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FINAL FANTASY Community Thread: XV Mainline Entries and Counting


I don't know about 'development hell' but they most certainly announced it before they started work on it.
I can't imagine why they'd do that, but hey.

I think the last thing they said was that it was still extremely early on in production. Aside from that I think the only other thing they said was that it was a remaster and not a remake from the ground up.
Oh wow, that's the first I've heard of that. Bummer. X's art could've really benefited from modern tech.


That was my other complaint with it, though. They give you a colosseum with... nothing. There's literally nothing in the game. I mean I'm not normally one to rag on DLC. I won't buy it if I don't think it's worth anything, and I won't complain about that, usually. But they built an empty arena and the only way to get any use out of it is with DLC. It just seems kind of wrong to me, especially after playing all the KHs. I kind of got there and thought it would be like that, and then they'd just add some cool stuff afterwards. But nope. Empty.

Yeah, if you didn't plan on getting the DLC from the start, that was kind of weak. Having the empty arena isn't quite as bad to me as having an NPC that solely exists to sell you DLC, but I do agree that the node with the Harbringer in it was kind of un-needed. Then again, we're talking about the same people who forgot to remove the "This minigame will be available as Downloadable Content" prompt for the Serendipity tables if you try to access them via the normal node...

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Man, part of the reason why I kinda wished X HD was an actual remake and not an HD port was so they could get more mileage out of the environments. There's a lot of pretty stuff in X that I feel just walking through a beaten path in the middle of it doesn't quite do it justice.
Admittedly, finishing FFX in Theatrhythm's series mode for the first time really hit me hard. >.>

There was a time after FFX-2 where I wanted an FFX-0 to make even more use out of the environments seen in concept art, but I think we're fine where we are with regards to the FFX games.

RDreamer said:
That was my other complaint with it, though. They give you a colosseum with... nothing. There's literally nothing in the game. I mean I'm not normally one to rag on DLC. I won't buy it if I don't think it's worth anything, and I won't complain about that, usually. But they built an empty arena and the only way to get any use out of it is with DLC. It just seems kind of wrong to me...
Yeah, that's my problem with the arena too, especially since I had made the choice to not purchase any DLC. The arena ended up being a big pile of nothing for me in the game and just a place I went to for a few treasures and a fragment. I thought when they announced it, it would be akin to FFX's arena or a Tales arena, but it ended up not being like that.

Like, throw me a bone here, or structure it like the arena in FFX or something so I can at least get some mileage out of it.

Then again, we're talking about the same people who forgot to remove the "This minigame will be available as Downloadable Content" prompt for the Serendipity tables if you try to access them via the normal node...
This shit still gets me.


On the subject of DLC... and now that it's all out... what did people think of XIII-2's add on content?

Hit or miss. I pretty much enjoyed all of the Arena content, as it was mostly blatant fanservice and they fights added some much needed challenge that the core game lacked. I still have a few of those battles left unfinished because I need to get around to actually building a proper team to fight them instead of the rag tag monsters I used through the whole game. This is the type of DLC that, while it would be nice if it were part of the core game, I'm not afraid of buying.

What was meant to be "story" DLC was pretty disappointing though. The Sazh DLC is just an overall waste of time, and the Lightning episode, while a cool idea, was pretty poorly executed. That, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who expected more than just one
(two, if you count Chaos Bahamut)
battle in the whole thing, specially with the announcement hype of being able to play as Lightning.

...That, and the trophy hunter in me was irked by the lack of additional trophies. The damn Gilgamesh battle alone is harder than anything in XIII-2 yet I don't get anything to show for it!
So I'm currently playing VIII right now for the first time. I just finished the first SeeD mission, but I didn't head back to the garden yet.

What do you guys think of the game in general?

I'm enjoying it, but I feel the battle system is needlessly complicated compared to VII's or even the older games'. Does it get better? I already can tell I'm not gonna enjoy it as much as VII.…

e: Also, I might be crazy. But does anyone else feel that the 3D Areas when engaged in battle are actually of less quality than VII's? I only played for the first time last summer, so it's not the nostalgia speaking!


VIII probably has the most interesting story of any FF, the battle's system was a brave change of pace too, I always credit them for having the balls to change up things.


I don't have much of an opinion on VIII cause I haven't played that game in a good 8-9 years. I just remember being indifferent about the love story theme and thinking the junction system was kind of overly complicated. That and never understanding how Triple Triad worked.

In retrospect, I do appreciate the whole enemy scaling aspect of it, even if it does kinda make people who grind a lot early have to work harder due to harder enemies.


So I'm currently playing VIII right now for the first time. I just finished the first SeeD mission, but I didn't head back to the garden yet.

What do you guys think of the game in general?

I'm enjoying it, but I feel the battle system is needlessly complicated compared to VII's or even the older games'. Does it get better? I already can tell I'm not gonna enjoy it as much as VII.…

e: Also, I might be crazy. But does anyone else feel that the 3D Areas when engaged in battle are actually of less quality than VII's? I only played for the first time last summer, so it's not the nostalgia speaking!

I hated this game so much. God knows how much cursing I did. Stupid draw system, complete lack of tutorial (wtf?), "physical/normal" attacks being really weak and pointless (or was just me that used GFs the whole game?), etc. Didn't understood a bit of the story, but in the end I like it, I just felt warm inside. I think it has the funniest, most charming, lovely cast of caracters of all FF, even more than X (and I love the X crew). I like the atmosphere, I liked Squall, his conflicting issues and all. I would LOOOOOOOVE to see a PSP (now Vita) game about Laguna. I'll never see that, sadly. :(

I think Zell should have been more explored.

I think Eyes On Me is the greatest, saddest, most romantic song ever written for a JRPG before. Look on YT for the Angela Aki version. It just give me the chills.

Someday I'll replay on PSP with the "correct way" to play it. Don't leveling up (I lvled A LOT), just drawing stupid skills and etc. I have the original game for PS1 (played on my PS3), but if it runs smoothly on Vita, I can see another reason to buy one in the future.

[...] never understanding how Triple Triad worked.

In retrospect, I do appreciate the whole enemy scaling aspect of it, even if it does kinda make people who grind a lot early have to work harder due to harder enemies.

I never understood either lol. About the enemy scaling, I think is lame. If you wanna make a game grind free, just do it like Vesperia. Enemies on screen, small numbers, giving the amount of XP necessary to lvl up and beat bosses. If you are low lv, then you can grind 2 more levels at most, otherwise is impossible because the XP is very high for your current area.

EDIT: I remember a lot of fuzz about the [end game spoilers]
Rinoa is Ultimecia theory
, but I think that's just gamers nonsense and the writers didn't think anything like this at all.
Hit or miss. I pretty much enjoyed all of the Arena content, as it was mostly blatant fanservice and they fights added some much needed challenge that the core game lacked. I still have a few of those battles left unfinished because I need to get around to actually building a proper team to fight them instead of the rag tag monsters I used through the whole game. This is the type of DLC that, while it would be nice if it were part of the core game, I'm not afraid of buying.

What was meant to be "story" DLC was pretty disappointing though. The Sazh DLC is just an overall waste of time, and the Lightning episode, while a cool idea, was pretty poorly executed. That, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who expected more than just one
(two, if you count Chaos Bahamut)
battle in the whole thing, specially with the announcement hype of being able to play as Lightning.

...That, and the trophy hunter in me was irked by the lack of additional trophies. The damn Gilgamesh battle alone is harder than anything in XIII-2 yet I don't get anything to show for it!
I agree with all of this, though I think I liked the Lightning episode more than you. The story bits were really obtuse but I liked the battle itself - it was a nice shake-up from the standard battle format.

I'd hate to think that I'm becoming dependent on Trophies, but XIII-2 was a really easy Platinum and given the size of my backlog, it's been hard to justify spending the time to go back to a lot of the Coliseum DLC content without that extra incentive. It's also weird how there's no in-game battles to be fought in the Coliseum, that it's only for DLC. I think SE stumbled a bit with that one, they could've at least thrown in some XIII boss battles just to give it some non-DLC content. That said, the fanservice and the challenge were two things SE did very well with this DLC.

I actually liked the design of a lot of the DLC costumes but SE was so slow about releasing them that I'd long since completed the game and moved on by the time the new outfits came out. It's a shame because I thought the White Mage and the AK48 costumes were much better than Serah's default outfit. They also felt pretty overpriced at 2.99 a pop, but I guess that wouldn't have bothered me if I'd actually had a use for them.

In sum, I think SE did a lot right with the XIII-2 DLC, but it's still sort of a mixed bag. At the very least, as far as DLC goes, XIII-2's was fairly inoffensive from a consumer POV, I think, but there's definitely a lot of room for SE to improve in terms of content and timing.


Rinoa is Ultimecia
and the
Squall is Dead
theories are as bogus as the Indoctrination theory in ME3. It's people looking deeper into things that don't exist.

About the enemy scaling, I think is lame. If you wanna make a game grind free, just do it like Vesperia. Enemies on screen, small numbers, giving the amount of XP necessary to lvl up and beat bosses. If you are low lv, then you can grind 2 more levels at most, otherwise is impossible because the XP is very high for your current area.

Well, I like the concept of it at least. I know enemy scaling doesn't work for every type of game, but I can appreciate the attempt at trying to make it so that bosses can be challenging no matter what your level (granted, card mod makes breaking VIII a breeze).

I agree with all of this, though I think I liked the Lightning episode more than you. The story bits were really obtuse but I liked the battle itself - it was a nice shake-up from the standard battle format.

Oh I liked the battle concept itself, hell I even got close to finishing the battle at Level 0 once. I just wish there had been a little bit more meat to that particular DLC story-wise, seeing how that's how SE was hyping it up as.

I actually liked the design of a lot of the DLC costumes but SE was so slow about releasing them that I'd long since completed the game and moved on by the time the new outfits came out. It's a shame because I thought the White Mage and the AK48 costumes were much better than Serah's default outfit. They also felt pretty overpriced at 2.99 a pop, but I guess that wouldn't have bothered me if I'd actually had a use for them.

I forgot about this, yeah. They released should have focused on getting the DLC outfits out first and then stagger the Arena releases, cause by the time they released them, a lot of people had already beaten the game and didn't see the point. I bought them anyway cause yeah, every one of her outfits is better than her default. Even the swimsuit one is kind of appealing just cause of how much of her back it shows off, plus seeing Serah in a swimsuit while walking through any of the snowy areas was amusing.

Edit: And I just remembered that the Mass Effect outfits are a thing that exists. That's probably the most out there piece of DLC for the whole game, more so than Noel's Assassin's Creed one.
On the subject of DLC... and now that it's all out... what did people think of XIII-2's add on content?

I liked it, for the most part. I expected good battles, I got good battles. The costumes were pretty neat too, especially on my second playthrough. The story DLC was alright. I wish there were more, but Chronobind made up for that.
I highly recommend FFII for ios.,great music, and if you're coming off FFI then the gameplay should be ok. Just be sure you understand how to play the game first. Put Maria in the front row, sell her bow and never use bows again, and give her a rod/staff because they are actually very strong in this game. Make sure you give everyone a shield and avoid dual wielding weapons. Also i highly recommend going to Mysidia early once you get the mithril. If youre feeling adventurous wander over to the mysidia cave early to pick up golden hairpin and black clothes (both excellent end game armor). Grind the exit spell as you go to the mythril cave. Buy minimal spells; cure, fire, and swap for everyone, and then exit ( chest in mythril cave, don't buy it) life and heal on one person each. You really don't need more than that. Choose one weapon type for each player and stick with it , (fire spears in mysidia are a must for frion and guy though). After you get back from mysidia, then just use swap on the weak enemies in the early section of he game as you walk between towns on all but one of your players. Then heal them up and then swap with the remaining person. This will lower inn costs which are tied to your up and mp amounts in this game. If you do all this you'll never have to do very much boring grinding (getting to mysidia and grinding around there is tough keeps you on your toes!) remember you can home button out of the game. When you restart you'll be out of battle. You can kind of Pick and choose your enemy encounters his way. Very helpful for getting to mysidia early.

Thanks, this shouldn't be too hard to memorize.

I just thought it'd be more sensible to play the classic games first because it might be harder to go back to them once I finish the SNES-era ones. I think Aeana said that FFIII on DS/iOS is a bit crap compared to the NES version but I don't think I'll be able to play that version legally. :(


So I'm currently playing VIII right now for the first time. I just finished the first SeeD mission, but I didn't head back to the garden yet.

What do you guys think of the game in general?

I'm enjoying it, but I feel the battle system is needlessly complicated compared to VII's or even the older games'. Does it get better? I already can tell I'm not gonna enjoy it as much as VII.…

e: Also, I might be crazy. But does anyone else feel that the 3D Areas when engaged in battle are actually of less quality than VII's? I only played for the first time last summer, so it's not the nostalgia speaking!

I enjoy VIII more than the average Joe.

Draw. All the time. The faster you get 99 stock of a spell, the faster you can abuse the shit out if the junction system.

The story has its strange and silly moments, but overall it was enjoyable.

I was like, 11 when I got this game and figured out how to break it. You shouldn't have too much of an issue if you learn the junction system (it's really not complicated).

Triple Triad rules.


So I'm currently playing VIII right now for the first time. I just finished the first SeeD mission, but I didn't head back to the garden yet.

What do you guys think of the game in general?

I'm enjoying it, but I feel the battle system is needlessly complicated compared to VII's or even the older games'. Does it get better? I already can tell I'm not gonna enjoy it as much as VII.…

e: Also, I might be crazy. But does anyone else feel that the 3D Areas when engaged in battle are actually of less quality than VII's? I only played for the first time last summer, so it's not the nostalgia speaking!

I hated this game when it came out. It all just seemed lame, summons took forever, corny love story with an equally corny sorceress.,terrible music too generally especially the regular battle music.

The battle system seemed lame to me too, but after watching some lets plays of the game it has a lot of mouth watering sequence breaking elements to it that I absolutely love. So while I would just skip everthing about the game, using the junction system to just crush the game is very appealing to me even if I've never done it before.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
There are several reasons why I'm not too fond of FFVIII's overall soundtrack either:
Post 1
Post 2
Post 3

There are great standout tracks, sure, but if you take it as an overall product, the FFVIII soundtrack is rather lacking in terms of the samples Uematsu chose, general repetitiveness of many tracks, and compression.


The biggest travesty of FFVIII's OST to me was the decision to replace Raid on Dollet (used in the Demo version) with The Landing in the final release. Granted, Attacking Dollet could have still used a bit more work, but I feel like it gives that whole segment an entirely different feeling.

That and I remember the former getting me really hyped to play FFVIII, so it was a pretty big slap in the face to not have the song in the game.

Well, considering it sounds like this, they took it out for a legitimate reason. >.>

...Wow, that more you know. This is the first time I've heard it, and now I'm not as surprised that they took it out, heh.


FFVIII had an amazing soundtrack all the way though, I thought. Maybe there's some nostalgia talking there, but whenever I play it I'm really amazed at how good all the tracks are.


Nostalgia is a powerful thing.

Nostalgia doesn't make you like something that you used to hate.

By which I mean it wouldn't really impact your judgement of a game's soundtrack over time. The synthesizer he used in VIII always struck me as a bit weird, though.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Nostalgia doesn't make you like something that you used to hate.

By which I mean it wouldn't really impact your judgement of a game's soundtrack. The synthesizer he used in VIII always struck me as a bit weird, though.
The synthesizer he chose seemed to have been highly-regarded at the time, though (the Roland Sound Canvas 88). It's just that the ones Uematsu picked didn't seem to work all that well in to highlight and underscore his compositions (and it really didn't help that some of his compositions were repetitive). I don't like the drum, the bass, brass, and some of the woodwind stuff coming from this synthesizer all that much. Maybe it would have been beneficial for him to find better samples in some cases, but I think he preferred consistency.

Samples from that synthesizer that aren't from FFVIII: Demo MIDI Files; Demo MIDI Files Part 2


The problem with simply taking samples from a sound module like the SC-88 Pro and using them in a PSX game is that only the sample itself carries over - you lose all of the effects capabilities, and other such things. The PSX's sound chip was really capable, but it wasn't directly compatible with any other synthesizers. Minoru Akao, the sound programmer for all of the PSX FF games, sometimes did an all right job, but usually he could have done much better.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Who did the sound programming for the PS2 FFs? Outside of maybe FFXII (because the voices sounded like they were coming from extreme ends of a hallway), I felt they were pretty good. I have very little problems with the synth in those ones.

Edit: Nevermind, it was also Minoru Akao. Sounds hit-or-miss. The synthesizer programmers (ex: Ishimoto, Yamazaki, and Kawamori) did a pretty good job at picking good instruments for those games, I felt.


There are a few good songs in the ffviii soundtrack, but that is terrible compared to iv, vi, and vii where basically every track was great. Vi and vii also had a sort of melancholy with a sense of hope that permeated the whole soundtrack that was not in the Viii soundtrack

I hate eyes on me, why would I want some boring jpop sounding ballad in a ff game? Begging of the end in my opinion.

Man with the machine gun and balamb garden music are the only tunes I like really from that game. The future city music was good too.

And while I'm stirring the pot, I thought the ffix soundtrack was terribad too. I only liked the opening song played with the ocarina. That is a good song.
Finally finished up XIII today. Very happy. The game came out at the worst time for me (right in the middle of grad school), and ever since then I've been dragging along with it.

I enjoyed the game. Its not my favorite FF, but by no means worth the backlash it receives (just a result of the overwhelming hype it had). Yes it was quite linear, and the story was pretty damn convoluted, but the battle battle system was phenomenal (even if the summons are useless for the most part) and Lightning was a great mean/lead character IMO.

The end of thr game kinda ramped up the difficulty quite a bit (chapter 12 onwards), and the final boss gave me quite a bit of difficulty (died probably 10-12 times). Happy to clear this one from the backlog. I came extremely close to throwing in the towel and just looking up the ending on YouTube for a mute there. Very glad I did not.

Now onto XIII-2 finally :)


Crystal Bearer
Been thinking about this, but what do you guys think the impact would be if Square really did cancel FF Versus XIII?

Obviously to me it would be disappointment like no other, but what does every one else think? Aside from Versus, the next new FFs to look forward to are a sequel to FFXIII-2 and FFXIV 2.0.


Been thinking about this, but what do you guys think the impact would be if Square really did cancel FF Versus XIII?

Obviously to me it would be disappointment like no other, but what does every one else think? Aside from Versus, the next new FFs to look forward to are a sequel to FFXIII-2 and FFXIV 2.0.

I would legitimately lose faith in the company. Versus XIII sounds like my dream game. A realistic deviation of the Kingdom Hearts battle system? Open world? A FF main character with direct influence over crystal power? These are things I absolutely have to see and play, and for them to cancel it would rock me.


Crystal Bearer
I count Bravely Default as an FF game as well so there's that, and possibly a Vita or 3DS port of Type-0.

Those two games are still sort of in limbo when it comes to a western release though. I'd like to see them as much as the next person, but given that 4 Heroes of Light bombed I don't think SEA is very eager to localize the spiritual sequel.


Been thinking about this, but what do you guys think the impact would be if Square really did cancel FF Versus XIII?

I'd be indifferent about it, not because of having lost faith in SE or stuff like that, but because I've pretty much seen no media related to Versus XIII since it's original reveal video with Noctis. I don't have much of an attachment to the game as a result, so while I'd be disappointed that it didn't come out, it wouldn't really change much for me.

Hell, the only reason I own a 3DS (which was given to me as a gift) is because of Theatrhythm and KH3D.

As for impact on the industry though... I can't imagine Versus XIII getting cancelled changing much of the public opinion as lot of people have about SE.
Been thinking about this, but what do you guys think the impact would be if Square really did cancel FF Versus XIII?

Obviously to me it would be disappointment like no other, but what does every one else think? Aside from Versus, the next new FFs to look forward to are a sequel to FFXIII-2 and FFXIV 2.0.

I guess the options/opinions I can think of range from complete and utter embarrassment for the company to a smart business move by making the decision to stop throwing bad money at bad money, and then other options in between.

I mean if VsXIII is really in that type of dire straits, and the team is basically still at ground zero (with I'm sure some salvageable assets and learnings at least), then it probably is the best thing to cancel the project.

This is my logical response.

I'd be extremely disappointed though, but excited to see SE shift focus to a project that can potentially come out as opposed to spinning their wheels trying to make VsXIII work.

It's going to be a big black eye, if true, regardless.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I wouldn't have a positive outlook if they don't comment on the rumour this week.

Jumble of thoughts here, but if Versus were cancelled:

For me in an individual sense, it doesn't make a difference because I never really had much stock into the game anyway. Outside of the art direction in terms of the architecture of buildings, I didn't care much for it.

For me, thinking about the company: well, that would underscore some sort of incompetence on SE's behalf. As someone who always used to look forward to their games with an open mind and with rapt attention, feeling enthusiastic about a new game, I've been treating their recent console outings with skepticism. If you told my younger/teenage self that I would eventually begin to look at FF games with caution or requiring to see more footage of battles, I'd be quite surprised. Mind you, I wasn't very enthusiastic or hyped for FFXIII either since I didn't find that it appealed to me.

To be honest, I don't know what I want out of FF anymore outside of having fun. I've had more fun with their portable offerings in general than their console stuff.

For the company: First they announce a game a few years prior to them actually putting work into it, there are rumours that it was still in pre-production up to last year, they release very little info about it six years after the announcement (never mind the whole closed theatre bit), only show cutscene info about it and a small section of gameplay which leaves much to be desired, concentrate on what Noctis is wearing including his glowy shoes, and they barely let the game's creator talk about it in interviews after so many years? If they had been working on it from time to time in the years since its announcement, then that would be a disappointment in that they probably threw money at it for those Roen clothes, art direction, trailer production, cutscene production, music production, etc.

Get your priorities straight, really. Announce games after you do some work for it and have a trailer/demo to show for it at the very least.

If that entire bit about FFX HD being announced far before they even started work on it is true, then they really need to start working on department-to-department communication and appropriate scheduling/timelines for this company. Also, Wada's management of the company should be called into question, and people should keep Toriyama away from a word processor/writing utensils forever.

For the company in terms of perception: well, that's kind of a hard thing to think about, really. Does SE/the FF brand still have the same pull as it did in the past? What does their target demographic (tweens/teens/young adults) think of FF?

At least a few years ago, I knew people who weren't into FF, but looked forward to Versus because this trailer looked cool.


I think I'd lose a lot of faith in Square-Enix if they cancelled Versus-XIII.

That isn't to say I had a ton of investment in vsXIII. I wasn't actually following the game a ton, and I wasn't really hyped up like a lot of gaf was. I don't tend to get like that until a game is pretty close to release anyway. No, I'd lose faith with them as a functional company. Honestly, I think they're on a sort of death spiral at this point, and canceling a project that was ongoing for that long would just be crushing. FF12 took so long to come out, and had so many internal problems, leading to one of my favorite directors, Matsuno, leaving the company. FF13 was a great game, but their weird whining about HD towns being hard and what have you was just bad. That, and I personally just think they went in the wrong direction with that game. They're focusing way way too much on graphics. That's why the HD towns are hard stuff bugs me. They're not. Look at Lost Odyssey and other RPGs from this generation. They're not hard if you don't try and make your game look crazy. We don't need that. Just give us a full RPG, and we'll be happy. And on top of that, FF14 was released completely unfinished and by all accounts terrible.

I basically feel like they're doing nothing but blunders at this point. They can't seem to keep it together and release anything right.


Been thinking about this, but what do you guys think the impact would be if Square really did cancel FF Versus XIII?

Obviously to me it would be disappointment like no other, but what does every one else think? Aside from Versus, the next new FFs to look forward to are a sequel to FFXIII-2 and FFXIV 2.0.

As much as I'm looking forward to 13-2 and 2.0 canceling versus will probably screw them over very hard. This is the game that many many people have been looking forward and the backlash and bad press will not be pretty.

They should of never showed the game off in the first place.


I basically feel like they're doing nothing but blunders at this point. They can't seem to keep it together and release anything right.

This may not be the thread for this, but this, to me personally, isn't an accurate statement.

This year alone they've released Theatrhythm and KH3D, and FFXIII-2, while flawed, I did enjoy. Last year was Deus Ex: HR (published, I know, but I doubt it'd exist without SE funding), Dissidia 012, Re:Coded, Tactics Ogre and FFIVCC, while the year before that was XIII, Birth by Sleep, Just Cause 2, Nier and 4 Heroes of Light. I guess it's fine to say that "they've done nothing but blunders" if you're only looking at Final Fantasy, but I don't measure the quality of SE by just what they do with FF.


Maybe its just me, but nothing about Versus ever looked all that great. But I have a hard time getting past the way the characters look to begin with. If they canceled it, then that makes them look pretty bad professionally, but I can't say I care much. Actually, if it speeds up 15 getting out the door. . . well, yeah.

But either way, don't get the whole doom and gloom stuff.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I would rather get an FFXV now as opposed to anything XIII-related new.

We need a new world and mythology now. The FNC sorta feels like old hat at the moment, and it doesn't really help that I never became invested in the world or mythos all that much.


I don't really think the mythology feels old hat, since it's tackled differently in each game. Type-0's interpretation is dramatically different from FF13's.
I would rather get an FFXV now as opposed to anything XIII-related new.

We need a new world and mythology now. The FNC sorta feels like old hat at the moment, and it doesn't really help that I never became invested in the world or mythos all that much.

Ivalice OTOH I could probably never get enough of, even after all the games that were already set in that universe.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
On the subject of DLC... and now that it's all out... what did people think of XIII-2's add on content?

Colosseum battles are great, the episodes though a wasted opportunity. Outfits and weapons, I don't even consider them.
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