Nope, only sane people allowed in here.
Well sane people and Corvo.
Nope, only sane people allowed in here.
Well sane people and Corvo.
Nope, only sane people allowed in here.
Well sane people and Corvo.
Nope, only sane people allowed in here.
Well sane people and Corvo.
You don't have to leave but you do have to stand on the other side of the room so we don't catch your crazy.
Nope, only sane people allowed in here.
Well sane people and Corvo.
I enjoyed FFXIII but I'm not a Lightning fan. :T
I'm more of a Noel fan.
Yay, just beat FFVI for the first time! The epic Kefka boss sprite did not disappoint.
I just really don't like the Materia system. It levels slowly (15 hours in and I have yet to level a single Materia. 2000 AP, my ass. And it's not like your Materia gains XP across the board either), it's rather limiting in so far as you get a single ability per materia, and it's just a pain to set up. I don't know, maybe I just grossly misunderstood how to use the Materia system, but the Junction system seems much more flexible and versatile.
Do her fans not post here? This thread seems rather quiet...
I wouldn't hold my breath. Highly unlikely.
Damn. I had started playing FF8 a few years ago, but from what I remember, the game was painfully slow. And ugly. I didn't even complete the Fire Cavern.
I might get FF9 for my Vita instead, that one looks cool.
What happened to that rumor about PS1 emulation on PS4 with native 1080p rendering for select titles?
Got the SaGa 2 DS remake today (still ripping it at the moment, though). Has anyone played it? Is it easier to understand than Unlimited SaGa? I never played the original Game Boy version either as a neglected European.
Damn. I had started playing FF8 a few years ago, but from what I remember, the game was painfully slow. And ugly. I didn't even complete the Fire Cavern.
I might get FF9 for my Vita instead, that one looks cool.
What happened to that rumor about PS1 emulation on PS4 with native 1080p rendering for select titles?
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the music. That's about the only part of FFL2 that I know. It's even the only OST to a Game Boy game I ever bought (even if only digitally), it's pretty great. I hope the remake's music is equally good.
Thanks for your impressions. Ripping is still gonna take some time. :-/
PK Gaming made me a Garnet/Dagger avatar! What a good friend. ^_^
Spoiler stuff
Great character and great avatar!
I need to replay Final Fantasy IX. Still my favourite game, but it has been so long since I have played it. Love this track and the orchestrated version is pretty good too.
Hah, I just pointed PK in the right direction!Thanks for making it translucent!
It's my first time playing the game. Not done yet, but I'm pretty sure it's one of my favorites. So few games have made me feel the way FFIX has.
Got the SaGa 2 DS remake today (still ripping it at the moment, though). Has anyone played it? Is it easier to understand than Unlimited SaGa? I never played the original Game Boy version either as a neglected European.
PK Gaming made me a Garnet/Dagger avatar! What a good friend. ^_^
Gonna add my 2 cents.
The GILGAMESH you face in what I dub as Pandemonium isn't the real thing but does embody his thoughts and feelings. The real GILGAMESH either is consumed by the Rift or willingly opens it and goes through it. In fact the very weapons and armaments GILGAMESH has is a direct illusion to a very old game called the FF Legend.
Burning Blood is one of the best songs. Just, period.
Final Fantasy Type-0, Chapter 8, End of Round 1.
So, on the one hand it's best to simply say that there is a lot of disjointed feeling, a huge information dump, and a rather rushed feeling to this final chapter. FWIW, the cast feels every bit as lost as first time players must. I think part of this, though, is due to the fact thatI believe I mentioned before that something as big asthis is technically only half way through the game.needed more time to really be discussed than this, but when you viewthe Akashic recordsas athe first play throughHeck, the"bad end" it makes more sense, even if it is more of Square's really questionable VN framework that doesn't work as well in an RPG.When youbonus scene that plays after you clear the game pretty much solidifies that you're not done and that they did not intend for this to be seen as the actual end of the game.begin new game +, Arecia's dialogue with Ace before class has been changed, so that she tells him about Code Crimson. Code Crimson is Parliament's plan to get Class Zero killed, but Arecia presents it instead as "optional missions" for Ace to undertake. Clearing all of it is necessary for the rest of the story and for the True Ending. The confrontation between Arecia and Tiz is also fairly interesting because Arecia herself seems surprised by much of what's going on.
So here are some things one might consider complaints, assuming thatType-0's second half doesn't fill in the gaps.
The Akashic records are introduced very late for something that is a big deal to the game's "finale". I think it's intentional, though, that you don't know, because Cid taunts you about not realizing how many times you have come to the final dungeon and died there over the course of the entire dungeon. You don't realize what's going on and what the Akashic record stuff is all about until Arecia drops the bomb after the credits: all of this has happened six million plus times before.
The final boss is impossible to lose. No ifs, ands or buts about it, I really hope that gets changed for the HD version. I get why its done, but there needs to be a Braska's Final Aeon in addition to the Yu Yevon fight, y'know?
Although the final dungeon can be cleared as early as level 35, some rooms of it are still annoying at level 99.
Although Gilgamesh being in the final dungeon is cool, it isn't explained. Really the Trials are not explained at all. Are you going to the Four Kingdoms, or is this all just phantoms conjured by Cid?
Who is Arecia? What is the Lulusath Crystal? What's REALLY going on here? I assume that these last ones are questions that must be answered in the second round of the game.
Now let me briefly go over everything I love about the game's "finale".
First of all, the Final Dungeon is Multi Party and that shit is my jam. Second of all, Celestia is the best. Girl does all the coolest shit. I'm also pleased with the way the game decides to handle death at the end. I don't know that the "forgetting the dead" thing is quite used as well as it could, but I'm satisfied with it. The ending to the game still chokes me up every damn time. I also think Cid is a great villain in that he's never once human. Before the change happens he's a political figure beyond the party's reach, and after he's some horrifying L'Cie that mocks the cast. For a game where the decision to be human is pivotal, it's good to have a man who is so utterly inhuman at every step of the way be the villain.
As a final note, although I rejected becoming a L'Cie (you have to to get the right endings) I am going to use the L'Cie cheat code this time through because I think it is just dreadful that the game includes specific points on all party members where they have been branded but you can completely fail to ever find those depending on your choices. Or rather, L'Cie costumes are cool so I'm using them this time through.
In the end I feel that the experience is a little disjointed, but the ideas are still so good that I can't help but love the game in spite of its flaws.
I have to say that I am extremely ambivalent to the idea that they hide such important info as well as force a second run through just to understand the story. That sounds along the lines of the XIII-2 Ultimania/Novella shenanigans. I don't know... maybe it's just because I don't trust SE when it comes to the FNC story anymore.
After I saw the Cactaur cup Wazzy bought, I knew I had to buy one too!
Wait,what's different about Gilgamesh's weaponry in Pandemonium? I know he has a different arsenal during the bonus match, but I didn't think he had anything different during the battles in Byakko and Pandemonium from what he had during the clash on the Big Bridge?
Also, what weapon does he have that's a reference to FFL? I know he has a rocket gun, but I didn't think he had a chainsaw. Unless his massive blade is the King's Sword?
after finishing LR I am convinced that that the term 'chaos' is a poor approximation of what the Japanese script intended to convey.People still thinking the datalog is "required" to understand any of the FNC titles.
The error filled English versions are somewhat understandable without it.
after finishing LR I am convinced that that the term 'chaos' is a poor approximation of what the Japanese script intended to convey.
can anyone weigh in on the Japanese word used and how else is could be translated? maybe I'm wrong. I'm reading that the pronounciation slightly changed between XIII-2 and LR, that doesn't inspire confidence
The term is capitalized in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, but not in Final Fantasy XIII-2, despite the terms referring to the same substance. In the Japanese Final Fantasy XIII-2 the term is written as Kaosu (カオス, but for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII the spelling has been changed to Konton (混沌」
, which means the same but is normally pronounced differently, although in the characters in the game still pronounce it the same as in the previous title.
People still thinking the datalog is "required" to understand any of the FNC titles.
The error filled English versions are somewhat understandable without it.
Just reached Lost Continent in FFIX. I found the gear for Vivi to get Water finally in the Desert Palace. Looks like water is the strongest element in the game? Or is that just until I get Lv. 3 elements? It's pretty expensive, at 22 MP.
Speaking of water, Leviathan is awesome. My favorite of the summons yet, although I still haven't seen Atomos and Ifrit (I have the gear for them, though.)
Eventually you get some ridiculously overpowered non-elemental magic like always, but I think Flare is the strongest elemental magic.
I thought Doomsday was stronger?
I thought Doomsday was stronger?
It is, but I don't think it's elemental.