Just watched the 26 minute compilation trailer for XV with some friends again. The hype lives on!
Just ordered that from Qwertee. £10 or thereabouts including shipping.
P.S - at time of posting you have 14 hours and 23 minutes to order one before they go off sale.
Re: FF shirts, I bought this a while back from teefury and I don't even like FF8 that much. I just thought it was really cool and I dig shirts that don't use text.
Just ordered that from Qwertee. £10 or thereabouts including shipping.
P.S - at time of posting you have 14 hours and 23 minutes to order one before they go off sale.
I am about to Start FFIII on Steam, anything I should be aware of?
25% bestiary starts the children quest I believe
What day and time is Square Enix showing their games? I looked at the E3 Conference And Livestream Schedule Thread and found not find Square Enix slots.
Are the Gamefaqs forums that bad?
Are the Gamefaqs forums that bad?
Did you watch the Type-0 stream this week? So good. I knew there was a shitton of stuff to translate but seeing and hearing Merkabah explain it was pretty great. Kinda wanted to go back to GameFAQs and rub it in the faces of those who thought nothing had been done.
Then I realized I don't ever want to go back to GameFAQs, haha.
Not really. I had got Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper and slaved away. Also that Type 0 message board became trash with the idiots there. And I talk little with the group now. I usually check on em once a month. Mainly because I don't want to get in their way as I have nothing worth contributing anymore. I mainly helped jumpstart the project and know a bunch of the lore. Despite not knowing any Japanese whatsoever.
Ah, well, whatever the case, I'm stupid excited now. I'm back to where I was before they announced Aug. 8th as the release date, and I'm checking at least once a day to see if Sky's announced the new date yet, haha. Cannot wait.
I will be ordering myself a Ultimate Hits copy a month before August myself.
I still go frequently for the actual FAQ/Walkthrough side of the site.
They're good if you need a detailed answer about a game. Don't bother otherwise.Never really bothered with the forums...
Never really bothered with the forums...
Reminder that you aren't finished till you 100% achievements.
Reminder that you aren't finished till you 100% achievements.
Probably in the range of 500-1000, [..]
I wonder about these "unexpected events". Especially if they now suddenly release it shortly before E3.
Unless I misunderstand Skybladecloud's twitter, Type-0's translation patch comes out tomorrow:
Timing does seem a little convenient.
*snicker* ok I'll shut up
I used to post answers there until I realized some people just wanted to talk about who the hottest character is, hurt/heal threads, etc. So I stopped posting around 2008 (though tbf, I stopped posting en masse in 2004 because message board culture wasn't for me). Heck, I used to post on the RPGs - Squaresoft board waaaaay back in 2001-2002 until we all got fed up that they wouldn't give us a social board, so we ended up going to other, less-frequented, boards around that forum. Back then, it was kinda neat. Now, not so much. A lot of people are pretty judgemental.The Faqs are still very useful. Never really bothered with the forums...
lolTiming does seem a little convenient.
*snicker* ok I'll shut up
I wonder about these "unexpected events". Especially if they now suddenly release it shortly before E3.
I'm mostly worried about people using this as a chance to get their hopes up for something I have given up hope on happening.
I'm surprised people still have hope for anything with SquareEnix. The thread about FF XV not showing up at E3 was pretty bitter. It's better to just sit back and be surprised when they actually manage to do something.
I'm surprised people still have hope for anything with SquareEnix. The thread about FF XV not showing up at E3 was pretty bitter. It's better to just sit back and be surprised when they actually manage to do something.
Type 0 and Bravely series is all I care about honestly. I've been riding the MonolithSoft train for years now.
I'm just glad we're getting the new Theatrhythm. Can't say I care much for Monolith Soft either way.
I just play something else, never really wait for anything to release.
I'm just glad we're getting the new Theatrhythm. Can't say I care much for Monolith Soft either way.