Hey, guys! Lightning's back in Eorzea!
...I like her a lot better without voice acting.
...I like her a lot better without voice acting.
Completing those SLinks is really addictive for some reason. The first months you have this satisfying feeling of increasing those bars at a fast rate and then in the last months you understand that you won't have time for all of them and you decide that it's better to make sacrifices to get some more MAX ranks at the expense of the kid, another kid, the stepmother and Naoto. It's so addictive that in my current P3P playthrough I try delaying the moment I go into Tartarus the most I can. The other reason is that some idiots WILL always wander into it at the end of the month, causing me to return and revisit the same floors again.
I'm waiting for this!
It's a pretty cool game. Basically a murder-mystery VN, where you and other students get imprisoned in the school and the only way out is to murder someone and not get identified as the culprit in the class trial.
It's a combo of Ace Attorney (so investigate, find contradictions, survive the trial), 999 (examine areas, it plays through text), and some other VNs. Localization seems to have a lot of references too so far, which I'm pleased with. The Vita version of the first game should feature School Life mode which unlocks when you beat the game and you basically get to know characters and "S.Link" them.
A friend of mine who's living and teaching in Japan bought these chocolates for her husband for Valentine's Day. I don't know that I could even eat them, they're so pretty.
It's probably a good thing I live half a world away from the Square Enix store because I'd be busted broke if I didn't.
A friend of mine who's living and teaching in Japan bought these chocolates for her husband for Valentine's Day. I don't know that I could even eat them, they're so pretty.
It's probably a good thing I live half a world away from the Square Enix store because I'd be busted broke if I didn't.
Anyway to get these overseas?! :O
Still not Valentine's Day here in SoCal, but I must say, the FFVIII 15th anniversary is so close to V-day, It must have been intentional. Right?
I bet the Red Summon Materia is filled with cherries. Or the wisdom of the Ancients, but I bet cherries taste better.
Anyway to get these overseas?! :O
Being that it's food might make it a little harder to acquire the usual import way, I'd guess. If you know someone in Japan, probably best to ask them. If my friend goes to their cafe again, I can ask her to check into it. I believe they came out to about $30.
My dream FF merchandise has always been super high-quality, tennieball-sized materia marbles. I'd be alllll over those in a heartbeat. I guess for now, chocolates will have to do.
Pretty cool, but you know what would have been better? A fast forward button, Chrono Cross new game plus style. It would make the battles go faster, and would probably make getting Excalibur II less of a a pain. If I recall correctly, FFXII International Zodiac Job edition had a speed up button. Something like that, but for FFIX.![]()
You can't ask that from fan-hack though.
Guys why aren't any of you talking about how Type-0's gone into beta testing guys? That's pretty cool, innit?
How about they give me a run button in FF4?
FFVIII is probably the FF where I feel the most warm and tingly nostalgia around. The fans who love it, love it sooooo much, that positivity remind me how much I love it myself. Sure, there are detractors, but the large dedicated FFVIII community is so much stronger than the few people who can't experience any joy in their hearts.
Too busy playing Bravely Default myself. But it's going.
Too busy playing Bravely Default myself. But it's going.
OH MAN OH MAN. I might enjoy FF9 again this way!
...which version are you playing? Most releases do. However, then you realize how high the encounter rate really is. xD
I can experience plenty of joy in my heart. I just feel that the VIII world is relatively uninteresting and, ironically enough, forgetable. I wouldn't mind visiting Midgar IRL, or riding Figaro Castle underground. There's no Subterrainian World with dwarves or flying castles of a lost civilization in the sky. It lacks a Crystal Tower of Floating Continent. Even Lunatic Pandora felt meh to me.
It's not a bad game, mind you, I'd just put it low on my list of realized and interesting worlds.
I can experience plenty of joy in my heart. I just feel that the VIII world is relatively uninteresting and, ironically enough, forgetable. I wouldn't mind visiting Midgar IRL, or riding Figaro Castle underground. There's no Subterrainian World with dwarves or flying castles of a lost civilization in the sky. It lacks a Crystal Tower of Floating Continent. Even Lunatic Pandora felt meh to me.
It's not a bad game, mind you, I'd just put it low on my list of realized and interesting worlds.
You know, not only did the speed of FFIX's battles never bother me at all, but I didn't even notice they were slow. Am I broken? Maybe just easy to please![]()
That's nice, but FF9's problem honestly isn't the speed of the ATB (outside of the very early parts of the game), it's that the ATB never, ever pauses during animations* so you get a bunch of turns queued up into each other and moves execute *long* after their commands were actually entered.
This might actually make that problem *worse*.
What FF9 needs is simultaneous actions in battle a la FFX-2 and beyond.
*(This is also why Auto-Regen is so overpowered in FF9 - you can just cast a summon spell or whatever and while the animation is going on your entire party will get back to full health)
Good news guys and girls, Toriyama says Lightning might show up in future FF games. I know Corvo is so excited!
Lightning has about 13300 HP.
Angry Response to lower your defense and possibly place a curse on you, and Another Sequel to cast Berserk, Sap, and strike you with Lit-2.
Heropon said:
I didn't realize BD had Gilgamesh in it. = o
Good news guys and girls, Toriyama says Lightning might show up in future FF games. I know Corvo is so excited!
As long as I never have to see her XIV again after the current LR event is over.
Lightning in FFIV? Sounds about right, she belongs in a bottom tier FF game.
Lightning in FFIV? Sounds about right, she belongs in a bottom tier FF game.
Think of it this way. FFIV and FFXIII, while not the best Final Fantasy games, are still of a higher quality than most JRPGs.