Why was it terrible? Load times?
Yeah, horrible load times. For a SNES game ported to a PS1.
Why was it terrible? Load times?
Shitty translation, too.Why was it terrible? Load times?
Why was it terrible? Load times?
Corvo...where did the seagulls touch you?
Okay guys, FFX's ending got me good. Even if those final boss battles were all really dumb.
This ending credit music too goddamit ;_;
Now you can play X-2 to completely undo everything you feel about FFX!
Or so I have been told.
Can't say I feel strongly either way if he gets saved or whatever. Yuna deserves her happy ending.
Everything after X-2 though? I'm not so sure about that...
It isn't supposed to undo it. You're supposed to keep those feelings and get angry at what you see in 10-2. A lot of people seem to miss that everything that seems wrong to them in 10-2 was specifically designed to elicit that reaction.
Edit: oh I guess you could be talking about the ending. Eh. You really have to work to get that ending, and most people won't get it on their first play anyway.
X-3 is gonna tie the game to FF13 in a more direct way than Dissidia tied all games to FF1.
I just meant the ending but I can't really say because circumstances have prevented me from ever getting to play X-2.
Hopefully you get to play it some day. It's really fun and different. Feels like a significant degree of player agency compared to most FF games. (At least relatively so)
Well, you know, in Lightning Returns's ending...Yes it will involve stream surfing. Travel the lifestream baby!
Well, you know, in Lightning Returns's ending...I know people say it's a homage, and I wouldn't disagree, but lol at everything looking at the lifestream in the end.
Seems like we might be waiting for a bit
The difference is that 9 seamlessly integrated a lot of its references cohesively and was built from the ground-up as an homage type of game. LR seemed to be a mix of everything to try to please everyone and ended up being an incoherent mess by comparison.13-3 is full of references,kind of like 9,but far not as good.
wait for goty edition with free tomb raider costumeI thought Kagari said LR bombed, though? 13-2 was in bargain bin almost over night it felt like.
I thought Kagari said LR bombed, though? 13-2 was in bargain bin almost over night it felt like.
I should just find out Kagari's Twitter so I can annoy her the way I do Schala and Noi.
Look what I found.
Whatever soundtrack this comes on I am buying
It's apparently on the soundtrack that just came out.
Gonna check if CDJapan has it.
CDJapan should have it, yeah. If you get one of those in-game minion codes from a first print run copy, there's a certain someone around here who might want it.
Oh you? Since I will be ordering right now and if I get one I shall give it to you.
Edit: Looks like First press run is sold out though.
Can I join in on the fun?
No thanks. I'll pass on that one.
Pfft some Gilgamesh fan.
You know when I first heard this version I thought: if Magius had a theme when ever he would come into a thread asking about Gilgameh, then this would be it. hehe
I much prefer the Bulk and Skull theme from the original Power Rangers.
Unlike LR, I actually like XIV: ARR's music so I can't justify a purchase for music I mostly detest.
Twitter stalking makes it look like you haven't even used your account since last year.
Looking for some suggestions...
I just got an iPhone. I want to buy a FF but I don't know which one to get.
I played through the prologue of Dimensions and really liked it. Does the rest hold up? I am really impressed by how true to form (that is to say, the SNES FF's) it is and the concept of the story/world(s) seems really intriguing. That said, I'm still interested in FFV and VI as well. I just don't know which one to buy. What's the verdict around here on Dimensions? And airbrushed Terra aside, how is VI compared to V?
And then there are of course the 3D ones. III and IV both look great. I've wanted to play III since it came out for DS, but the IV remake looks superb as well. Really torn.
Help steer me in the right direction. I am only buying one for the time being. Not interested in any other ones (especially Tactics as I hear the controls are horrible for iPhone).
I just need reasons to!
Looking for some suggestions...
I just got an iPhone. I want to buy a FF but I don't know which one to get.
I played through the prologue of Dimensions and really liked it. Does the rest hold up? I am really impressed by how true to form (that is to say, the SNES FF's) it is and the concept of the story/world(s) seems really intriguing.
Get onboard, then.
Yes and no. What you see in FFD is exactly what you get. It's a challenging FFV-type game divided into two sides. So you have two teams (8 main characters total) that you have to build up, run through job classes, buy equipment for and guide through the two sides of the quest. If you enjoyed FF5, then FFD is your kind of game. The translation is fairly witty at times with lots of FF5esque goofy moments balanced out by a quest to gather crystal shards, fight an evil empire and restore balance to the world.
The game's flaw, though, is that it sort of staggers progress. It takes the whole "do a dungeon, get to next town, do not advance game until you can buy everything in new town" very literally. So there are about 2-3 towns and 2-3 dungeons per chapter and you will be more or less forced by the difficulty to stop each time, grind for cash and xp until you can afford the new town's magic and equipment, then go through the dungeon and get to the next town where you will repeat the process. If that doesn't bother you, then the game will be absolutely fine.
I don't play games on my phone very often so I'm onl part way through the game, but it's not bad. The set up kind of makes it a slog at times, but on the other hand, it lends itself well to mobile gaming since you can just boot up the game, play a few fights on the world map before class starts, save/quicksave, then leave it be till next time.
Touch controls are sort of iffy, but compared to some emulators I've tried on Android they're fairly well implemented, or as well implemented as you might expect.
I made a tweet darnit...now I just need to figure out what should I do next.
Following people is a good start.
Give me a list!
Follow Schala. She posts humorous remarks.