Getting each asterisk costs the bearer their life.
I need opinions on which DS Crystal Chronicles game to get: Rings of Fate or Echoes of Time. Any feedback would be great.
I need opinions on which DS Crystal Chronicles game to get: Rings of Fate or Echoes of Time. Any feedback would be great.
and Ladies & Gentlemen shots fired!
Yes Sir I am here!
So excited to find this thread and again thanks Kagari. Can't wait for FFXV.
So hyped for this game.
That quote's actually from last year, and Sora's hairstyle is as normal as normal gets, what are you talking about D:
In FFL2 my party is Human Guy, Mutant Girl, Robot and Monster. They are Crow, Jean (geddit? Mutant woman? Jean? GEDDIT?), Zero (GEDDIT?) and Joao, the magical shape shifting Apostle.
Human males in FFL2 were okay. Mutants have an advantage of gaining new powers as the show goes on. Monsters are a bag of mixing.
Robots are where it is at, though. In FFL2 I loaded down my robot with swords and armor and he was an invincible killing machine. Like, I cannot stress how much better the Robot race is than the other three in the games.
Still, Crow, Jean, Zero and Joao are my team for Legends/SaGa games. I should really play the series beyond the GB era someday.
I have the remake of SaGa 2 translated on my DS. It's right there next to Wizard of Oz JRPG, Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and Bowser's Inside story as DS RPGs I really ought to be playing. Someday. When I get through DQ4 and TWEWY.
Square, if you can hear me, I will forgive all of your sins if you make TWEWY2 for 3DS or Vita. But I will damn you to Hell if you make it iOS exclusive you filthy sons of bitches.
That is a pretty great looking shirt, I don't wear videogame shirts anymore though.
In FFL2 my party is Human Guy, Mutant Girl, Robot and Monster. They are Crow, Jean (geddit? Mutant woman? Jean? GEDDIT?), Zero (GEDDIT?) and Joao, the magical shape shifting Apostle.
Human males in FFL2 were okay. Mutants have an advantage of gaining new powers as the show goes on. Monsters are a bag of mixing.
Robots are where it is at, though. In FFL2 I loaded down my robot with swords and armor and he was an invincible killing machine. Like, I cannot stress how much better the Robot race is than the other three in the games.
Still, Crow, Jean, Zero and Joao are my team for Legends/SaGa games. I should really play the series beyond the GB era someday.
I have the remake of SaGa 2 translated on my DS. It's right there next to Wizard of Oz JRPG, Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and Bowser's Inside story as DS RPGs I really ought to be playing. Someday. When I get through DQ4 and TWEWY.
Square, if you can hear me, I will forgive all of your sins if you make TWEWY2 for 3DS or Vita. But I will damn you to Hell if you make it iOS exclusive you filthy sons of bitches.
If you didn't obsess over small stuff so much, you wouldn't have such a backlog.
Anyway, you really should try DQ5 if you have the chance (and time). It's a great game with a wonderful story ("best in the series" would be 7, though, but that's poison for your backlog).
Nah, the Tales community always welcomes a chance to hate on Abyss. Not like they have anything else to do right now.
So I was just about to beat FF III on Steam, and I was wondering why everyone was hating on the Crystal Tower. It wasn't very hard, and the bosses weren't too bad. Then I fight Cloud of Darkness for the second time, kill both of her tentacles, and almost make a killing blow, except she fires particle beam and wipes out all of my heals. Now I'm back to the beginning of Crystal Tower.
Fuck Crystal Tower.
And in Schala's allegedly superior NES version you'd have gone back even further!
And in Schala's allegedly superior NES version you'd have gone back even further!
I'm not sure how that "allegedly" got into that sentence.
I probably could buy more vg shirts. Subtle stuff like that, that isn't in your face GAMING TSHIRT. It would mean a little more than just random symbols/pictures. "What does that mean?" Oh I don't know.
And in Schala's allegedly superior NES version you'd have gone back even further!
Sweet baby Jesus, no.
This time I'm actually going to equip Ribbons to my Knight and Dragoon. I didn't before and wasted probably 3 or 4 turns getting my Knight back from being a frog. I totally would have killed CoD if it weren't for that.
So I got the patience to try CoD again.
Fuck Particle Beam. The fight, and none of them leading up to it, are even hard, just fuck particle beam.
FWIW in the NES version she only has 1 attack: Flare Wave.
ANYWAY. SkybladeCloud just tweeted that Project Doomtrain's Type 0 translation will have a MUCH sooner release date! He hasn't said when yet, but I mean, there isn't a huge amount of time between now and August anyway, so this is great news.
So fucking excited. What a great summer for RPGs for me this is turning out to be. Shit, throw in Persona 4 and 3 and I've been treated to great RPGs since Christmas.
ANYWAY. SkybladeCloud just tweeted that Project Doomtrain's Type 0 translation will have a MUCH sooner release date! He hasn't said when yet, but I mean, there isn't a huge amount of time between now and August anyway, so this is great news.
Fantastic news, I thought half a year for just beta testing felt like an overkill