Why not? He's a better attacker than Auron.
Because it's Wakka. He sucks. He talks goofy.
And it's Wakka
You're really missing out. Wakka is downright frightening in combat. His attack real limit is hilariously overpowered, and he's a ranged fighter that hits hard.
He's insufferable, but 3/4th of the FFX cast is like that, so meh.
Oh I have known about his potential for years but that would require me to dip my head in the toilet and endure Blitzball until depression set in...ewwe
And it's Wakka...
why i don't like rare-dev'd platformers
outside of the weird hitboxes and weird physics
The weird physics I can deal with, the hitboxes I can tolerate but all of those bloody collectibles...
This is why DK64 is so bad
Oh I have known about his potential for years but that would require me to dip my head in the toilet and endure Blitzball until depression set in...ewwe
And it's Wakka...
Oh I have known about his potential for years but that would require me to dip my head in the toilet and endure Blitzball until depression set in...ewwe
And it's Wakka...
Bad collectathon design ticks me off because it wastes my time with collecting garbage when I could be using that time to platform to the end of the game.Yeah. I mean, I still love the DKC games, but the hit boxes are super annoying.
I can handle the collectibles in Banjo Kazooie since I think they struck the right balance between platforming, exploration, and collecting. And real talk: Grunty's Lair is still my favorite hub world. Banjo Tooie took it too far with the backtracking and collecting (holy shit, some of the stuff you had to go through to get a single Jiggy) but I still overall enjoyed it. DK 64 just shat the bed (I liked it as a kid, but going back as an adult... lots of mixed feelings on a lot of the design decisions. And those fucking racing minigames! ALL MY RAGE) and showed absolutely no restraint at all.
I don't like it either. But Attack Reels alone is worth putting up with it.Some people just don't like blitzball and that's perfectly ok.
I still have to play DKC3, but I just finished TF and it took a lot of coaxing to actually get me to buy the game in the first place. I don't like Rare's games too much. My first videogame was Battletoads and even up to today I don't like it.
FFX too slow. Score goal, then hide in the back of the net for 4 minutes because they didn't bother to fix that glitch just like how they didn't decide to speed the game up or implement skippable cutscenes. So slow. I love the game's ending, but this being the third time I've played it in my life since I was 16, it's like... naw. Wish they'd added fixes and things to speed the game up so it's more palatable as a portable game for the remaster.I don't like it either. But Attack Reels alone is worth putting up with it.
Honestly, if you didn't like DKC1 or 2, you're probably not going to like 3 at all.
I still have to play DKC3, but I just finished TF and it took a lot of coaxing to actually get me to buy the game in the first place. I don't like Rare's games too much. My first videogame was Battletoads and even up to today I don't like it.
I felt like DKCR and TF suffered from the same oddball stuff that the Rare DKC games did. TF even less so. It's the DKC game that I can tolerate the most.It's not like Tropical Freeze is even a Rare game.
Anyway, DKC3 is the worst of the SNES DKC games, so skip that if you didn't like the others, wouldn't be worth your time. Rare made some great games, though, so I can't agree on that point.
I like DKC3 as much as 1 and like both more than 2.![]()
I like DKC3 as much as 1 and like both more than 2.![]()
Gimmick platformers are platformers where the majority of the levels include some aspect of the game, whether visual or gameplay (sometimes, not always---otherwise, it's a minigame or an oddball gameplay change), are completely changed up than what you're used to.Edit: What's a gimmick platformer?
Gimmick platformers are platformers where the majority of the levels include some aspect of the game, whether visual or gameplay (sometimes, not always---otherwise, it's a minigame or an oddball gameplay change), are completely changed up than what you're used to.
Examples are:
- when you are forced to use abilities you barely ever use for an entire level
- reverse gravity levels
- weapon changes
- blackout/inconsistent lighting
- autoscrolling
- minecarts
- strong wind
- rising water
- fireballs
- enemies unique to the level
- vehicular stages (ex: skateboard, toboggan, car, etc)
- Sonic Casino stages
Some people just don't like blitzball and that's perfectly ok.
Bad collectathon design ticks me off because it wastes my time with collecting garbage when I could be using that time to platform to the end of the game.
I still have to play DKC3, but I just finished TF and it took a lot of coaxing to actually get me to buy the game in the first place. I don't like Rare's games too much. My first videogame was Battletoads and even up to today I don't like it.
We know about games with shitty music that even the composers couldn't enjoy, don't we.The music seems so...boring in DKC3. It sounds like someone was forced to make music they didn't enjoy.
The characters' skillsets (and physics if you're playing a platformer), for the most part. It's more along the lines of puzzle-solving while having an idea of what you, as a player controlling a character with a certain moveset, can do with what the game throws at you.Hmmm...if they're the majority is there even anything to get used to?
Anyway, I guess DKC3 could fit that criteria.
I liked DK64 at the time. I think I gathered everything in it two times. Recently I find myself unable to stay interested in platformers, though. I've tried getting into Rayman Origins twice and never got past the first world. A few years back I played Sonic Generations, NSMB Wii, DKCR, Super Meat Boy, and Braid (though that's more puzzler) and only liked one of them. Haven't tried much of anything since.
I don't think the Mini dungeons were too too bad. I think 'gimmick' generally has a negative connotation and it's often a word that's misused in a negative light.
KH thread bit is humorous. Dreamdrop's arrival (and badcrumble) keep that thread going. FE thread is pretty darn slow, sadly. I guess a lot of people post in the Awakening OT. This thread has a good pace. Toonami has a decent pace even if I don't know how I ended up there (I blame Seda)
Seems pretty common that LTTP threads get ~50 posts. They are fairly frequent though.
I think it's based off the smart phone releases, so it probably won't. Square seems to be pretty lazy when it comes to Final Fantasy PC ports.
Who is the brainiac who decided we couldn't skip cutscenes in FFXHD?!
Who is the brainiac who decided we couldn't skip cutscenes in FFXHD?!
Rather glad of the ending we got, I thought it was rather good. That ending theme really really helped.
I also just bought P3P since it was 5$.
Yeah, the ending we got was fantastic. Though, it would be facinating to see what other endings they were thinking of.
Melodies of Life is still one of my favorite themes, especially the piano collection version. Very uplifting, I find.
P3P for 5 bucks, nice. Gotta love that manual party control. Makes me want to play P3 again...
Edea has Damage Dispersal and the fat bastard nails her with his retarded max damage attack, killing my entire party with one hit, my 3DS mocking me by deciding that the battery has to die right the fuck then so no retries any time soon.
GOD FUCKING DAMN. I'd be fine if Ringabel could've stayed alive or if I could buy a good weapon.
Swear everything the Adventurer is selling now costs like 9 trillion gil.