Put a glove on so you won't make your hands dirty.Wow! This looks pretty heavy! You won't be able to lift it with just your bare hands... means that it isn't.
Link, do you even lift?
Wind Waker is the real best. Dat King of Town.
yo but the bolded ones are the big kickers... I have no clue how to approach those really.
Since I'm playing the originals of the first two, it might be neat to play all the original forms with patches. Then again III was nice in 3D, and I'm sure IV would be as well. I guess I'm looking for a go ahead or stay away when it comes to those. Seems almost everyone says go GBA for V, anyone have success with language patches on the SNES? Cause I'm all about that FF music.
I guess this is only semi-related to this thread, but how come there's no Dragon Quest community thread? The series really deserves one.
I've thought about it, too. I mean, I'm only on track to beat my like, 3rd mainline Dragon Quest, but you'd think Aeana would've started one a long time ago.
Probably about as many as the Kiseki thread gets, which averages out to about 0.5 posts per week.
I completely forgot the Kiseki thread even existed, to be honest with you.Dragon Quest threads don't get very many posts. It's not a very popular series here, even if many people do like one or two games from it. I made an appreciation thread a very long time ago, but I am fairly confident that a DQ community thread would not get very many posts. Probably about as many as the Kiseki thread gets, which averages out to about 0.5 posts per week.
I do think the DQ thread would get some posts initially, but since not everyone's played the entire series, I'm not entirely sure that people would post in it much after its move to community (or even after the first two weeks after its creation). Even then, I feel like the bulk of the posts would centre around DQ8, DQ9 (whose online is going to be done with when Nintendo shuts down the DS/Wii servers, right?), and the Zenithia trilogy. Not a lot of posts for DQ10, DQ7, and the Erdrick trilogy, I'd assume.
That was an anniversary/playthrough thread, iirc, I think? It's been a while! That was a good thread. By comparison, the SMT community thread barely ever gets bumped.Right now I feel like just making one and then see what happens. Nothing lost if it should die. But against my expectations the SMT anniversary thread made it to 18 pages (eventually), so maybe a DQ thread would do better than we think.
I actually have a thread already made, I just never posted it. It's depressing after a while seeing DQ threads die over and over again.
The best version of 1 is Origins, I feel.For those with Orgins, how is the loading between battles? Tempted to use a little bit tax return money on getting it. I've played Dawn of Souls, but I'd like to replay 2 on the big screen. Any big differences?
Lightning Returns [..] stopped my DQ7 playthrough.
Yeah, I feel like a sucker for putting it down for that game, to be honest.That's a kind of disturbing sentence. Though I probably shouldn't mention how long ago I've started the PSX version.
I've only ever beaten DQ1 and 9. DQ4 (DS) I started but put down cause I wasn't enjoying it very much, and 8 I've started and re-started a good three times but can never commit long enough to see the game through to the end. So long!
Currently I'm playing 1 on the NES, and was hoping to play as many as possible on my vita.
My plan so far is this I guess.
FFII - NESwPatch
FFIII - NESwPatch/VitaPSP/DS (can't decide)
FFIV - SNES/DS (can't decide)
FFV - SNESwPatch/GBA (can't decide)
FFVII - PSone via Vita
FFVIII - PSone via Vita
FFIX - PSone via Vita
FFX - Vita/PS3 (can't decide lololol)
Did you try 5? That's quite different in style, and quite a bit better.
I've only finished "3" DQ games. Dragon Quest 9, which I liked, though I agree the end was a bit shaky and the postgame made me go "NOPE NOPE NOPE." Hunting those Fyggs in general was kind of a pain. DQ3, which was a fun NES game but I remember getting lost and pissed off because of it. And DQM, which remains the greatest Pokemon alternative ever. Oh, 4 technically. I beat DQMJ, too.
I'd be down for a DQ community thread and I would definitely post in it. I've played quite a few.
Now go play DQV after that. Do it!
Same, though I can understand where discussion could be slowed to crawl after a while.
Now go play DQV after that. Do it!
Same, though I can understand where discussion could be slowed to crawl after a while.
Unlike myself who felt nothing afterwards. It was more like a speck of dust that should get cleaned.Feels good, man.
...how am I slowly catching up to you when I don't even play as much as you. :V
Whatever. It's done and over with. No more XIII games to work on.
Whatever. It's done and over with. No more XIII games to work on.
If you want a tough trophy list, there are many other games with tougher requirements. Skill-based, even.