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FINAL FANTASY Community Thread: XV Mainline Entries and Counting


Have two ninjas. Make one ninja evade attacks and make the other ninja cast Kairai on the evading ninja. Have someone that can remove Qadas regen. Lastly, a damage dealer.

I haven't even seen the marker to begin the Ninja quest so far. I guess maybe if I took the kid back to town, but I'm already here in the fortress. Just trying to decide if I should rid myself of Hasten World for the fight or not. Damage Dispersal is going away, though. Too much of a liability.


I haven't even seen the marker to begin the Ninja quest so far. I guess maybe if I took the kid back to town, but I'm already here in the fortress. Just trying to decide if I should rid myself of Hasten World for the fight or not. Damage Dispersal is going away, though. Too much of a liability.

You could also try to use auto phoenix on all characters and go gung ho on him. It's a bit risky, but what the hell.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance

Edea has Damage Dispersal and the fat bastard nails her with his retarded max damage attack, killing my entire party with one hit, my 3DS mocking me by deciding that the battery has to die right the fuck then so no retries any time soon.

GOD FUCKING DAMN. I'd be fine if Ringabel could've stayed alive or if I could buy a good weapon.

Swear everything the Adventurer is selling now costs like 9 trillion gil.

Dude. Play on the charger.

Qada is bullshit when he uses that deal damage dealt to him attack.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Qada's not even that hard. And it's not even worth increasing def/stats by leveling up because his attacks are item-based and will ignore defense. Poison Immunity would help so equip that. If you actually watch what he does, he has an attack pattern.

Your biggest mistake was using Damage Dispersion. You want someone to cast dispel to nullify his regen. Don't hit him until he uses 1 Dark Breath attack because he usually combos it with a poisoned hi-potion. The next one (next round) he tries to fire off something but doesn't work so you can take the opportunity to hit him. I hope you're not Braving too much because that's silly. At the same time, don't bother Defaulting because as I said, he hits with items and that ignores defense. Additionally, if you use Ninja, DB counts as a physical attack and can be countered with Utsusemi, so if you wanted to wait until the end of chapter 3 to beat him instead and get Ninja, might as well do that.

iirc, if he defaults, he'll do the DB + Poison combo so just attack anyway because he'll kill whomever he targets, and use the round after (the free one) revive/recover, and get a hit in.

Corvo, man, the game's not that hard. Learn to use your abilities and look at enemy attack patterns and you'll be fine.


I stopped using Hasten World at some point because giving the Bosses one free BP ended up being a liability more than it helped. It definitely didn't help me during the Profiteur fight, cause it basically let him spam quad-9 Takeover a lot more than he would have otherwise, making the fight a chore to do. By comparison, I don't remember Qada being hard at all, but I already had a party setup that destroyed early game bosses going at the time.
I stopped using Hasten World at some point because giving the Bosses one free BP ended up being a liability more than it helped. It definitely didn't help me during the Profiteur fight, cause it basically let him spam quad-9 Takeover a lot more than he would have otherwise, making the fight a chore to do. By comparison, I don't remember Qada being hard at all, but I already had a party setup that destroyed early game bosses going at the time.

Clearly this is because you didn't also use Jumps with Hasten World :p


P3P for 5 bucks, nice. Gotta love that manual party control. Makes me want to play P3 again...

I'm pretty excited to start P3! I like the designs a lot.

Almost done p4.

I'll probably start p3 before X-2 since I get wayyyy too addicted to X-2's battle system.


Bravely Default

Okay, I murdelized Qada. Did a pretty damn good job of it, too, if I say so myself. Now I have to decide if I want Onions to become a Salve-Maker or if I will just leave her as a Summoner for now. Is this job class even that good? Hm. Anyway, I kinda actually liked Qada. He was gleefully evil, stupid, and petty, but it's nice every once in awhile to have a villain so evil the other villains are like "dude." And unlike Victor and Victoria, he wasn't annoying as fuck to listen to. He was just stupid evil and it was fun to watch, even if it had to be stopped.

Anyway, Onions herself is DEFINITELY unbearable at this point. Like Tiz has a meltdown over needing to save these kids (which is understandable, since Tiz had a kid brother, if memory serves, so he's got some emotional stake in this) and Onions is like "Oh you did a good job saving those kids, but also you're a jackass and the quest--my quest-- should come first. You should have left these children to die in the mines."

Like seriously? I mean sure, beat up on Edea who has killed her former comrades, masters, and friends to prove her loyalty to you, but Tiz was just trying to save some fucking children, and you shit on him? And what a load of hypocrisy this bitch has been on since we got to Eisenberg. I mean for reals, she's like "Fuck you, Shieldbearers, I'm the Chosen One, I don't have time to bring you hope and help your army, also could you please help me I need you to stop defending your women and children and the world and help me now." and when Tiz finds a way to make it so she HAS to do her fucking job and bring hope to the people, she's all "We don't have time to get tangled up in personal shit, Tiz!"

Scuse me? Bitch I KNOW you're mad because you getting tangled up in personal shit is what got Olivia killed but that is on YOU, not Tiz and certainly not Edea. And I hope you know that Olivia is dead because of YOU and YOUR dumb fuck idea. If we'd listened to Airy and fixed the Water Crystal right then and there your friend may well still be alive. YOU fucked up, Agnes, now grow the fuck up and quit taking that out on everybody else.

Yo, I was wondering where you went!

It's been a hectic 3 months, but It's always fun to come back and post/discuss when I'm not too busy.

With that said, any awesome Final Fantasy or SE news happen in the last 3 months? I'm guessing no.

I'm pretty excited to start P3! I like the designs a lot.

Almost done p4.

I'll probably start p3 before X-2 since I get wayyyy too addicted to X-2's battle system.

Enjoy P3, It's fantastic, P3P in particular will be very accessible for anyone who enjoyed P4.

As for X-2, I received my copy of FFX/X-2 HD but I probably won't be able to play till December when (if) I head back home. X-2's battle system was, and still is, addictive. Gaining AP during battle, and the over all speed made it one of my favorite battle systems.

Edit: Also, I've become a Member!


Bravely Default

*Tiz suffering emotional breakdown*

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this woman. The sooner we find the Fire Crystal so she can finally get over that Olivia shit the better.


going by Corvo's rants about "Onions", I wonder if she is worse than Krile now.

It's really hard to say. Krile sucks because she's clearly the favorite and perfect Mary Sue. Agnes is a total bitch, but I can't help but wonder if they didn't mean for her to be a total bitch? Like, if she's supposed to be the Anti-Yuna then I get that. I'm just not sure if she's supposed to be this bitchy or this is an accident. Kinda like "Is Snow supposed to be an awful, easily hated douchenozzle, or did Toriyama think he was really a hero?"

It's not as clear as say, Argath, where he was meant to be hated.


Bravely Default

*Tiz suffering emotional breakdown*

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this woman. The sooner we find the Fire Crystal so she can finally get over that Olivia shit the better.

I remember her being absolutely unbearable, just not THIS unbearable lol. I really need to replay the game.

Think I'll start it up right away, in fact!


Bravely Default: Forceful Fairy

Goddamn this Fairy has urged us to cajole a child just barely rescued into telling us all kinds of shit before he's had a moment's rest, has harped on and on about Onions dying, and now, when the party is in a moment of mortal peril, has urged Onions to turn her back and walk away from them. GOD DAMN.

That's it? That's Onions' apology? Is that shit supposed to make up for her treating the entire party like shit for an entire continent?

Not even mad. As long as she gets off her bitchlevator to the Lunar Douche Base because of this I will let this completely backhanded apology of hers slide.

But it's hands down the weakest moment of writing in the game thus far.


that puzzling face

what have i done

edit: someone pls send help


that puzzling face
I'd totally welcome FFIV/TAY (3D or PSP doesn't matter to me) on Steam just for posterity.

FF6 iOS comes anywhere near PC though and there will be blood.

Lots of blood.


that puzzling face
PC is still my primary platform. Same way people are getting FF1-10 on Vita just to have it all in one place I guess.

Like I said, posterity and such. Being able to go download Starcraft/Brood War or Diablo 2 at any point in time just to take a trip down memory lane is pretty sweet.

edit: Also Keiji Kawamori is my sempai~ as far as synthesizer operator shenanigans go.


They probably copy/pasted the description for another game instead because the DS version is bleh compared to the FC version, Agumon-chan.

This is truth right here.

But yeah, I'd wish they'd done a remake for it sorta like they were gonna do with the Wonderswan version before it got canned.


I'm so glad this game is playable right away with a keyboard unlike VII and VIII. I still changed the movement from the direction keys to WASD, though.


hide your water-based mammals
Just finished FFX for the first time as explained in the X/X2 OT but my thoughts on the end...

Well, I beat it. I had an inclination of what was coming but it was still a good and slightly emotional ending. I watched the Eternal Calm and Bonus audio stuff and am kind of left with more questions but in short, is the audio supposed to be a lead in to FFX-2 or is it just something that is strictly non cannon and for fun? Bare in mind I've never got into FFX-2 so if there's spoilers on that then I'd prefer not to read them.

So all in all it was a great game and was saddened by the end but thought the game finished strong even with some questions left after Eternal Calm. I sure as hell hope there's some closure to this in FFX-2

I got 2 responses about the extra audio which I am trying to just ignore for now but I definitely wish I would have beat X sooner. Just started X-2 on the Vita and will likely be doing some cross play with the PS3 version of that as well.


Playing on Vita? Yeah, for some reason I guess they put the Bonus Audio with X Vita instead of X-2, so there's no way you could have known that it takes place after X-2. On the PS3 menu, everything's listed in order so that it's obvious.

X-2 is really fun, just go with anything that initially seems absurd :p


hide your water-based mammals
Playing on Vita? Yeah, for some reason I guess they put the Bonus Audio with X Vita instead of X-2, so there's no way you could have known that it takes place after X-2. On the PS3 menu, everything's listed in order so that it's obvious.

X-2 is really fun, just go with anything that initially seems absurd :p

I posted some brief impressions as I recently double dipped on the PS3 version to have that for cross saving but I think the Vita versions are actually better. Outside of the portable factor, the load times are actually better and by a good margin. Games looks sharp on the TV but the quickness of how the Vita version works makes it my go to to play these. I had around 48 hours when I just beat X and I would say all but 1-2 hours were played on Vita.

I am keeping an open mind for X-2 but I am definitely eager to see the story continue after finishing up all the X content.
My opinion on X-2 kind of went on a curve as I played it. I thought it was okay in the beginning, began really enjoying it near the middle, but then hated it by the end. The novelty of post X Spira wore off and I found myself actively annoyed by direction they took the story and characters.

Also Yuna's X-2 hair is possibly the worst hair I've ever seen in a game (beaten only by Nooj).
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