I doubt Japan understands what a real cowboy is like. I wouldn't trust them one bit!
But Square's Live-A-Live has a legit Cowboy!
I doubt Japan understands what a real cowboy is like. I wouldn't trust them one bit!
But Square's Live-A-Live has a legit Cowboy!
Live A Live?
Agreed, he seemed cool and then you discovered what a weakling and how much of a front he puts up and his cool factor tanked. At times I wondered what his character was for, he didn't seem to have much of a role.
Did he seem cool? To me he only seemed rape-y. The fact that he completely fails at being a sharpshooter is totally secondary as far as I'm concerned.
Live A Live?
Why didn't we get Live A Live? Seems like a really ambitious game...it has my interest now!
Sorry to interrupt.
I was thinking: would you play a F2P Dissidia for consoles? Because the thought crossed my mind earlier today and I realized that yes, I'd play the shit out of it.
A game virtually equal to 012 but with console HD graphics and microtransactions only for optional, cosmetic stuff. Maybe one paid character or two.
Sorry to interrupt.
I was thinking: would you play a F2P Dissidia for consoles? Because the thought crossed my mind earlier today and I realized that yes, I'd play the shit out of it.
A game virtually equal to 012 but with console HD graphics and microtransactions only for optional, cosmetic stuff. Maybe one paid character or two.
Well off the top of my head the Prehistoric chapter is pretty risque for SNES era Nintendo. Cave dude and his ape bro definitely get funky with some ladies, and one of your party members in that chapter is a naked man with a lizard over his dick. In the Near Future chapter you can steal panties but I don't think that's as big a deal. There's a gag in the Kung Fu chapter about groping or at least seeing a girl's "peaches"Pretty sure the cowboy can get the drunk status.she then gives them to you as a restorative item for use at your convenience.
There are some violent points too, but I think it would be less about the violence than naked cave people. I really don't know why it never came over, but I'd say it is definitely worth checking out!
If they were so concerned, they could have censored those parts out. It doesn't seem like there is a ton of questionable stuff...
Much like Secret of Mana 3 there is no real explanation for why Square never gave it to us. As in to this day Square has never localized this game.
Did I mention Yoko Shimomura did the OST?
You didn't but that's real evil of you now...I'm like a moth to the lamp when it comes to her music.
And what was the deal with Mana 3?
I have no idea what the deal was. Square just kinda drunkenly chose which games to bring over or not back then. Nowadays they withhold games out of a sick desire to see Magius suffer.
Someone needs to autotune her and put her in an opera.
Someone needs to autotune her and put her in an opera.
But who's going to make Bravely Second then?![]()
Bravely Default
GOD DAMMIT AGNES. Do you know how RPGs even work, girl? You do EVERYTHING contrary to what the player wants to do! "Let Tiz join your party!" "NOOOOOO" "Let Edea and Ringabell join your party!" "NOOOOOOOO" "Heal the Crystal right the fuck now when you have a chance!" "NOOOOOOOOOOOO"
I have no idea what the deal was. Square just kinda drunkenly chose which games to bring over or not back then. Nowadays they withhold games out of a sick desire to see Magius suffer.
Having the right crystal healing dress on is very important.
*snrk* I keep tellin' ya that Agnes was my least-favourite character in that game, but nooooooo.
Hold up.And now we're in a fucking beauty pageant.
Yeah, it sucks. :/Agnes also has one of the best cgaracter leitmotifs past the year 2000.
edit: augh those live concert videos got taken down
Bravely Default
GOD DAMMIT AGNES. Do you know how RPGs even work, girl? You do EVERYTHING contrary to what the player wants to do! "Let Tiz join your party!" "NOOOOOO" "Let Edea and Ringabell join your party!" "NOOOOOOOO" "Heal the Crystal right the fuck now when you have a chance!" "NOOOOOOOOOOOO"
Hold up.
You're still at the beginning of the game? And you're complaining about Agnes already?!![]()
I can't wait until you get further in.![]()
Hold up.
You're still at the beginning of the game? And you're complaining about Agnes already?!![]()
I can't wait until you get further in.![]()
Whatever you say Airy. Whatever you say.
*snrk* I keep tellin' ya that Agnes was my least-favourite character in that game, but nooooooo.
Man, Agnes may be terrible but she's not the worst part of BD. I gives that spot to the story. Contrivances after contrivances so that we can have the god awful 'twist.'
Dammit Ringabel, these girls are underage. I don't care how much you say "The Light Warriors were all about sidequests!" these girls are suicidal and underage. This isn't going to help our band gain any street cred at all. Nobody is going to come to our shows like this. This is just a lame ten minute spot on MTV's Where Are They Now?.
I don't know....for the firstshe's insufferable.five chapters
I actually didn't mind the story and can't think of anything too offensive from it other thanthe stupid gameplay/story mess starting in chapter 5
I realize this is a double post. I realize it is 2 in the morning.
But for fuck's sake.
Bravely Default
I marched across a country, over a mountain range and through a goddamn forest to reach this old sage's house. For what? So Tiz could be a colossal stooge and rob Ringabel of some much deserved cheesecake? So Onions could decide that "no, wait, guess I didn't need a special costume at all!" For one goofy scene that contributed absofuckinglutely nothing to the plot but required I walk all this way and fight a boss fight to get here? At least I didn't have to go the long way around but imagine if this shit was really happening to you:
Your home is destroyed. Or you betrayed your homeland. Or you have no memories at all. The world teeters on the brink of catastrophe. As in at any second the very world could just, you know, CEASE TO EXIST. You are constantly on the run from the mightiest military force in the world, and they're junior high atheists to boot. Monsters hound your every step. You reach the Crystal of Water and you can open the seal, fix it up, and seal it again, continuing your quest and managing the reconstruction of your hometown (which your horribly lazy sovereign dumped in your lap).
You can go trudging around through some garden nation that is supposedly a wasteland (minus the flowers everyfuckingwhere) and listen to vapid women prattle about fashion for ever and ever while your team white mage insists upon NOT SAVING THE WORLD to respect her childhood friend's right to see some super rare religious ceremony take place (which is TOTALLY NOT A PLOY to see her childhood bestie again and DEFINITELY A LEGITIMATE reason to put off saving the goddamn world. Because saving the world is like a little league softball game and gosh I wish you'da been there! and not an urgent matter) which then requires that she participate in a beauty pageant to lure said bestie out of hiding (and drawing LOADS of attention to your own party, since the nation is CRAWLING with soldiers from aforementioned superpower) because you know, people come out of hiding for their lives to see Toddlers and Tiara's cuz Hunny Boo Boo jus that good. But WAIT, we better get a sexy dress for this pageant, 'cuz it's not like these low cut thigh displaying night slips she's been wearing since her days as a chaste nun married to a fucking rock are sexy IN THE LEAST BIT, so let's go hike across a goddamn continent, up a fucking mountain where an ornery turtle will ask us if we've heard about the good Lord when we're just trying to walk, through a big ass forest where we'll spend a night with some creepy old man (WHO WE KNEW WAS CREEPY BEFORE WE CAME ALL THIS WAY) creeps this girl out of wearing whatever outfit it is she was going to wear because "NOOO I DON'T WANNA ONIONCEPTABLE!!" and then we all laugh our asses off AND WALK THE WHOLE FUCKING WAY BACK.
The only reason I am not LIVID right now is because in game time this was easily accomplished, but if Tiz actually had a fucking penis or wasn't onionwhipped, maybe he could've saved some time or at least gotten to see this hilariously skimpy bikini for his troubles.
Man, Cecil would NOT put up with this shit. Do you know why he told Rosa and Rydia to get off his ship? Cuz he 1) he was drunk off his ass at the time, 2) FuSoYa swore up and down there'd be space chicks and 3) he knew he didn't have to go to the gosh darn moon to get Rosa to like him.
Tiz, here is what you do: let your evil brother kidnap Onions and brainwash Wingdings. Slap Wingaling upside the head, make out with Onions in front of his face, and then prevent Edea from ever having a relationship with anyone but you for the rest of your life.
Man, Cecil would NOT put up with this shit. Do you know why he told Rosa and Rydia to get off his ship? Cuz he 1) he was drunk off his ass at the time, 2) FuSoYa swore up and down there'd be space chicks and 3) he knew he didn't have to go to the gosh darn moon to get Rosa to like him.