So I'm about 3 hours into my first ever playthrough of FFVII and I have a question, does it ever get difficult or does the combat get more robust?
I'm really enjoying the story, the graphics, the atmosphere, and especially the music, but so far battling has just been mashing O or whatever and letting the game pretty much handle itself save from the few times I've needed to heal. And what's the deal with Limit Breakers? Doesn't seem like they take much strategy to use when the second you get one you have to use it as opposed to just using a normal attack.
Am I missing something? I must be...
First of all, congrats~ It's a very fun game. Second, I never found FFVII to be that difficult, so you're fine. When you take on the optional Weapons, there's at least some degree of strategy there.
When you fight solo,
maybe then it can get hard (particularly during the Wutai Pagoda sidequest), but it depends on your materia setup in general and the character's level. There are some enemies require some strategy (ex: one side uses magic, the other uses physicals; one head uses fire and is weak to ice, the other is the opposite, etc). There's one part of FFVII where you go into an arena and get handicaps every time you progress through a stage (ex: status effect, level decreases by 5/10, strength down, etc). But you can generally get away with fighting physically. That's the general case in Final Fantasy, I've noticed. Later games sort of refine it in a way where you do have to modify your attacking pace and what skills you use. Perhaps going in underlevelled or going through low-level runs might be more enticing for you.
When I play FFVII, I never ever use Magic or Summon materia because I just don't see the point half the time unless I need it against a boss who's weak vs something, and the animation speeds aren't that quick. I mostly use Command/Independent/Support Materia. Even sometimes I don't equip the Independent materia unless I want a stat up quickly. Enemy Skill materia is my favourite materia in the entire game. You can probably drop the buffing materia, magic materia, and summon materia if you feel like you're too strong.
Limit Breaks are more like supers you can use to take a ton of HP down quickly. They're more helpful when you're handicapped in the Arena or something.
Random: Why do the online FFs (the only ones I don't play) have the best/most attractive Cid designs? It's not fair.
(I just saw FFXIV's Cid.)
I think it's because Cid's traditionally designed as an older engineer who sometimes serves as comic relief by being overly snarky or behaving, well, senile.
(Wait, FFVII's Cid was bad? FFXIII's Cid wasn't bad, either!) What does FFXIV Cid look like?
Fake Edit: Ooh.
This? Yeah maybe if we were in 1999 and some indie dev. was taking care of it. Lol. Let's put it this way, if they're going to make a remake on 3DS, I'd expect at least Crisis Core's level of graphics with some nice shaders added to it. If they're going to do it on PS3, then FF13-level of graphics should be the one to expect (sort like the FF7 Tech Demo).
From a business/technical standpoint, I kinda agree. People might not want the battle characters in the prerendered backgrounds because it might not look great to them. I think people do expect Advent Children or FFXIII-quality out of a theoretical FF7R.
But at the same time, I looooove the prerendered backgrounds from the previous FFs, as discussed earlier in the thread. They're so nice to look at.