Professor Beef
Using items on Quistis to make her learn Blue Magic was simple and effective.
Until you wanted to learn Shockwave Pulsar.
Using items on Quistis to make her learn Blue Magic was simple and effective.
Until you wanted to learn Shockwave Pulsar.
Remind me again, how did you get Shockwave Pulsar?
Not like I would use it, Armageddon Fist and Renzokuken ftw!
You had to have Siren at level 100 to learn a new refining ability that lets you transform 100(!) cursed spikes into a dark matter that teaches it. If you want to have relatively low levels then you can't unless you're playing the PC version, then you only need the spikes.
Remind me again, how did you get Shockwave Pulsar?
Not like I would use it, Armageddon Fist and Renzokuken ftw!
And about Final Fantasy XV. Square Enix finished Lightning Returns. Drakengard 3 and probably some other games that I can't think of. They must be working on Final Fantasy XV, right? We can expect it to be released next year or so? What are people opinion on this?
Also, now that it's on both PS4 and Xbox One, I hope they don't force parity. I don't want them to downgrade PS4 graphics and performance just so the Xbox One can maintain a consistent frame rate.
To be fair the XIII series has been on both X360 and PS3 and particularly with FFXIII the PS3 version was supposed to be superior. In fact weren't they developed side by side, rather than being ported in either direction?
I'm sure it'll be the same for XV
It's hard to say when it will be released. Next year still sounds too early.Back in 2006, FFversusXIII had my hype meter on critical. Now my hype for FFXV is kept in check because it's hard to judge the quality of produce SE puts out these days. I was way more excited when it was FFversusXIII on the PS3, hoping desperately that it would be an amazing Final Fantasy game when all we got was the divisive FFXIII saga.
Now that it's on new consoles, it's been almost 8 years since E3 2006, and the only trailer we have seen just shows off incredible graphics, it's hard to stay optimistic on the quality. I hope they prove me wrong and FFXV is the masterpiece we all want it to be. I'm still excited for it, but mostly because the arefinallyhopefully closing the book on Lightning and her friends. We can move on with the FF series as a whole. Now SE can make FFXV, FFXV-2 and Noctis Returns FFXV.
Also, now that it's on both PS4 and Xbox One, I hope they don't force parity. I don't want them to downgrade PS4 graphics and performance just so the Xbox One can maintain a consistent frame rate.
New crappy mashup trailer
I think Square Enix has announced Final Fantasy XV far too early as it has been many years and yet we still do not know when to expect. Why has this game gone to development hell?
Also why did this game lose exclusivity to PlayStation platform? And if Final Fantasy XV is not going to be released in the next three years then what can we expect? Final Fantasy XVI? What other titles could potentially be released?
I think Square Enix has announced Final Fantasy XV far too early as it has been many years and yet we still do not know when to expect. Why has this game gone to development hell?
Not too long ago I saw a Linkedln profile of a Square Enix Japanese employee and in the description it has mentioned that Final Fantasy XV and 1st Production titles are outsourced. It was very surprising as I always imagine that Final Fantasy franchise will always be developed by Square Enix and never be outsourced. Collaboration with other companies is a different matter.
Also why did this game lose exclusivity to PlayStation platform? And if Final Fantasy XV is not going to be released in the next three years then what can we expect? Final Fantasy XVI? What other titles could potentially be released?
New crappy mashup trailer
There was a point in time that I was following the development of FFversusXIII (Nomura interviews, press coverage, etc etc) and could probably tell you why it found itself in development hell, now I just don't remember.
FFversusXIII was exclusive to the PS3. FFXV was rumored to be exclusive to the PS4 by insiders, but if I recall correctly, Sony was not willing to pay for that exclusivity. Why should Sony pony up the money to SE just so they can get an exclusive FF game. Doesn't make sense to waste money on a 3rd party exclusive these days. Square will happily develop multiplatorm because they are interested in getting their game to as many people as possible, thus, make more money.
Edit: Technically A Realm Reborn: Final Fantasy XIV is PS3/PS4 console exclusive. I really need to get a PS4 or a nice PC to try it out, ( don't really want to play on PS3 :/ ) the word of mouth around that game make it sound like it's the Final Fantasy game fans need to play, like it can magically rekindle a fan's love for the series. Something I desperately need at times.
Those were rumors so don't know why some are upset about something that was most likely never going to happen. Also considering the outcome the rumor was most likely made up yeah?
...and can rake in some extra cash on the side with other platforms?
They're a company with shareholders. It's all about the bottom line. Not about caring about your fans' dreams.
We won't see FFXV until the PS5 is out anyway so it's pointless to talk about that now.
In the meantime I get to upgrade to FFXIV PS4 in a month, woo woo~
Pfft.It's all about flash, pizzazz and wowing people. No time for things like imaginative dungeons anymore.
The Shinra Building had the staircase dialogue, which is easily the greatest part of FF7.
Oh man that number dungeon...
And I was never able to perfectly calibrate the...seventh tower I think it was in the Thunder Plains. With the buttons presses 'falling' down the screen.
Loved that part.
Barret: "Marlene, Daddy wanted to see your face one more time..."
Tifa: "Would you stop acting like a retard and climb!?"
I've actually never gone up the stairs all the way. I just busted through the front door every time. That quote is pretty funny though.
You honestly should. I never bust through the doors anymore when I replay 7, the dialogue is that good.
There was a point in time that I was following the development of FFversusXIII (Nomura interviews, press coverage, etc etc) and could probably tell you why it found itself in development hell, now I just don't remember.
FFversusXIII was exclusive to the PS3. FFXV was rumored to be exclusive to the PS4 by insiders, but if I recall correctly, Sony was not willing to pay for that exclusivity. Why should Sony pony up the money to SE just so they can get an exclusive FF game. Doesn't make sense to waste money on a 3rd party exclusive these days. Square will happily develop multiplatorm because they are interested in getting their game to as many people as possible, thus, make more money.
Edit: Technically A Realm Reborn: Final Fantasy XIV is PS3/PS4 console exclusive. I really need to get a PS4 or a nice PC to try it out, ( don't really want to play on PS3 :/ ) the word of mouth around that game make it sound like it's the Final Fantasy game fans need to play, like it can magically rekindle a fan's love for the series. Something I desperately need at times.
So many things.
If XV releases next year it was announced just fine (on the video game worlds largest stage/ people were excited for FF again for the first time in a long time). Mismanagement of SE sent this game into its prolonged development state. Assisting with XIII when it was having problems, assisting with XIV when it had problems, moving platforms. Many outward things caused XV's delay.
Most AAA games have outsourced studios help with assets and code. Last of Us did it. Assassins Creed does it. Call of duty did it. Tri-ace helping with XIII-2 is considered outsourcing. It's something that has been going on for a long time now. This isn't news. The XV/Type-0 teams are still working on it. They are still the main team. No need to get worried because of something like that. If anything it means they're serious about getting this game out as soon as possible.
I think you're getting worried about things that you don't need to be worried about.
I am curious to understand how exclusivity precisely work. Do Sony ask other companies to make an exclusive game for their platform from scratch. Or do they ask for announced game to be exclusive?
What do you mean "technically" Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn is a PlayStation exclusive? It is available on PC which negate it being PlayStation exclusive.
I am interested in Lightning Returns but I am waiting for a sale / price drop which fortunately or unfortunately I don't think with take terribly long.
I'm debating picking up LR tomorrow. I'm not likely to get to it any time soon, I plan to play XIII-2 before, and there's the whole thing about the story. I'm partly getting it for my sister as well since she'll be playing it too.
I suppose it might depend on how fast this game is likely to drop in price.
sonicgaf, why are you buying lightning returns
this is jak 2 all over again
You know what sucks? You know how every few months, someone plays Jak II? I have the Jak & Daxter Collection. I've been putting it off for a looong time and probably will continue doing so because I do not want to be the next person to play Jak II out of all of us. I would play some of the worst RPGs ever before I even contemplate playing Jak II.sonicgaf, why are you buying lightning returns
this is jak 2 all over again