The Ultimate Songs aren't so bad...
Unless it's The Castle, One-Winged Angel, Final Battle (FFIX), and Force Your Way.
They're long and hard fuck them
So, it seems that the characters in dimensions have set stat growth at level up. How important to their overall ability are these? Will the job leveling bonuses offset it if I, say, want to make Sarah a monk?
Yes they have and I did not find a good FAQ explaining that. I just... didn't give a fuck and changed the jobs after hitting JLVL 20.
I'd say: do not think about it. It is not that important. Have 1 White Mage --> Seer, 1 Black Mage --> Magus, 2 Tanks and that's it. Light Tank --> Paladin, Dark Tank --> Ninja.
On GFAQs forums people suggested to spend some levels as Thief for the SPD attribute level up. SPD is king in late game/ post game. Every piece of equipment that gives you SPD is better than any single DEF one.
Abilities are the real important thing in this game and they can turn unwinnable battles to manageable ones. Of course the best abilities get unlocked at JLVL20, hah.
Of course if you want to min/ max then you have to search on GFAQs...
My copy of Curtain Call came yesterday and god this game is addicting.
The characters I've unlocked so far are:
X-2 Yuna
Crystal Chronicles guy
X-2 Rikku
I'm aiming for dat Rinoa so I can have my almost full VIII partyMy part is Seifer, Squall, Cloud and X-2 Yuna.
I think I'm gonna stay pretty surface level with this; after Dissidia I don't really wanna go too completionist.
Nah, I am not into Min/Maxing. I just didn't want to be stuck half-way through the game with a crappy party. From what I've read, you get around 60-70 JP for each character by the end of the game. Is that right? Also, I was looking around and apparently instead of bothering to give the WoL an equivalent of Ninja they gave them a class to boost Stats instead. So it seems a lot less important for them, which is good.
I like creating a Monk/(Black) Mage hybrid in games so that it becomes my "Kill it by any means" option. I even made a Skyrim character who was a Mage with really strong punches. xD
you're telling a guy with the forum name 'red mage' not to multiclass
Does it have online shenanigans like the message sending in III DS? Cuz DS online functionality is dead and that actually locks content in III DS
You needed to send or receive a bunch of messages to unlock shit like... uh
You can only get the ultimate weapons and onion knight via the mognet? Why?
Because Japan thinks people will all use the crappy social aspects of their games.
Still, it's a dumb idea to hide that option via a system that will be gone in a number of years. There should have been a way to unlock it without using mognet.
Square Enix let a man waste six plus years designing and redesigning characters for a game he was supposed to be developing. Dumb is a very, very soft word for what they are.
Yes it is in the 60-90 JP range if you find every Moogle Coin. I had like 50 JP left per person in post game and then you have an infinite source of JP so you can max every job but it would take ages...
That class is WHACK (Memorist). I never spent even a minute using it. You can create the most powerful character by using it because you raise your stats yourself so you can have the most powerful Tank or Mage etc. Upping those stats require you to travel all around the World visiting Cities and Dungeons you have already cleared. It is a huge sidequest in itself that I simply decided not to do.
Generally speaking making hybrid classes in this game is not recommended. You are first upping your STR, ATK, DEF etc. and then switching to a Mage that doesn't use those stats (INT, MAG instead). You will have a lesser Mage and a lesser Monk and it shows, believe me. Every INT point helps your Mage, every MND point helps your Healer. It makes for unnecessary challenge IMO![]()
you're telling a guy with the forum name 'red mage' not to multiclass
If you people had to pick one, would you rather have an FFX prequel featuring Braska, Jecht, and Auron OR an FFVIII prequel featuring Laguna, Kiros, and Ward?
I don't think either is necessary but I think I would rather take the VIII prequel because that has more 'blanks' to fill whereas we already know the majority of Braska's journey since it was 90% similar to Yuna's just by virtue of being the same type of pilgrimage.
If you people had to pick one, would you rather have an FFX prequel featuring Braska, Jecht, and Auron OR an FFVIII prequel featuring Laguna, Kiros, and Ward?
I don't think either is necessary but I think I would rather take the VIII prequel because that has more 'blanks' to fill whereas we already know the majority of Braska's journey since it was 90% similar to Yuna's just by virtue of being the same type of pilgrimage.
If you people had to pick one, would you rather have an FFX prequel featuring Braska, Jecht, and Auron OR an FFVIII prequel featuring Laguna, Kiros, and Ward?
I don't think either is necessary but I think I would rather take the VIII prequel because that has more 'blanks' to fill whereas we already know the majority of Braska's journey since it was 90% similar to Yuna's just by virtue of being the same type of pilgrimage.
Er... what's the point of having the job system then? Why not do it like, say, Seiken Densetsu 3 where you have classes and paths for those classes?
If you people had to pick one, would you rather have an FFX prequel featuring Braska, Jecht, and Auron OR an FFVIII prequel featuring Laguna, Kiros, and Ward?
I don't think either is necessary but I think I would rather take the VIII prequel because that has more 'blanks' to fill whereas we already know the majority of Braska's journey since it was 90% similar to Yuna's just by virtue of being the same type of pilgrimage.
FFVI prequel starring Biggs and Wedge
Laguna, Kiros, and Ward. They have a lot more potential and I think there is (or was at one point) more of a draw to that.. mercenaries, much like Squall and co., but with an entirely different order and different characters and locales. X has the more interesting characters tho (love Braska, Jecht, and Auron). Laguna is probably better than all of them but Kiros and Ward are boring.If you people had to pick one, would you rather have an FFX prequel featuring Braska, Jecht, and Auron OR an FFVIII prequel featuring Laguna, Kiros, and Ward?
I don't think either is necessary but I think I would rather take the VIII prequel because that has more 'blanks' to fill whereas we already know the majority of Braska's journey since it was 90% similar to Yuna's just by virtue of being the same type of pilgrimage.
maybe they're just easing people into the eventual ffix steam version
disclaimer that I'm obviously joking since people have taken to quoting me
Playing through Curtain Call and remembering how GOOD Type-0's score is! Can't wait to play it in glorious HD!
Anyone else playing FFIV on steam?
The battles seem very slow....compared to GBA & DS versions
maybe they're just easing people into the eventual ffix steam version
disclaimer that I'm obviously joking since people have taken to quoting me
For some odd reason, I can't tell if something is 15 FPS or 60 FPS. It all looks exactly the same to me! But I guess that's good becuase I've been enjoying the Steam version!
I was scanning this thread really fast and you got my hopes up! :'(
One of the best soundtracks in the series. Not even using bullshit hype.
ahah, why? Because SE would fuck it up? In that case no prequel is safe.
Started playing FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 yesterday.
The introduction and the story so far (after tutorial) are really good, on par with FF12 story (heavy politics). It is also a very 'mature' FF game with pretty convincing death scene during the first hour. Lots of death all around you with blood and guts etc.
image wuz here
The battle system is straight up action game. Lock on onto targets and fire spells from a distance, evade to the left or right using the nub etc. In the tutorial you are invincible (auto-reraise) but in the first mission you are not. Shit is tough! I think I need to upgrade my abilities because you cannot grind (?) as there is a limited set of enemies per each area.
Question: can you output PSP1000 (the very first model) to a TV? It looks damn small on the screen and it is difficult to find secrets (i.e. Elixir post tutorial after the Empire's ship crashed).
Can't wait to dive into this game more during the weekend. It has some incredible production values for a handheld FF title.