LiquidFlame boss in FFV, and then afterwards I had to fightwith one party member dead and barely made it.Iron Claw
Anyone have tips on what classes I should focus on? I feel like I really suck at this game lol.
It was a real pain to beat LiquidFlame boss in FFV, and then afterwards I had to fightwith one party member dead and barely made it.Iron Claw
Anyone have tips on what classes I should focus on? I feel like I really suck at this game lol.
At the very least I guess, there seems to be a handle on what they want to do. Then again, there are some indications that they may be trying to be too ambitious given the comments on the platform switch as well as that extremely troubling comment about Nomura apparently wanting to make it a musical on a whim after seeing Les Miserables. Unless that was a joke.
I remember seeing the phone game and writing it off since I thought they would never bring something like that over here. Hilariously, if it had stayed a phone game I think it would have a better chance of being localized nowadays.
It's sort of amazing what SE has managed to do to their flagship, though I suppose the revamp of FFXIV was something of a victory.
Hope Corvo is alright and hope to see him again soon.
Regarding Seifer, I don't have a real opinion. When I first played the game so many years ago I didn't really get what his deal was, but then I missed the NPCs where the hints regarding Seifer's motivations are given like that movie which we actually saw being filmed later with Laguna.
His story felt like it was cut short and I suppose it probably was.
Stick with Ninja. Also use your Blue Mage, there are some upcoming enemies with awesome magic you can learn. It's too bad you killed Iron Claw, you could have learned Death Claw from him.
And do NOT go to the Ancient Library at level 15, 20, 25...etc. You will get ripped to shreds.
If you use a Black Mage or a Summoner, elemental rods are your friends. They boost the damage of their respective element by 1.5x and you can switch them in-battle without wasting turns.
Time Magic is pretty useful in most situations and synergizes well with everything. You can already use two of the most useful ones: Slow and Haste. Slow works on most bosses and having extra turns is always nice.
Apart from the obvious healing spells, support white magic is pretty good. Protect at first and Shell and Blink later incrase your survability a lot . Haste is fundamental in a White Mage to spread their effects quickly.
Ninja can throw some scrolls that do a powerful elemental attack to all the enemies. They're pretty cheap for how good they are early on. The ability to have two weapons is also godly. For the other physical attacker try to get the Knight's Two-Handed ability to double the damage output at the cost of the shield slot (and the ability slot).
About the library, you can always enter with only a character at a level multiple of 5 and put him as a Blue Mage to learn Death Level 5. There's also an enemy in there that teaches Aera (Tier 2 wind spell) and in the nearby desert the chimeras teach Water Breath (obscene damage to desert creatures).
Also, Spell Blade - Duel Wield - Rapid Fire is very useful.
That was a joke. Nomura is a lot of things but he would never rationally do that.
He laughed after he said it in an interview. I think Nomura tries to joke around and tries to be lively in interviews when he does them and people are hanging onto every word he says it's usually either taken seriously or out of context. No wonder the dude doesn't like to do interviews.
What FF game has the best Blue magic learning mechanic?
What FF game has the best Blue magic learning mechanic?
What FF game has the best Blue magic learning mechanic?
What FF game has the best Blue magic learning mechanic?