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FINAL FANTASY Community Thread: XV Mainline Entries and Counting

So, the FFV cart I ordered came today, and...it was a fake. A good fake though. I was playing on my DS lite when it froze (first warning sign), then I tried it on my og GBA and the cart stuck out above the top a good couple mm. It had a good label though with the right serial on it, and even some stuff printed on the chip above the connectors (though on careful inspection it differed from what was on the other carts).

Oh well, at least it was painless to return since Amazon fulfilled it. Good GBA carts are so hard to find nowadays.

Yeah that's the issue with buying GBA games, I've even bought counterfeit ones from Gamestop because they couldn't tell the difference.


I bought Golden Suns and FFVa used on amazon several months back and luckily they were all legit. Thinking about getting some new Fire Emblem carts with some credit, hoping I can still avoid the fakes.

Mog had a hard life.


I wonder, is there any chance of FF8 and FF9 remasters? Any rumors?
Having finished FFX HD just a few weeks ago, I'm in the mood for more FF. Not sure whether to buy them right now for my Vita or wait for potential remasters.


I wonder, is there any chance of FF8 and FF9 remasters? Any rumors?
Having finished FFX HD just a few weeks ago, I'm in the mood for more FF. Not sure whether to buy them right now for my Vita or wait for potential remasters.

I wouldn't hold my breath. Highly unlikely.


XII is most likely. I imagine PS2 models will "remaster" better with a resolution and texture bump compared to 7-8-9, which would need a great level of re-working. There's also the pre-rendered backgrounds which I suppose might cause issues but I haven't given it a ton of thought.


Looks like the Steam FF games are a daily now (before it was a Flash) so those same sale prices are back for the next 48 hours.
I have been thinking long and hard over whether or not I should buy FF7 on Steam since I'm down to my last $20 until Friday, and I need that money for lunch/work.

Curse you, Gaben!


In FFVI, how were people supposed to figure out *late game enemy side quest spoiler*
how to press that secret switch to get to the blue dragon in the ancient castle? Was there a clue somewhere in the cutscenes that plays when you arrive that I somehow missed? Also F those guys in the Veldt cave who don't know the difference between dragons and dinosaurs.


Does the VII steam port have the same issue as the VIII where they replaced the original PS1 sounds with some shit tier midi quality?


In FFVI, how were people supposed to figure out *late game enemy side quest spoiler*
how to press that secret switch to get to the blue dragon in the ancient castle? Was there a clue somewhere in the cutscenes that plays when you arrive that I somehow missed?

Yes, in Figaro's library.

Plenty of other secrets in the game that pretty much go unexplained and un-hinted at. Good luck finding
the second Memento Ring
if you didn't already know it existed or where to look.


that puzzling face
Okay, so now I'm really, really re-evaluating a possible Steam version VIII 'HD Remaster' music overhaul. (This would be completely unofficial and not involve Square Enix whatsoever.)

Instead, I'm thinking of handling this the way I did my two Sonic fan projects: a very transparent, bit-by-bit, upload-as-they-are-done endeavor where things are always open to feedback from people as the project develops. It would be another good chunk of production/arrangement practice on my part, and a little contribution back to the franchise that no one has to pay for.

Obviously it's impossible to please everyone, (I'd expect vitriol regardless of what I did :V) and the graphics themselves aren't going to improve any alongside the audio, but at least it might enable a little look into what considerations, etc go into arranging music, where balancing the nostalgia with updated methodologies and resources come into play. And again, it allows me to keep sharp, while its status as a non-official mod means it's non-intrusive for people who don't want it, and is basically something I can tackle in my leisure time, taking up to/over a year if necessary.

My rough blueprint for this would be to upload to Soundcloud (or whatevs, really) as tracks get done, but not enable downloads, and only release the entire thing as a package when it's all done (This would make the completion/release a bigger/more visible event than it otherwise would be if I released things piecemeal)



I'd(obviously) love to see that done. I haven't even gotten the chance to play VIII on Steam yet but I've heard the tracks don't sound very good. Even without that, I like seeing fan projects for VIII since it gives me more new things to try in the game.

Definitely go for it though I don't have the best suggestions on the way to go about it.

Also guys I think I might go through with the purchase tomorrow.



Yeah the $200 purchase. :p

I'm gonna do it. I'm definitely probably going to regret this. I'll post my order once I've fully decided on what I'm getting.


Anddddddddddd I did it.

Let's look at what I bought:

Squall Figurine:

Squall Keychain:

Chocobo cup:

Moogle cup:

Cactuar Cup:

2 copies of Curtain Call:

Thank You~ CD:

Final Fantasy VIII PC:

You can tell I struggled to find other stuff when I ordered three fucking cups.

Oh well. This lanyard better be good.


I bet you SE is laughing right now saying "lol I can't believe somebody was dumb enough to buy the $200 worth of products for a lanyard!"

... You know, I'd totally have chipped in for a Theatrhythm if you covered shipping it to me. D:

Awww shoot I wish I had known that because I would have done it! I could have avoided buying three cups lmao

Oh well. Chocobo one is pretty cute.


Awesome pickups. Never heard about that CD though. Really like the chocobo cup!
I bet you SE is laughing right now saying "lol I can't believe somebody was dumb enough to buy the $200 worth of products for a lanyard!"

Awww shoot I wish I had known that because I would have done it! I could have avoided buying three cups lmao

Oh well. Chocobo one is pretty cute.
Meanwhile at Square Enix:



Yes, in Figaro's library.

Plenty of other secrets in the game that pretty much go unexplained and un-hinted at. Good luck finding
the second Memento Ring
if you didn't already know it existed or where to look.

Yup sure enough. I kinda forgot about Figaro after the required story stuff in WOR to be honest. I mostly love finding these little clues and figuring out what they are used for, but getting stuck isnt very fun.



That Cactaur cup...

The Cactaur and Chocobo cup are pretty cool. The moogle one looks kind of dumb since it's harder to see.
Awesome pickups. Never heard about that CD though. Really like the chocobo cup!

Meanwhile at Square Enix:


The CD is pretty cool. I was a little disappointed VIII only had two songs, one of which is remixed with VII but man the Julia remix is soooooo good.

They're laughing all the way to the bank. :(


Final Fantasy Type-0 Impressions up to Chapter 7 (first round)

So where to begin? Let me give to all of you the negatives of the gameplay, first. I'm going to be honest: the RTS is weird and not really fun. It's a cool idea, but it just doesn't pan out the way it could, I think. Fortunately, there are only a few of them the first time through, but to unlock the true ending, there are more, and some I recall being fairly tough. Combat desperately needs a second analog stick, and balancing 14 party members is tough. As a way of correcting what I said earlier, you definitely need to maintain at least 6, since the game does at times ask you to form two parties.

On the other hand, I still find battle fun, and genuinely enjoy the steps taken to make the game feel like there is a full world map populated with towns and nations.

Regarding the way the story is told, I have my doubts, or rather nitpicks, small things really, regarding the social stuff at school. Sometimes I actually think that in the first playthrough you have too much time, or not a good way of advancing the in-game clock to get the time based events you want. Likewise there are some scenes I think would be better made mandatory, rather than missable.

Okay, so that's that, right? The rest is sort of spoilers:

I think that Chapter 4 is the highlight of the game's story so far, and Chapter 6 the best in terms of gameplay up until now. As far as the game's story goes I still don't quite know how this whole "forgetting the dead" thing figures in, but aside from that it's actually pretty good, I think. In Chapter 4 you have to escape from the enemy capital at the exact moment the game has dropped the implication that your own home country's government is attempting to have you killed as a part of an internal power struggle and one of your own turns on you. The escape from the city is made all the more tense by the arrival of enemies too powerful to kill, forcing you to flee from them and fight for your very life. It all comes to a head after the escape as Machina's anger boils over and he clashes with the other class members, really giving the characters a much needed chance to develop themselves.

Chapter 6 is a two party mission taking place on two separate fronts. It's a dazzling clash between Suzaku, Milities and Concordia, and the player's party is at the fore front of both battles, fighting monster troops, magitek armors, L'Cie and summoning dragons to do dragon battles. The scenery and presentation do not fail, either, and rather than showing a battle of large scale via an RTS to you, you get to experience it as troops on a battle field, which I think is the real ideal for how the game should have played.

Ultimately, I'd say: don't expect FFT-0 to be the next Final Fantasy Tactics, but I think you can rest assured that the writing is a fair step up and away from FFXIII, guys. I really think that if this game could have the depth of its halcyon predecessor, FFXII, it would be spectacular. When compared to its nearer sibling, FF7CC, though, it is already a really swell package.


I'm sorry if it isn't up to snuff tonight. I suddenly have a killer head ache.

Bravely Default spoilers up to chapter 6.

I’m not really going to stress too much the aspects of gameplay as I discuss this with you guys because I think there isn’t a lot I can really say. I feel that Bravely Default’s battle system is an excellent way of keeping turn based role playing combat alive, and that the role-playing aspect of that is really brought out by the unique, distinct, but fairly balanced role that every job class in the game plays. I also am very pleased with the presence of the in-game difficulty adjustment mechanism, for reasons I hope will become apparent to you as we advance.

I’m also going to skip over Chapters 1-3 because I believe you all remember my thoughts on them up to this point in the game.

Chapter 4, I believe, was an excellent chapter in almost every way. Entitled “Black and White” the chapter sets out to challenge not only Edea’s view of the world, but also the player’s. Of course, the events in Eisenberg had really made it clear already that things were not as simple as they had seemed, and anybody familiar with the franchise could pick up on certain key points: especially that Airy is probably a traitor, earlier than even that. I did not like the sob story attached to Victoria, I confess, and I more or less relished the chance to grind her skull beneath my heel. Because I really, really do not like her. That said, this chapter has really brought me around to the cast, although I continue to feel that Agnes and Tiz lag well behind.

The point is that this chapter focuses in no small part upon Edea, who is more or less the game’s default heroine. Having slain most of her friends for the sake of her beliefs, Edea comes face to face with her most insurmountable foe: her father. The situation complicates early on in the chapter with the discovery that awakening the Earth Crystal may well cost Edea’s mother (and many others!) her life. Although this is fairly gray, Edea points out that she doesn’t want Eternia to build its happiness upon the back of the rest of the world’s suffering. As she challenges her father, and learns about his past, one of the game’s more central points is at last brought up: that understanding should not come only at the point of a sword. Because Edea and her father are both head strong, battle is still inevitable. The chapter is paced perfectly, and Edea’s world view is challenged and questioned at every step. Most important of all of these is the Vampire Castle sidequest, in which much of the game’s backstory is revealed and much of the problems with the Crystal Orthodoxy and the motivations of the Anticrystalists are laid bare. Lord DeRosso, the Vampire himself, explains a story not too different from the present one, several times over, showing echoes between his life, the Templar’s, the Sage’s and Edea’s, save it be for the sides they fight for. All in all it’s pretty well written and thought out, and things seem set for a good final battle and a welcome ending to a game which will be fondly remembered.

But the game doesn’t end there. Nor, however, does it actually continue from that point. Rather, the player is forced back to square one and made to refight every boss in the game again. Rather than being more challenging, though, higher difficulties only see bosses and enemies have higher HP counts and deal more damage while taking less, effectively doing no more than bloating out an already upsettingly unnecessary bloat. And that’s what chapter five is: unnecessary. The chapter serves to highlight that the things we previously thought are untrue and that the world is grayer than we imagined, except we had already come emotionally to that point in chapter 4. The only truly worthwhile scene in chapter five is the budding of a romance between Agnes and Tiz and the Sage’s admission that all of this has happened before (and that the angel he and Lord DeRosso met long ago looked much like Agnes!) while that’s great, it didn’t need for me to refight every single boss in the game a second time and re-experience old story events with only minor changes (many of which I would assert were not for the better!) But I believed that if I bore it patiently the game would reward me and the remaining 3 chapters would be a return to form.

Such patience has not been rewarded, however, as I find myself at the beginning of chapter 6 exactly where I as at the beginning of chapter 5, which is precisely where I was at the beginning of chapter 1. To explain it best, allow me to share how I put it to my brother: Chapter 6 is chapter 5 again. And what was chapter 5? Chapters 1-4. For those of you keeping score, this is the third time I will be asked to fight the same bosses, with story and dialogue almost exactly the same I expect. And I have been informed that chapter’s 7 and 8 will be the same.

I’m baffled, frankly, at this decision. Truly, I am stunned. I cannot understand it from a story point of view. It’s like if Final Fantasy 1 had made players live the 2000 year time loop to sympathize with Garland, rather than just trusting that they’d written him to be sympathetic. In fact, I dare say that I think that this has happened in part because the staff was not confident in what they had made here. The game didn’t need to be longer, I was at 45 hours when I finished Eternia. A sufficiently large final dungeon could’ve made for 50 and that is perfectly respectable for most any RPG. The story was doing excellently at convincing me of all it needed to, and the cast had come into its own. Lord DeRosso’s Vampire Castle did all the more blurring of moral lines that chapter 5 aimed to do. In fact, if I could’ve just gone to the Sage for his asterisk and learned all he had to tell me there, there would have been no need for any of chapter 5. I’m rolling in XP and JP at this point, and really there’s no need to grind for cash since shops update their inventory so very slowly.

It saddens me to think of this, really, because the first half of the game is arguably the best Square Enix has put out in a long, long time, but then you hit that fifth chapter and it’s like a brick wall. I’ll soldier on and finish it, but I confess that without a NG+ option the game’s replayability has been seriously diminished in my eyes, as has its standing.


that puzzling face
Well, we might have gotten an alcohol-fueled rant (alcohol is a very legitimate response to BD disc 2/2) because sober rants aren't half as funny.
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